Book Collection
Nomos eLibrary provides access to academic books and journals in the subject areas of law, political sciences, economics, media and communication sciences, history, sociology, education and cultural studies, European Union, health sciences. The book selection has been continuously extended through the acquisition of individual eBook packages by MPG libraries. From volume 2022 onwards, access is given to the complete Nomos eBook portfolio. Max Planck researchers can publish their scientific work with Nomos as a print and in parallel as an Open Access eBook in the Nomos eLibrary. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Fulltext Database
The resource provides online access to volumes 1929-2011 of "Literaturnaya Gazeta", one of the oldest Russian newspapers focusing on topics relating to literature studies. The newspaper became the official organ of the association of Soviet authors and underwent a change of content from a pure literature organ to a newspaper covering the broader fields of literature, arts, politics and social issues. It consequently represents an outstanding source work for literature scholars on the one hand, but also for artistic-aesthetic, social, political and historical issues from Soviet times in particular. Among the official state newspapers, it can be regarded as a kind of "alternative" newspaper to "Pravda" or "Izvestia" that were completely true to party principles.
Fulltext Database • Journal Collection • Book Collection
ingentaconnect hosts scholarly books and journals from a range of different publishers. Millions of articles, chapters and reports are available for you to search across, and access to full text is available by pay-per-view or by subscription to individual publications.
Fulltext Database
The platform provides access to various online products of the publisher Editorial Projects in Education. This includes full text access to: * Education Week - a U.S. national newspaper focusing on K-12 education policy, serving as a bridge between the worlds of policy and practice. * Education Week Teacher - a collection of news and information, along with opinion blogs, and webinars, targeted at teacher-leaders. * Education Week Digital Directions - a magazine published three times a year that covers news, trends, and best practices in educational technology. * Teacher Professional Development Sourcebook - a directory published twice a year, listing products and services for teachers.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
EBSCO has partnered with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) to provide digital access to what is by far the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877. In total, more than 6,500 periodicals will be available, eclipsing all other online resources in this area.
Factual Database
The Aktienführer (equities guide) comprises yearly profiles of companies registered with German stock markets, containing key figures. Among the data are company domicile, field of activity, number of employees, interests, share holders, data from balance and income statement, etc.
Fulltext Database
Anthropology Online brings together a wide range of written ethnographies, field notes, seminal texts, memoirs, and contemporary studies, covering human behavior the world over. It will grow to become the most comprehensive resource for the study of social and cultural life yet created. Cross-searchable with Ethnographic Video Online, Anthropology Online provides sociologists, anthropologists, cultural historians, and others with complete works of the key practitioners and theorists alike throughout the discipline. The majority of the content is in English, with some French and German material. Geographical coverage is global, with special focus given outside the developed world. Ranging from 19th century to the present day, Anthropology Online documents the history and development of the discipline itself, while also providing the most comprehensive tool for current trends and contemporary study.
A comprehensive online resource for the visual study of human culture and behavior and the largest, most affordable streaming video collection of its kind, Ethnographic Video Online contains more than 500 hours of classic and contemporary documentaries produced by leading video producers in the discipline; previously unpublished footage from working anthropologists and ethnographers in the field; and select feature films. Wherever possible, videos include accompanying field notes, liner notes, filmmaker biographies, related articles, study guides, and other context-enhancing, full-text materials. Publishing partners include Documentary Educational Resources (DER) and other leading video content providers in the discipline. Global in scope, Ethnographic Video Online contains footage from every continent and hundreds of unique cultures, and is particularly rich in its coverage of the developing world.
Book Collection
The database contains 18th and 19th century primary literature in German, English, and French from the Corvey library, and thus presents the holdings of a library of the nobility preserved as a whole. Nearly all textual genres are represented, whereas the contentual focus lies on the Romantic period between 1790 and 1840 (1870, respectively). The collection is structured in a modular way with regard to languages and textual genres, and comprises 5,952 works which are provided in digital form for the first time. It does not overlap but supplements the content of the (also DFG-licensed) databases: * German Language Women's Literature * English Language Women's Literature * Wales related Fiction of the Romantic Period
Journal Collection
IGI Global is an international publishing company that specializes in scholarly research publications and databases covering all aspects of information science technology utilization and management. Access to the full texts of the journal collection was provided by a MPG subscription until the end of 2022. Beginning January 1st, 2023, IGI Global journals flipped to fully OA can be easily accessed directly through their respective webpages.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
EBSCO has partnered with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) to provide digital access to what is by far the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877. In total, more than 6,500 periodicals will be available, eclipsing all other online resources in this area. Series 5 presents over 2,500 titles dating from 1866 through 1877. The themes presented in Series 5 reflect a nation that persevered through a most difficult set of circumstances: a bloody civil war that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, the incorporation of the recently-freed African Americans into American life, and a population that rapidly expanded into the Western territories.
Fulltext Database • Book Collection
The edition is based on the series "Heinemann's African Writers Series", a comprehensive collection of modern African 20th century literature. The series comprises more than 300 titles and contains poetry, drama, and non-fictional literature by authors like Ama Ata Aidoo, Mongo Beti, Steve Biko, Dennis Brutus, Cyprian Ekwensi, Buchi Emecheta, Bessie Head, Luis Bernardo Honwana, Chenjerai Hove, Nelson Mandela, Jack Mapanje, and Veronique Tadjo.
Fulltext Database
"Izvestiia" ("News") is a daily newspaper published countrywide in Russia. Though, within the (by now) wide variety of the Russian media landscape, it counts among the newspapers with the widest circulation even today, its significance for research in the field of Eastern Europe studies is mainly based on the Soviet period. Izvestiia is an important resource for interdisciplinary research of the entire period of communist rule from 1917 to 1991, as well as of the Soviet reception by the West.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
Complete archive of AIAA conference proceedings (approximately 120,000 papers) and the content from nine AIAA journals (about 50,000 journal articles), within the period 1963 - 2007.
Journal Collection
PsychiatryOnline is a platform providing access to the journals published by the American Psychiatric Association. The subscription covers access to the archival collections of four of the publishing society's e-journals, specializing in the areas of psychiatry, psychotherapy, and psychosomatics. This includes all content from volume 1 until the year 2005.
Book Collection
Duncker & Humblot is a German producer of high-quality academic research and scholarly publications, especially in the fields of law and social science. The Duncker & Humblot eLibrary provides users from the Max Planck Society with access to following products: * e-book collections 2007-2010, containing about 900 e-books in the fields of law, economics, social sciences, history, politics, philosophy and literary studies. * e-book collection Economics 1996–2005, containing about 360 e-books * e-book collection 'Best of reprints' Economics and Finance 1875–1941, containing about 100 e-books The collection is continuously extended by single e-book acquisitions by MPG libraries.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
EBSCO has partnered with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) to provide digital access to what is by far the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877. In total, more than 6,500 periodicals will be available, eclipsing all other online resources in this area. Series 3 presents over 1,800 titles dating from 1838 through 1852. The themes presented in Series 3 reveal a rapidly growing young nation, where industrialization, the railroads, regional political differences, and life on the western frontier were daily realities.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
EBSCO has partnered with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) to provide digital access to what is by far the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877. In total, more than 6,500 periodicals will be available, eclipsing all other online resources in this area. Series 4 presents over 1,200 titles dating from 1853 through 1865. While the Civil War is a focal point of the collection there is also a diverse record of the continuance of daily life for many Americans, both leading up to and during the war.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
The New Republic Archive comprises all editions of the journal "The New Republic" in full text, from its first edition in 1914 until 2010. It is a political and cultural paper which in its essays, comments, and analyses deals both with internal and foreign political topics concerning the USA, and with cultural and educational policy, art and literature. Among its authors are many excellent journalists and writers. Whereas regarding internal politics its orientation is predominantly left-wing, its attitude towards foreign affairs is more conservative.
Fulltext Database
The Financial Times Historical Archive delivers the complete searchable facsimile run of the world’s most authoritative daily business newspaper. Every item ever printed in the paper can be searched and browsed article by article and page by page. The archive additionally comprises the supplements 'Financial Times Magazine' and 'How to Spend it'.