Duncker and Humblot eLibrary

Duncker & Humblot is a German producer of high-quality academic research and scholarly publications, especially in the fields of law and social science. The Duncker & Humblot eLibrary provides users from the Max Planck Society with access to following products:

* e-book collections 2007-2010, containing about 900 e-books in the fields of law, economics, social sciences, history, politics, philosophy and literary studies.
* e-book collection Economics 1996–2005, containing about 360 e-books
* e-book collection 'Best of reprints' Economics and Finance 1875–1941, containing about 100 e-books

The collection is continuously extended by single e-book acquisitions by MPG libraries.

Duncker and Humblot eLibrary

Duncker & Humblot is a German producer of high-quality academic research and scholarly publications, especially in the fields of law and social science. The Duncker & Humblot eLibrary provides users from the Max Planck Society with access to following products:

* e-book collections 2007-2010, containing about 900 e-books in the fields of law, economics, social sciences, history, politics, philosophy and literary studies.
* e-book collection Economics 1996–2005, containing about 360 e-books
* e-book collection 'Best of reprints' Economics and Finance 1875–1941, containing about 100 e-books

The collection is continuously extended by single e-book acquisitions by MPG libraries.

Title (Alternative):Duncker & Humblot eBooks e-Books electronic Books
Content Included:
Provider:Duncker & Humblot
Language: German, English
Subject Category:Social Sci. + Humanities
Subject:Literature, Philosophy, Political Science, History, Sociology, Economics, Law
Keyword:Finance, Social sciences
Resource Type:Book Collection
Scope:Max Planck Society
Usage Conditions:
Funding:Access to "Duncker & Humblot E-Books WIRTSCHAFTSWISSENSCHAFTEN 1996–2005" and "Duncker & Humblot E-Books 'Best of reprints' WIRTSCHAFT & FINANZEN 1875–1941" has been enabled by the advancement of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and is organized by the ZBW - Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Related Records:Content searchable via: MPG e-Book Index