Fulltext Database
The database comprises digitized English newspapers and flyers (altogether 1,270 titles) of the 17th and 18th century, from the collection of the clergyman Charles Burney (1757-1817).
Book Collection • Fulltext Database
Collection of 60 titles by German-speaking citizens who emigrated to the United States in the 19th century. In view of the failed revolution of the years 1848 / 1849, this collection of the so called 'forty-eighters' documents their influences on the development of the USA in the 19th century. The collection includes, for example, titles by / about * Carl Schurz * Karl Heinzen * Gustav Koerner * Friedrich Kapp * Heinrich Rattermann * Mathilde F. Anneke
Journal Collection
The portal brings together rare journals printed in Great Britain between c. 1685 and 1815, illuminating all aspects of eighteenth-century social, political and literary life. Many are ephemeral, lasting only for a handful of issues, others run for several years. Topics covered are extremely wide-ranging and include: the writings of Sir Isaac Newton; the French Revolution; reviews of literature and fashion throughout Europe; political debates; and coffee house gossip and discussion. * Eighteenth Century Journals I (ECJ I) contains material from the Hope Collection at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, one of the finest surviving collections of eighteenth-century periodicals. * Eighteenth Century Journals II (ECJ II) comprises more than 70 popular 18th century journals held by the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center. The journals have been selected from the bibliography of Powell Stewart (British newspapers and periodicals, 1632-1800). The titles chosen for this project have been screened carefully against EEBO, Early English Newspapers and ECCO so that there is minimal overlap with these projects.
Fulltext Database
As a representative selection from the newspaper collection of the British Library the database contains full texts of 47 British newspapers from the 19th century (approx. 2 million digitized pages). The selection considers both national and regional newspapers.
Fulltext Database
The database contains exclusively English full texts from approx. 250 newspapers from all states and territories of the US, published between 1800 and 1900, and comprises approx. 1.5 million pages. Digitization is based on holdings of the Library of Congress, the Wisconsin Historical Society, the South Carolina Library, the Western Reserve Historical Society, the Scholarly Resources Archives, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania and the Maryland State Archive.
Fulltext Database
This edition of Twentieth Century North American Drama contains more than 1000 plays by north american playwrights of the twentieth century, together with detailed, fielded information on related productions, theaters, production companies, and more. The database also includes selected playbills, production photographs and other ephemera related to the plays. An essential part of the plays are published here for the first time, including a number by major authors.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
EBSCO has partnered with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) to provide digital access to what is by far the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877. In total, more than 6,500 periodicals will be available, eclipsing all other online resources in this area. Series 1 presents 550 titles dating from 1691 through 1820. Representing over two centuries of print culture and ranging from early works imported by the colonists to later titles published on American soil on the eve of the Revolution and during the early republic. The subject matter is broad in scope and covers all aspects of American society during this time period.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
EBSCO has partnered with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) to provide digital access to what is by far the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877. In total, more than 6,500 periodicals will be available, eclipsing all other online resources in this area.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
EBSCO has partnered with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) to provide digital access to what is by far the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877. In total, more than 6,500 periodicals will be available, eclipsing all other online resources in this area. Series 2 presents over 1000 titles dating from 1821 through 1837. The subject matter covered in Series 2 represents the Jacksonian Democracy era in history and is broad in scope and includes agriculture, entertainment, history, literary criticism, and politics.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
EBSCO has partnered with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) to provide digital access to what is by far the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877. In total, more than 6,500 periodicals will be available, eclipsing all other online resources in this area. Series 3 presents over 1,800 titles dating from 1838 through 1852. The themes presented in Series 3 reveal a rapidly growing young nation, where industrialization, the railroads, regional political differences, and life on the western frontier were daily realities.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
EBSCO has partnered with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) to provide digital access to what is by far the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877. In total, more than 6,500 periodicals will be available, eclipsing all other online resources in this area. Series 4 presents over 1,200 titles dating from 1853 through 1865. While the Civil War is a focal point of the collection there is also a diverse record of the continuance of daily life for many Americans, both leading up to and during the war.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
EBSCO has partnered with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) to provide digital access to what is by far the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877. In total, more than 6,500 periodicals will be available, eclipsing all other online resources in this area. Series 5 presents over 2,500 titles dating from 1866 through 1877. The themes presented in Series 5 reflect a nation that persevered through a most difficult set of circumstances: a bloody civil war that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, the incorporation of the recently-freed African Americans into American life, and a population that rapidly expanded into the Western territories.
Fulltext Database
This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including full text for nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles.
Journal Collection
The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing the fulltext collection of all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books. The MPG subscription provides access to nearly the entire ACM Digital Library, excluding the ACM Books series content. In addition, the Max Planck Society covers open access publication charges for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Book Collection • Journal Collection
The Publications Division of the American Chemical Society strives to provide its members and the worldwide scientific community with a comprehensive collection of high-quality information products and services, stretching across chemistry, physics, and biology. Currently, the MPG subscription covers access to * ACS Journals - about 80 magazines and peer-reviewed journals, including more than 1 million articles dating back to the inaugural volume of the Journal of the American Chemical Society in 1879. * ACS Symposium Series Online - a peer-reviewed collection of e-books from the ACS Symposium Series and Advances in Chemistry book series. The series contains an archive of more than 1,200 books dating back to the first Advances in Chemistry Series title published in 1949. The MPG subscription also covers article-processing charges for Max Planck authors in ACS journals. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Fulltext Database
The Acta Sanctorum are one of the most important sources for the exploration of society and culture in the Early Christian and medieval Europe. Our knowledge of this epoch is almost exclusively based on the Hagiographic literature, in particular on this monumental collection of texts published over a period of 300 years by the Societé des Bollandistes. The Acta Sanctorum Database contains the complete text of the 68 volumes printed. -- Die Acta Sanctorum sind eine der wichtigsten Quellen für die Erforschung von Gesellschaft und Kultur im frühchristlichen und mittelalterlichen Europa. Unser Wissen über diese Epoche stützt sich nahezu ausschließlich auf die hagiographische Literatur, insbesondere auf diese monumentale Textsammlung, die über einen Zeitraum von 300 Jahren von der Société des Bollandistes veröffentlicht wurde. Die Acta Sanctorum Datenbank enthält den gesamten Text der 68 gedruckten Bände.
Reference Work
Als historisch-biographische Lexika sind die ADB (55 Bände und ein Register, 1875-1912) und die NDB (23 Bände, seit 1953) erstrangige Informationsmittel zu ca. 90.000 Personen, die im deutschsprachigen Raum in herausragender Weise wirksam waren. Vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart werden alle Bereiche des öffentlichen, wissenschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Lebens berücksichtigt.
Fulltext Database
The Afghan Central Press collection brings together four national Afghan publications publishing in Kabul, whose fame provides an understanding of developments in Afghanistan during most of the 20th century. The english Kabul Times is presented alongside the Pashto publications Anīs (انیس, Companion), Hewād (هیواد, Homeland), and Iṣlāḥ (اصلاح, Reform). Accessible under the national licence are the years 1942 to 2020.
Fulltext Database
The Afghan Serials Collection is an essential collection of partisan serials from the Wahdat Library, the most comprehensive private collection of rare newspapers and journals from Afghanistan. This collection is a major contribution to the preservation of the history of the region and is comprised of the careful selection of more than 2,500 individual issues of 46 newspapers and journals published in Persian, Pushto, Arabic, Urdu, and English. The collection covers the use of the press by many groups that sought to shape Afghanistan’s social and intellectual landscape including the Communist People’s Democratic Party (PDPA); exiled loyalists to the deposed Afghan monarchy; independent humanitarians and intellectuals seeking to better their country; anti-Soviet mujaheddin groups from a range of political movements; the Taliban; and minority political parties that have emerged following the post-2001 transition towards democracy.
Fulltext Database
African American Newspapers, Series 1, 1827-1998, provides online access to 280 U.S. newspapers chronicling a century and a half of the African American experience. This unique collection, which includes papers from more than 35 states, features many rare and historically significant 19th-century titles. Newly digitized, these newspapers published by or for African Americans can now be browsed and searched as never before.