Fulltext Database • Book Collection
The Islamic Studies Collection of the Arabic provider Al Manhal provides access to more than 2,000 ebooks mainly in Arabic on the topics of Islamic theology, Islamic law and Islamic history.
Fulltext Database
ALEX umfasst digitalisierte historische österreichische Rechts- und Gesetzestexte. Neben den gesamtstaatlichen Gesetzblättern stehen die Landesgesetzblätter, die Justizgesetzsammlung, die Stenographischen Protokolle und das Deutsche Reichsgesetzblatt zur Verfügung.
Fulltext Database
Besides the “Awards and Decisions”, the following documents are available: "Declaration of the government of the democratic and popular Republic of Algeria" also known as: "General Declaration", "Declaration of the government of the democratic and popular republic of Algeria concerning the settlement of claims by the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran" also known as "Claims settlement declaration" and "Tribunal rules of procedure".
Fulltext Database
Die Datenbank bietet Zugang zur steuerrechtlichen Entscheidungssammlung und Kommentierung aller V-Entscheidungen des Bundesfinanzhofs sowie zur Online-Version der beiden Zeitschriften „BFH/NV“ sowie „BFH/PR“. Sie beinhaltet: - V- und NV-Entscheidungen des Bundesfinanzhofs - Urteile der Finanzgerichte, des EuGH, des BVerfG und der Obersten Bundesgerichte zu Steuerfragen - Kommentierungen zu BFH-Entscheidungen sowie zu Urteilen der Finanzgerichte, des BVerfG sowie des EuGH - Online-Seminare "Steuerrecht aktuell".
Fulltext Database
Delivers online access to scholarly books from Bloomsbury’s award-winning Academic division. Spanning the humanities and social sciences, the site features the latest research publications from Bloomsbury, T&T Clark, The Arden Shakespeare and Hart Publishing, alongside scholarship from historic imprints Continuum, Berg and Bristol Classical Press. The current MPI Crime, Security & Law subscription comprises following collections: * Criminal Law and Justice collection * Legal Philosophy collection * Constitutional and Administrative Law
Fulltext Database
The Bundesanzeiger VergabePortal is the most complete, up-to-date and accurate database on public procurement law. It contains the entire procurement literature of the Bundesanzeiger Verlag (GWB, VgV, UVgO, VOL/A, VOL/B, VOB/A, VOB/B, SektVO, KonzVgV, VSVgV), including: *14 comments and manuals, * 28 practical guides, * 24 journals (VergabeNavigator, VergabeNews, VergabeFokus), * over 13,000 decisions and 400 standards from VERIS and * guidelines, checklists and working aids. -- Das Bundesanzeiger VergabePortal ist die vollständigste, aktuellste und treffsicherste Datenbank am Markt zum Vergaberecht. Sie enthält die gesamte Vergabe-Fachliteratur des Bundesanzeiger Verlags (GWB, VgV, UVgO, VOL/A, VOL/B, VOB/A, VOB/B, SektVO, KonzVgV, VSVgV). Hierzu gehören: *14 Kommentare und Handbücher, * 28 Praxisratgeber, * 24 Fachzeitschriften (VergabeNavigator, VergabeNews, VergabeFokus), * über 13.000 Entscheidungen und 400 Normen aus VERIS sowie * Leitfäden, Checklisten und Arbeitshilfen.
Fulltext Database
On its website, the Federal Constitutional Court has published English-language versions of selected decisions since 1998. The decisions published on the website are anonymised and may have been abridged in consultation with the Justices concerned. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht veröffentlicht auf seinen Internetseiten alle wesentlichen Entscheidungen ab 1998. Dies sind alle Senatsentscheidungen (nicht aber Nebenentscheidungen wie z.B. Streitwertbeschlüsse und Kostenfestsetzungen) und viele begründete Kammerbeschlüsse. Betreffen mehrere Verfahren einen einheitlichen Sachverhalt und führen deswegen zu weitgehend einheitlichen Entscheidungen, wird nur das Pilotverfahren veröffentlicht. Die auf den Internetseiten veröffentlichten Texte sind anonymisiert, aber ungekürzt.
Fulltext Database
The CODICES database contains the full text of over 10 000 judgments from over 100 courts mainly in English and in French, but also in other languages, as well as summaries of these judgments (précis) in English and in French. CODICES also contains the laws on constitutional courts and courts with equivalent jurisdiction and the constitutions of nearly all the Venice Commission member and observer states as well as other information including court descriptions and the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice’s mini-conference reports.
Fulltext Database
Courses at the Hague Academy are published in the Collected Courses. The contributions deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law. Besides the "Collected Courses" / "Recueil des cours", the database also provides access to further publications of the Hague Academy: * “Colloques/Workshop Series” : papers of organized workshops * publications of “The Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations” * “Special Editions” : handbooks on selected topics of international law.
Fulltext Database
The meta-search engine of National Case Law was created by the Network of the Presidents of the European Supreme Courts. It has been released in April 2007 and allows to simultaneously query several search engines Reproduced and adapted from the original language editions of the Eurovoc Thesaurus (Edition 4.3) European Communities, 2009 Responsibility for the reproduction and adaptation lies entirely with the Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union.
Fulltext Database
Zugang zu den Paketen Civil, Affaire, Droit international et Européen
Fulltext Database
Zugang zum Pack "Pénal" und Pack "Public": enthält u.a.: Codes: Code pénal, Code de procédure pénale, Code de la route, Code de la sécurité intérieure, Code des douanes, Code de l'entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d'asile, Code constitutionnel et des droits fondamentaux, Code de la défense, Code de l'éducation, Code électoral, Code du service national, Code de justice administrative, Code des marchés publics et autres contrats, Code minier, Code de l'organisation judiciaire,Code du patrimoine Revues: Recueil Dalloz, AJ Pénal, Revue de Science Criminelle, AJDA, AJCT, AJFP, Recueil Lebon, Constitutions, RFDA
Fulltext Database
DRQEdit aims to digitize German juristic literature from the 15th and 16th century.Included is literature concerning the Rezeption of the Roman right, the transition of the Ius comune in normative texts and juridical literature. DRQEdit hat das Ziel, die deutschsprachige juristische Literatur des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts als Corpus im WWW verfügbar zu machen. Damit geht es um die Rezeption des römischen Rechts, um die Übernahme des an den Universitäten gelehrten Ius commune in Normtexte und juristische Gebrauchsliteratur. Diese Werke sind zum großen Teil schwer zugänglich - für wenige gibt es moderne Editionen; die übrigen gibt es oft nur in wenigen Exemplaren, für deren Benutzung man den jeweiligen Handschriftenlesesaal vor Ort aufsuchen muss.
Fulltext Database • Miscellaneous
The ECOLEX database includes information on treaties, international soft-law and other non-binding policy and technical guidance documents, national legislation, judicial decisions, and law and policy literature. Users have direct access to the abstracts and indexing information about each document, as well as to the full text of most of the information provided.
Fulltext Database
Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Zivilsachen (RGZ) contains the complete collection of decisions by the Reichsgericht in civil cases between 1880 and 1945. The collection comprises 172 volumes with more than 15.000 decisions on approx. 91.000 pages. Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Strafsachen (RGSt) offers access to the complete collection of decisions in criminal cases between 1880 to 1944. The collections comprises 77 volumes with approx. 36.000 pages.
Fulltext Database
This database includes hundreds of titles on International Law subjects such as War & Peace, the Nuremberg Trials, Law of the Sea, International Arbitration, Hague Conferences and Conventions and much more.
Fulltext Database
The database contains detailed mapping of over 100 investment laws around the globe. Together with UNCTAD's databases on policy measures, international investment agreements and dispute settlement, it represents the key features of national and international investment policies.The online Investment Laws Navigator allows users to access the full text of the national investment laws and search for key topics (e.g. entry conditions, investment promotion, dispute settlement) as well as for individual law articles (e.g. definition of investment, national treatment, expropriation clause). The UNCTAD Investment Laws database also offers a tool for policymakers, companies, academics and others to compare investment laws between countries and analyse their coherence between national investment laws and international investment agreements. Research is possible in six parts of the database: * Investment Policy Framework * Investment Policy Review * Investment Policy Monitor * Investment Laws * International Investment Agreements * Investment Dispute Settlement
Fulltext Database
The Humanities & Social Sciences Collection is Informit’s core academic research collection. This multidisciplinary collection provides access to fresh perspectives in the arts, communication, education, history, linguistics, politics and more. It is dedicated to content from and about Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific and South East Asia, with articles by scholars worldwide.
Fulltext Database
Integrum World Wide is the largest full text database of Russia and the CIS. Among other content, the database comprises hourly updated texts from the Russian and English press (regional and national newspapers and periodicals, monitoring services from TV and radio, press agencies), statistics (Goskomstat), legal texts, governmental publications, patents (Rospatent), belletristics, bibliographic databases of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION), internet sources, address and phone directories, Yellow Pages, etc.
Fulltext Database • Reference Database
International Commercial Arbitration (ICMA) provides access to some of the leading works relevant to international commercial arbitration.
Fulltext Database
Investment Claims provides access to a collection of materials and analysis on international investment law and arbitration, including hundreds of awards and decisions, BITs, monographs, and more.
Fulltext Database
juris Spectrum is a retrieval tool for the complete spectrum of legal information related to the Federal Republic of Germany. The resource covers German jurisprudence, federal and state laws, executive order laws, administrative instructions, labor agreements, literature/facts, selected journals in full text, and press releases. The MPG subscription also includes access to the juris Analytics module. This feature analyses millions of legal data from German jurisprudence offering statistical and data visualisation.
Fulltext Database
The content of Juris is available. In addition, OVS (LEGIOS) provides access to full texts of commentaries, handbooks and journals. The diversified database is made available as a cooperation between the publisher Dr. Otto Schmidt and juris GmbH. -- Die Inhalte von juris sind verfügbar. Zusätzlich bietet OVS (LEGIOS) Zugriff auf Kommentare, Handbücher und Fachzeitschriften im Volltext. Das Angebot wird in einer Kooperation vom Dr. Otto Schmidt Verlag und der juris GmbH bereitgestellt.
Fulltext Database
The complete spectrum of legal information (Federal Republic of Germany) is available by Juris: Jurisprudence, press releases, literature/facts, laws and executive order laws, the German Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger), and administrative instructions. In addition, the content of Staudinger Online is available. -- Mit Juris steht Ihnen das komplette Spektrum an rechtlichen Informationen (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) zur Verfügung: Rechtsprechung, Pressemitteilungen, Literatur/Fakten, Gesetze und Rechtsverordnungen, Bundesanzeiger und Verwaltungsvorschriften. Zusätzlich sind die Inhalte von Staudinger Online verfügbar.
Fulltext Database
Online resource for international arbitration research. Coverage: legislation, case law, bilateral investment treaties, commentary, conventions, rules. Access to books, journals and loose-leafs from the Kluwer Law International arbitration catalogue.
Fulltext Database
Kluwer International Tax Law, is a state of the art, intuitive research platform for Tax Professionals leveraging Wolters Kluwer’s top international content and practical tools providing answers Kluwer International Tax Law ist eine hochmoderne, intuitive Forschungsplattform für Steuerfachleute, die internationale Top-Inhalte und praktische Tools von Wolters Kluwer nutzt.
Fulltext Database
Electronic editions of selected titles of the series International encyclopaedia of laws (and other loose-leaf publications). Elektronische Ausgaben ausgewählter Titel der Reihe International encyclopaedia of laws (sowie weiterer Loseblattausgaben).
Fulltext Database
Journal articles and e-books on competition law and adjacent fields of law e.g. antitrust law, are available as full text. Additionally, you can access commentaries and jurisdictions from individual countries. -- Zeitschriftenartikel und E-Books zum Wettbewerbsrecht und angrenzenden Rechtsgebieten, wie z.B. Kartellrecht, stehen als Volltext zur Verfügung. Zudem können Kommentare und Rechtsprechungen einzelner Länder abgerufen werden. Themen: Rechtswissenschaften, Wettbewerbsrecht, Kartellrecht, Rechtsprechung, Kommentar
Fulltext Database
Swiss legal database, including "Basler Kommentare". Licensed modules: Privatrecht, Zivilprozessrecht ---- Schweizer Datenbank mit Schwerpunkt Basler Kommentare. Lizensierte Module: Privatrecht, Zivilprozessrecht
Fulltext Database
One of the most comprehensive commentaries of the Criminal Code. Eine der umfassendsten Kommentierungen des Strafgesetzbuches.
Fulltext Database
Lexis Advance enables access to a collection of full texts for legal research and economic matters. The collection contains legal materials such as statutes and regulations from international and regional jurisdictions, business and industry information, country and company reports, as well as newspaper and bibliographic databases. To analyze and validate citations, the Shepard's® Citations Service is available.
Fulltext Database
Online source in the field of legal research in Turkish Law. Comprehensive legal content which contains legislation, case law, legal books and articles.
Fulltext Database
Research portal of the Linde publishing house in Austria. Recherche-Portal des Linde Verlags in Österreich.
Fulltext Database
One of the most comprehensive commentaries of the StPO, the GVG, the EGGVG as well as parts of the MRK and the IPBPR. Eine der umfassendsten und grundlegendsten Kommentierungen der StPO, des GVG, des EGGVG sowie von Teilen der MRK und des IPBPR.
Fulltext Database
MOML 7 includes historical codes of law as well as commentaries on laws from all over the world. This module supports the research of comparative law and interdisciplinary fields touching the social sciences. Jurisdictions include Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, as well as other countries in northern and Eastern Europe. Of interest to historians is the inclusion of texts in Western languages on significant topics, such as Ausfuerhliches handbuch ueber den Code Napoleon (1810) and Motivi, Rapporti, opinioni e discorsi -- per la formazione del codice napoleone (1838-1849). The large British component, which includes Public General Acts, 1801-1922, assures that about half the titles are in English. In MOML 8, the legal systems of different countries are compared. It contains treatises and other legal writings, such as commentaries, encyclopaedia entries and monographs, mainly from the 19th and 20th centuries. The database is a digital collection of historical legal codes and similar statutory materials, as well as commentaries on codes from around the world, focusing on Italy, Spain, Portugal, Latin America (including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, and other countries), Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Egypt, and India. This archive supports the study of comparative law and the interdisciplinary fields of study that touch on the social sciences. Analogous materials from canon law and Roman law are also included.
Fulltext Database
The Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative and International Law, 1600-1926, gives any library the kind of historical resources previously found only at the largest and oldest repositories and gives even the most extensive libraries online access to foreign and international legal literature. Coverage is primarily from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, but there are also several hundred classics in European international law since the seventeenth century. FCIL includes pre-1926 treatises and similar monographs, sourced from the collections of the Yale, George Washington University, and Columbia law libraries, in the following areas: International Law; Comparative Law; Foreign Law; Roman Law; Islamic Law; Jewish Law; and Ancient Law.
Fulltext Database
The Making of Modern Law (MOML 1) enables the comprehensive exploration of modern law and its development in the 19th and 20th century. More than 10-million pages from works of the American and British history of law, which appeared between 1800 and 1926, can be researched in the fulltext. In doing so, almost all aspects of the American and British law are covered. These aspects are opened up by a searchable representation of 99 areas of law. The approximately 21,000 works comprise casebooks, speeches, courtbooks, but also pamphlets and letters.
Fulltext Database
The product is the last part of the series, and comprises 1,740 titles of source material from the US legal history. Primarily based on holdings of the Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale University, the database offers online access to early state codes, city charters, documents relating to constitutional conventions (protocols, reports, etc.), historical legal reference works as well as the Primary Source microfilm collection Published Records of the American Colonies. This archive which is highly relevant for the legal, cultural and social history of the Anglo-American cultural area is searchable in full text.
Fulltext Database
MOML 5 of "The Making of modern law" contains municipal and state regulations and constitutional conventions from three centuries of American legal history. The database supports far-reaching research in legal and social history, from the eighteenth century to the era following World War II. Consisting of US state and territorial codes, municipal codes, and constitutional conventions and compilations. Included topics are the debate on slavery and the post-reconstruction racial law, women's suffrage, education and the school system.
Fulltext Database
The database continues the existing databases MOML 1 and 2 and supplements their content. The collection is thus complete. The full text database comprises documents, reports and materials about trials in America, the British Empire and France between 1600 and 1926. Special content is spectacular trials against historic persons, artists, etc. (Charles I, Oscar Wilde, Sacco and Vanzetti, Jeanne d'Arc). "Unofficial published accounts of trials, official trial documents, briefs and arguments" are an important source to legal, cultural and social history. Altogether, more than 10,000 items are available from the Law Library holdings of Harvard and Yale, the Library of the Bar of the City of New York and the Law Library of Congress. Approx. 2,000,000 pages are searchable in full text.
Fulltext Database
Containing nearly 11 million pages of records and briefs (more than 350.000 documents, 150.000 cases) brought before the U.S. Supreme Court, this product provides an essential primary source tool for the study of all aspects of American history as well as the U.S. judicial system.
Fulltext Database
Established in 1972, NCJRS is a federally funded resource offering justice and substance abuse information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide.
Book Collection • Fulltext Database
Oxford Handbooks Online in Law brings together the world's leading scholars to write review essays that evaluate the current thinking on a field or topic, and make an original argument about the future direction of the debate. Monthly updates introduce articles in advance of print publication and beyond the book, online-only content ensures the most current, authoritative coverage anywhere. We have purchased the collections Foundation (titles before 2012) as well as the collections 2012-2018 of the subject “Law”.
Reference Database • Fulltext Database
The OSF Preprints search combines records from various preprint repositories, including arXiv, bioRxiv, Cogprints, PeerJ, PsyArXiv, RePEc and SocArXiv.
Fulltext Database
Oxford International Organizations (OXIO) provides materials on the law of international organizations (NGOs are excluded) and enables comparative research across a wide range of organizations. It shows how international organizations have contributed to the development of international law. It collects and analyses primary materials on international organizations, ranging from their constituent instruments, resolutions, agreements with host states, to national and international court decisions and states' declarations and policy statements. The resource includes materials on lesser-known and regional organizations as well as well-known ones such as the UN, WHO, IMF, and World Bank.
Fulltext Database • Reference Database
The Oxford Legal Research Library provides access to leading works relevant to "International Commercial Arbitration" as well as "International Commercial Law" and "Private International Law". A title list can be found at https://olrl.ouplaw.com/page/476/ (the product "Financial and Banking Law" is not licensed).
Fulltext Database
Oxford Reports on International Law is intended to be a single point of reference for all international law jurisprudence, providing researchers access to the widest possible range of international law jurisprudence. Following modules are available: Oxford Reports on * International Law in Domestic Courts * International Courts of General Jurisdiction * International Human Rights Law * International Criminal Law * International Investment Claims *International Trade Law *International Law in EU Courts.
Fulltext Database • Reference Work
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice provides peer-reviewed overviews written by experts. All essays will be based on the latest, most impactful research and are written by active and well-respected scholars within the discipline.
Fulltext Database
The archive contains printed papers and stenographical reports of the German Bundestag since the 1st legislative period. Research is possible by number of document or thematical. In diesem elektronischen Archiv können sämtliche Drucksachen und Stenografischen Berichte des Deutschen Bundestages ab der 1. Wahlperiode recherchiert und im pdf-Format abgerufen werden. Die Dokumente sind mit ihrer jeweiligen Nummer (falls bekannt) oder mit inhaltlichen Suchbegriffen recherchierbar. Das Suchergebnis kann nachträglich z.B. durch Auswahl einer Wahlperiode, eines Drucksachentyps oder eines Urhebers weiter eingegrenzt werden.
Fulltext Database
"Recht für Deutschland" bietet Zugriff auf die Verkündungsblätter des Bundes (darunter u.a. Bundesanzeiger, Bundesgesetzblatt (BGbl.), Gemeinsames Ministerialblatt des Bundes (GMbl)) und der Länder (Gesetz- und Verordnungsblätter, (Justiz-)Ministerialblätter usw.).