Fulltext Database • Book Collection
The Islamic Studies Collection of the Arabic provider Al Manhal provides access to more than 2,000 ebooks mainly in Arabic on the topics of Islamic theology, Islamic law and Islamic history.
Fulltext Database
Anthropology Online brings together a wide range of written ethnographies, field notes, seminal texts, memoirs, and contemporary studies, covering human behavior the world over. It will grow to become the most comprehensive resource for the study of social and cultural life yet created. Cross-searchable with Ethnographic Video Online, Anthropology Online provides sociologists, anthropologists, cultural historians, and others with complete works of the key practitioners and theorists alike throughout the discipline. The majority of the content is in English, with some French and German material. Geographical coverage is global, with special focus given outside the developed world. Ranging from 19th century to the present day, Anthropology Online documents the history and development of the discipline itself, while also providing the most comprehensive tool for current trends and contemporary study.
Fulltext Database
Business Source Premier is a business research database, providing full text for nearly 8,200 serials, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed business publications. The database also includes other sources of full text information such as country economic reports from the EIU, Global Insight, ICON Group and CountryWatch and detailed company profiles for the world's largest companies. Additional full text, non-journal content includes market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles and SWOT analyses.
Fulltext Database
The database CEPR Discussion Paper Series And Policy Papers provides access to current economic publications from the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). The collection includes current research results in the field of economics.
Fulltext Database
The database covers an extensive range of archival material connected to the trading and cultural relationships that emerged between China, America and the Pacific region between the 18th and early 20th centuries. Manuscript sources, rare printed texts, visual images, objects and maps document this fascinating history.
Fulltext Database
Courses at the Hague Academy are published in the Collected Courses. The contributions deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law. Besides the "Collected Courses" / "Recueil des cours", the database also provides access to further publications of the Hague Academy: * “Colloques/Workshop Series” : papers of organized workshops * publications of “The Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations” * “Special Editions” : handbooks on selected topics of international law.
Fulltext Database
Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) is the most comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs. It publishes a wide range of scholarship from 1991 onward that includes working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, proceedings from conferences, books, journals and policy briefs. CIAO is also widely-recognized source for teaching materials including original case studies written by leading international affairs experts, course packs of background readings for history and political science classes, and special features like the analysis of a bin Laden recruitment tape with video.
Fulltext Database • Factual Database
The resource provides archival access to all country reports published by the Economists Intelligence Unit (EIU) from 1996. The most recent 4 volumes are not available. EIU country reports comprise information about the current and future economic and political development, about international trade as well as an overview over the most important economic indicators. The platform is hosted by the German National Library of Economics (ZBW) - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics.
Fulltext Database
Data Europa EU is a central point of access to European open data from international, European Union, national, regional, local and geodata portals. The official portal for Euopean data consolidates the former EU Open Data Portal and the European Data Portal. Data Europa EU gives access and fosters the reuse of European open data among citizens, business and organisations. The portal promotes and supports the release of more and better-quality metadata and data by the EU’s institutions, agencies and other bodies, and European countries, enhancing the transparency of European administrations. Furthermore, it is intended to educate citizens and organisations about the opportunities that arise from the availability of open data. Currently, Data Europa EU contains more than 1.5 million European public sector datasets grouped by over 180 catalogues and pertaining to different topical categories.
Book Collection • Fulltext Database
The collection licensed by the DFG comprises 1000 e-Books. In addition, access to 3,400 free electronic books from all subject areas is provided.
Fulltext Database
EconLit with Full Text contains all of the indexing available in EconLit, plus fulltext for more than 400 journals, including the American Economic Association journals with no embargo (American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Literature, and Journal of Economic Perspectives). This database also contains many non-English fulltext serials in economics and finance. This comprehensive file covers six types of records: journal articles, books, collective volume articles, dissertations, working papers, and book reviews.
Fulltext Database
The Economist Historical Archive comprises the complete content of all printed editions of the Economist from the years 1843 - 2012. The Economist is the most important international weekly for economic and financial policy. Articles are presented as color images. For the archive full text search with different indexes has been set up. The archive supports export of the "Economic / Financial Indicator" in Excel format, and has a gallery of title images with marked key topics for every week. The DFG subscription covers the years 1843 - 2006 only, but currently full text access has been granted to the complete historical archive.
Fulltext Database
The Financial Times Historical Archive delivers the complete searchable facsimile run of the world’s most authoritative daily business newspaper. Every item ever printed in the paper can be searched and browsed article by article and page by page. The archive additionally comprises the supplements 'Financial Times Magazine' and 'How to Spend it'.
Fulltext Database
Integrum World Wide is the largest full text database of Russia and the CIS. Among other content, the database comprises hourly updated texts from the Russian and English press (regional and national newspapers and periodicals, monitoring services from TV and radio, press agencies), statistics (Goskomstat), legal texts, governmental publications, patents (Rospatent), belletristics, bibliographic databases of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION), internet sources, address and phone directories, Yellow Pages, etc.
Fulltext Database
The complete spectrum of legal information (Federal Republic of Germany) is available by Juris: Jurisprudence, press releases, literature/facts, laws and executive order laws, the German Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger), and administrative instructions. In addition, the content of Staudinger Online is available. -- Mit Juris steht Ihnen das komplette Spektrum an rechtlichen Informationen (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) zur Verfügung: Rechtsprechung, Pressemitteilungen, Literatur/Fakten, Gesetze und Rechtsverordnungen, Bundesanzeiger und Verwaltungsvorschriften. Zusätzlich sind die Inhalte von Staudinger Online verfügbar.
Fulltext Database
Online resource for international arbitration research. Coverage: legislation, case law, bilateral investment treaties, commentary, conventions, rules. Access to books, journals and loose-leafs from the Kluwer Law International arbitration catalogue.
Fulltext Database
Electronic editions of selected titles of the series International encyclopaedia of laws (and other loose-leaf publications). Elektronische Ausgaben ausgewählter Titel der Reihe International encyclopaedia of laws (sowie weiterer Loseblattausgaben).
Fulltext Database
Lexis is a platform for legal research with broad collections of newspapers and magazines worldwide. It includes one of the largest collection of United States case law, statutes and regulations. Coverage contains also law reviews, legal reference materials, and Shepard’s® Citations. Additionally, global regulations and selected legal data for the UK and Commonwealth countries. Moreover, access to full-text articles from thousands of news publications, including business, medical, legal, tax, or accounting newspapers, journals, and trade magazines.
Fulltext Database
MOML 7 includes historical codes of law as well as commentaries on laws from all over the world. This module supports the research of comparative law and interdisciplinary fields touching the social sciences. Jurisdictions include Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, as well as other countries in northern and Eastern Europe. Of interest to historians is the inclusion of texts in Western languages on significant topics, such as Ausfuerhliches handbuch ueber den Code Napoleon (1810) and Motivi, Rapporti, opinioni e discorsi -- per la formazione del codice napoleone (1838-1849). The large British component, which includes Public General Acts, 1801-1922, assures that about half the titles are in English. In MOML 8, the legal systems of different countries are compared. It contains treatises and other legal writings, such as commentaries, encyclopaedia entries and monographs, mainly from the 19th and 20th centuries. The database is a digital collection of historical legal codes and similar statutory materials, as well as commentaries on codes from around the world, focusing on Italy, Spain, Portugal, Latin America (including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, and other countries), Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Egypt, and India. This archive supports the study of comparative law and the interdisciplinary fields of study that touch on the social sciences. Analogous materials from canon law and Roman law are also included.
Fulltext Database
The Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative and International Law, 1600-1926, gives any library the kind of historical resources previously found only at the largest and oldest repositories and gives even the most extensive libraries online access to foreign and international legal literature. Coverage is primarily from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, but there are also several hundred classics in European international law since the seventeenth century. FCIL includes pre-1926 treatises and similar monographs, sourced from the collections of the Yale, George Washington University, and Columbia law libraries, in the following areas: International Law; Comparative Law; Foreign Law; Roman Law; Islamic Law; Jewish Law; and Ancient Law.