Legal journals, commentaries and loose-leaf editions of the publisher C. H. Beck in full text. Juristische Zeitschriften, Kommentare und Loseblattausgaben des Verlags C. H. Beck im Volltext.
Book Collection
Cambridge Books Online is the online content delivery service for Cambridge University Press's electronic book collections. The current MPG subscription comprises selected subject collections, additional content may have been licensed by individual Max Planck institutes. Max Planck authors can publish their scientific work at CUP as an Open Access eBook, with book publishing charges partly covered centrally. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Fulltext Database
Courses at the Hague Academy are published in the Collected Courses. The contributions deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law. Besides the "Collected Courses" / "Recueil des cours", the database also provides access to further publications of the Hague Academy: * “Colloques/Workshop Series” : papers of organized workshops * publications of “The Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations” * “Special Editions” : handbooks on selected topics of international law.
Fulltext Database
Zugang zu den Paketen Civil, Affaire, Droit international et Européen
Journal Collection
DigiZeitschriften is a digital library containing digitized back issues of core German research journals. At the moment the platform provides full-text access to more than 600 journals dating back to 1850. The archive content is edited on an ongoing basis. Any existing gaps will be filled and missing data steadily added. Users from the MPG have access to the complete journal collection, older public domain content is available free of charge to anyone.
Book Collection
Duncker & Humblot is a German producer of high-quality academic research and scholarly publications, especially in the fields of law and social science. The Duncker & Humblot eLibrary provides users from the Max Planck Society with access to following products: * e-book collections 2007-2010, containing about 900 e-books in the fields of law, economics, social sciences, history, politics, philosophy and literary studies. * e-book collection Economics 1996–2005, containing about 360 e-books * e-book collection 'Best of reprints' Economics and Finance 1875–1941, containing about 100 e-books The collection is continuously extended by single e-book acquisitions by MPG libraries.
Reference Work
Database offering relevant information on sources of foreign law, including complete bibliographic citations to legislation, the existence of English translations and selected references to secondary sources in one virtual destination. Approximately 190 jurisdictions are systemically covered and updated by a global team of experts.
Journal Collection
HeinOnline is Hein's online product with more than 100 million pages of legal history available in an online, fully-searchable, image-based format. HeinOnline bridges the gap in legal history by providing comprehensive coverage from inception of more than 1,800 law and law-related periodicals. The current MPG subscription comprises HeinOnline's "Core Subscription Package" and the "Foreign & International Law Resources Database". The exact list of collections available to users from participating MPIs is subject to change.
Reference Work
The International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law Online offers full-text searching across all archival content published in this renowned reference work over the last three decades. The Encyclopedia is the first broad, systematic and international compendium of comparative law.
Fulltext Database
The complete spectrum of legal information (Federal Republic of Germany) is available by Juris: Jurisprudence, press releases, literature/facts, laws and executive order laws, the German Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger), and administrative instructions. In addition, the content of Staudinger Online is available. -- Mit Juris steht Ihnen das komplette Spektrum an rechtlichen Informationen (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) zur Verfügung: Rechtsprechung, Pressemitteilungen, Literatur/Fakten, Gesetze und Rechtsverordnungen, Bundesanzeiger und Verwaltungsvorschriften. Zusätzlich sind die Inhalte von Staudinger Online verfügbar.
Fulltext Database
Online resource for international arbitration research. Coverage: legislation, case law, bilateral investment treaties, commentary, conventions, rules. Access to books, journals and loose-leafs from the Kluwer Law International arbitration catalogue.
Fulltext Database
Electronic editions of selected titles of the series International encyclopaedia of laws (and other loose-leaf publications). Elektronische Ausgaben ausgewählter Titel der Reihe International encyclopaedia of laws (sowie weiterer Loseblattausgaben).
Fulltext Database
Swiss legal database, including "Basler Kommentare". Licensed modules: Privatrecht, Zivilprozessrecht ---- Schweizer Datenbank mit Schwerpunkt Basler Kommentare. Lizensierte Module: Privatrecht, Zivilprozessrecht
Fulltext Database
Lexis is a platform for legal research with broad collections of newspapers and magazines worldwide. It includes one of the largest collection of United States case law, statutes and regulations. Coverage contains also law reviews, legal reference materials, and Shepard’s® Citations. Additionally, global regulations and selected legal data for the UK and Commonwealth countries. Moreover, access to full-text articles from thousands of news publications, including business, medical, legal, tax, or accounting newspapers, journals, and trade magazines.
Fulltext Database
Online source in the field of legal research in Turkish Law. Comprehensive legal content which contains legislation, case law, legal books and articles.
Fulltext Database
Research portal of the Linde publishing house in Austria. Recherche-Portal des Linde Verlags in Österreich.
Fulltext Database
The Making of Modern Law (MOML 1) enables the comprehensive exploration of modern law and its development in the 19th and 20th century. More than 10-million pages from works of the American and British history of law, which appeared between 1800 and 1926, can be researched in the fulltext. In doing so, almost all aspects of the American and British law are covered. These aspects are opened up by a searchable representation of 99 areas of law. The approximately 21,000 works comprise casebooks, speeches, courtbooks, but also pamphlets and letters.
Reference Work
Oxford Constitutions of the World (OCW) contains fully-translated English-language versions of all the world's constitutions (both national and sub-national), accompanied by individual jurisdictional commentaries, and supplementary materials, including foundation documents, historical versions of constitutions, and amendment Acts/Laws. The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (MPECCOL) is a comprehensive online resource containing analytical comparative articles offering a global overview of constitutional law. Subscribers also benefit from access to the Oxford Law Citator, one of the most powerful tools available for legal research, enabling onward research and ease of access to key materials.
Fulltext Database • Reference Database
The Oxford Legal Research Library provides access to leading works relevant to "International Commercial Arbitration" as well as "International Commercial Law" and "Private International Law". A title list can be found at https://olrl.ouplaw.com/page/476/ (the product "Financial and Banking Law" is not licensed).
Book Collection
Including Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO), the University Press Scholarship Online (UPSO) publishes new books every month from an ever-growing roster of contributing presses, each adding to the variety of subjects covered on the platform. The MPG purchased the volumes 2003-2013/2014 of 16 OSO subject collections. This selection is continuously extended by single e-book acquisitions by MPG libraries.