Web of Science, WoS

Web of Science supports more than 15 databases. You can subscribe to all of these product databases, plus perform research within an All Databases function that searches across all product databases in your subscription. You must subscribe to at least two product databases to perform an All Databases search.
All Databases helps you quickly find, analyze, and share information in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities across all product databases within your entitlements. Designed for both novice and professional researchers, its streamlined search process makes it easy for you to quickly find and analyze past and present available research in all fields of research.

Web of Science, WoS

Web of Science supports more than 15 databases. You can subscribe to all of these product databases, plus perform research within an All Databases function that searches across all product databases in your subscription. You must subscribe to at least two product databases to perform an All Databases search.
All Databases helps you quickly find, analyze, and share information in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities across all product databases within your entitlements. Designed for both novice and professional researchers, its streamlined search process makes it easy for you to quickly find and analyze past and present available research in all fields of research.

Title (Alternative):formerly: Web of Knowledge, WoK
Provider:Clarivate Analytics
Provider (Alternative):Thomson Reuters (formerly)
Intellectual Property & Science (formerly)
Institute for Scientific Information, ISI (formerly)
Language: English
Subject Category:Multidisciplinary
Resource Type:Reference Database
Scope:MPI Collective Goods
Reference Management:
Related Records:Includes: Web of Science Core Collection (WoS)
Includes: Biosis Citation Index (WoS)
Includes: Biosis Previews (WoS)
Includes: Book Citation Index, BCI (WoS)
Includes: Current Contents Connect (WoS)
Includes: Data Citation Index (WoS)
Includes: Derwent Innovations Index (WoS)
Includes: KCI Korean Journal Database (WoS)
Includes: Medline (WoS)
Includes: SciELO Citation Index (WoS)
Includes: Zoological Record (WoS)
Includes: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index (WoS)
Includes: Preprint Citation Index (WoS)