Data Citation Index (WoS)

The Data Citation Index (DCI) on the Web of Scienceā„¢ platform provides a single point of access to quality research data from repositories across disciplines and around the world. DCI includes bibliographic metadata from research data in Data Studies and Data Sets from a wide range of international data repositories. Source records include three document types: Repository, Data Study, and Data Set.

Each record in the product contains standard bibliographic metadata such as author, abstract, keywords, descriptor terms, and more. Records may include cited references and citing article counts.

DCI covers research areas in the social sciences, physical sciences, life sciences, and humanities.

Data Citation Index (WoS)

The Data Citation Index (DCI) on the Web of Scienceā„¢ platform provides a single point of access to quality research data from repositories across disciplines and around the world. DCI includes bibliographic metadata from research data in Data Studies and Data Sets from a wide range of international data repositories. Source records include three document types: Repository, Data Study, and Data Set.

Each record in the product contains standard bibliographic metadata such as author, abstract, keywords, descriptor terms, and more. Records may include cited references and citing article counts.

DCI covers research areas in the social sciences, physical sciences, life sciences, and humanities.

Title (Alternative):DCI (WoS)
Web of Science, formerly: Web of Knowledge, WoK
Collections Included:
Data Citation Index Science, DCI-S
Data Citation Index Social Sciences & Humanities, DCI-SSH
Provider:Clarivate Analytics
Provider (Alternative):Thomson Reuters (formerly)
Intellectual Property & Science (formerly)
Institute for Scientific Information, ISI (formerly)
Language: English
Time Span:1900 - present
Subject Category:Social Sci. + Humanities, Multidisciplinary, Physics, Medicine, Chemistry, Biology
Resource Type:Reference Database
Scope:Max Planck Society
Reference Management:
Usage Conditions:
Related Records:Part of: Web of Science, WoS