Fulltext Database
Statistische Daten seit 1888 zu den Bereichen Geografie und Klima,Bevölkerung,Familien,Lebensformen,Bildung,Gesundheit, Wohnen,Einkommen,Konsum, Lebensbedingungen,Kultur, Medien,Freizeit,Soziales,Finanzen und Steuern,Wahlen,Justiz,Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen,Arbeitsmarkt,Verdienste und Arbeitskosten, Preise,Außenhandel,Zahlungsbilanz,Umwelt,Land- und Forstwirtschaft,Produzierendes Gewerbe und Dienstleistungen im Überblick,Verarbeitendes Gewerbe,Energie,Bauen,Binnenhandel,Transport und Verkehr, Gastgewerbe und Tourismus, Weitere Dienstleistungen.
Factual Database • Miscellaneous
The department "Survey Data Curation", part of GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, processes and prepares social science research data across a diverse range of data types to support research, especially in comparative perspectives across space and time. The curated data include long-term national (e.g., ALLBUS, GLES, Politbarometer, FReDA) and international (e.g., ISSP, EVS, CSES, Eurobarometer) survey programs with large user communities. The data are prepared for immediate re-use for research and teaching purposes. The department also offers services for linking surveys with geo-data and digital behavioral data.
External Library Catalog
The BSZ develops and maintains the SWB database in cooperation with 1,200 libraries in Baden-Württemberg, Pfalz, Saarland and Sachsen. The online catalog offers bibliographic data free of charge: Monographs, periodicals, articles, loose-leaf collections, off-prints, conference proceedings, university publications, reviews, abstracts, tables of contents, maps, music, audiovisual material, microforms, electronic resources (data media), online resources; scientific and popular literature from all subjects and in all languages from the 15th century to the present; scientific literature (according to the DFG special subject fields programme) from theology, ancient orient, art, music, archeology, law and criminology;
Fulltext Database
Swisslex beinhaltet die Urteilssammlungen der eidgenössischen Gerichte und der meisten letztinstanzlichen kantonalen Gerichte (teils zurückgehend bis in die 70er-Jahre) sowie des Bundesgerichts ab 1954. Das Archiv umfasst ca. 75 Fachzeitschriften, eine große Zahl an Gesetzeskommentaren (Reihen wie Zürcher, Berner Kommentar oder Stämpfli Handkommentar) und über 2.650 Werke der Fachliteratur. Rund 510.000 Dokumente sind im Volltext zugänglich. Ein 3-sprachiger Übersetzungsthesaurus ermöglicht eine sprachübergreifende Recherche, sodass Publikationen über eine Suche in nur einer Landessprache in ihrer Originalsprache auffindbar sind. Zudem umfasst Swisslex auch eine EU-Rechtsdatenbank. Swisslex includes the jurisdiction of the Swiss federal courts, of most of the cantonal courts (since the seventies) as well as of the Supreme Court (since 1954). It provides access to approx. 75 journals, numerous legal commentaries and more than 2.650 monographies. About 510.000 documents are accessible in fulltext. By means of a trilingual thesaurus, the user can find publications in its original language. Besides, Swisslex comprises a database with content to the EU.
Book Collection
The e-book platform of the international scientific publisher Taylor & Francis contains selected English-language titles from the publishing house as well as the publishing imprints Routledge and CRC Press .It serves a wide range of disciplines in the field of humanities and social sciences, including history, politics, sociology, psychology and economics. Full-text access depends on the license scope of your institution. The accessible titles are marked with a green symbol. Some of the e-books are open access, the free e-books are marked with an orange symbol. Hit lists can be narrowed down to Show content I have access to by filtering.
Journal Collection
Taylor & Francis Online is the journal content platform for the Taylor & Francis Group and gives online access to more than 2,500 journals from all scientific disciplines. Since acquiring Routledge in 1997, the Taylor & Francis Group has purchased many small and medium sized publishing companies, including: Brunner-Routledge, Brunner-Mazel, CRC Press, Frank Cass, Future Science Group, Marcel Dekker, Martin Dunitz, Landes Bioscience (acquired in 2014), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (acquired in 2006), Parthenon Publishing, Spon Press, Taylor Graham Journals, and Haworth Press. Max Planck researchers have full text access to the current volumes of more than 2,000 core journals (full text access given back to 1997, where available) and to selected archive content. In addition, the Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges for Max Planck authors centrally. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Fulltext Database
The Teachers College Record is a journal of research, analysis, and commentary in the field of education. It has been published continuously since 1900 by Teachers College, Columbia University.
Fulltext Database
Documents and Rare Printed Materials from the Wiener Library, London. This digital resource offers the unique resources of the World’s oldest Holocaust museum. The collection offers fully searchable personal accounts of life in Nazi Germany, along with photographs, propaganda materials such as school text books, limited circulation publications and rare serials in a uniquely flexible format, enabling detailed research into the domestic policies of Nazi Germany, Jewish life in Germany from 1933 to after the war, propaganda, life in the concentration camps, in hiding, emigration and refugee life.
Factual Database
The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) maintains a database of genetic and molecular biology data for the model higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Data available from TAIR includes the complete genome sequence along with gene structure, gene product information, gene expression, DNA and seed stocks, genome maps, genetic and physical markers, publications, and information about the Arabidopsis research community. Gene product function data is updated every week from the latest published research literature and community data submissions. TAIR also provides extensive linkouts from our data pages to other Arabidopsis resources. The Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center at The Ohio State University collects, reproduces, preserves and distributes seed and DNA resources of Arabidopsis thaliana and related species. Stock information and ordering for the ABRC are fully integrated into TAIR.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
The Nation Digital Archive contains indexing, abstracting and full text for the complete archive of The Nation, beginning with its first issue in 1865 and ending in December 2010. The Nation is America's oldest weekly magazine and one of its premier journals of opinion since its inception. The Nation has long been regarded as one of the country's definitive journalistic voices of writing on politics, culture, books, and the arts, and continues to stand as the independent voice in American journalism. Because of its left-wing liberal attitude the archive offers important source material to obtain a broad overview of diverse views on political and social topics, especially compared to other American media. Additionally, reviews of books, plays and films provide interesting material for cultural studies.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
The New Republic Archive comprises all editions of the journal "The New Republic" in full text, from its first edition in 1914 until 2010. It is a political and cultural paper which in its essays, comments, and analyses deals both with internal and foreign political topics concerning the USA, and with cultural and educational policy, art and literature. Among its authors are many excellent journalists and writers. Whereas regarding internal politics its orientation is predominantly left-wing, its attitude towards foreign affairs is more conservative.
Journal Collection
Access to full text archives (incl. 2007) of selected titles with a subject focus on medicine, chemistry and biology has been enabled.
External Library Catalog
The German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) ‒ Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University Library is a central specialised library, responsible for operating the German National Library for technology, architecture, chemistry, information technology, mathematics and physics as well as the University Library for Leibniz Universität Hannover. As the world's largest specialised library in its fields, the library has excellent collections of technical and scientific specialist and research information.
Fulltext Database
The Times Digital Archive provides convenient access to an extraordinary library of back issues of this renowned newspaper online. By taking the microfilm collection of The Times (London) and producing a high-resolution digital format with searchable images, The Times Digital Archive represents unprecedented access to one of the most highly regarded resources for the study of 18th century history and onward.
Fulltext Database
The database comprises (in full text) the editions of the Times Literary Supplement between 1902 and 2005. The Times Literary Supplement reviews titles from all academic disciplines as well as literature, current theater and cinema productions, and exhibitions. The database offers insight into literary life and opinion making by critics in the 20th century. TLS does not only offer access to a facsimile page of the article desired, but also identifies authors, whose names were not disclosed in the printed editions of the TLS before 1974. Altogether, more than 540,000 reviews, letters, poems and articles about more than 5,000 topics of the TLS are available in their original context. The DFG subscription covers the years 1902 - 2005 only, but currently full text access has been granted to the complete historical archive.
Journal Collection
Archive of 15 periodicals and proceedings published online by Trans Tech Publications during the period between 1984 and 2022. The archive - with its broad subject diversity and its renowned journals indexed in well-established databases (e.g. Material Science Forum, Defect and Diffusion Forum, Key Engineering Materials) - is a valuable platform for the bibliographic retrieval of scientists, especially in the field of modern solid state and materials science.
Fulltext Database
The Roosevelt Institute for American Studies (RIAS) mission is to foster the study of American history in Europe, to facilitate research on the history of American politics, culture, and society, and to explore the historical development and trajectories of Dutch-American and, generally, transatlantic relations. The RIAS collections focus on a variety of issues such as civil rights, national security, intelligence, propaganda, radicalism, religion, and diplomacy. Collected over more than thirty years, these documents include presidential papers, personal correspondence and oral histories, departmental files, NGO records, diaries, memoires, historical periodicals, and journals.
Fulltext Database
Translated and English-language radio and television broadcasts, newspapers, periodicals, government documents, and books as well as material on global responses to South Africa oppression, disputes between superpowers, viewpoints on human migration around the world.
Fulltext Database
The U.S. Congressional Serial Set contains 12 million pages from 350,000 publications and 52,000 maps in digitized form. The publications originate from committees and working groups of the U.S. Congress as well as from governmental departments. The database thus offers a rich abundance of materials about all areas of history, politics, economy and culture of the United States, but frequently even more, given that the relationships with other countries are included.
Fulltext Database
U.S. Declassified Documents Online offers access to more than 750,000 pages of government documents, covering major policy issues from the period before the Second World War into the twenty first century. This archive of first secret, but now declassified documents, serves as a convenient source for materials from U.S. government departments including: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Justice Department, National Security Agency, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), State Department, and White House. The materials include: Cabinet meeting minutes, CIA intelligence studies and reports, correspondence, diary entries, Joint Chiefs papers, National Security Council policy statements, political analyses, presidential conferences, and technical studies.