Union Catalog of South West German Library Consortium, BSZ

The BSZ develops and maintains the SWB database in cooperation with 1,200 libraries in Baden-Württemberg, Pfalz, Saarland and Sachsen.

The online catalog offers bibliographic data free of charge: Monographs, periodicals, articles, loose-leaf collections, off-prints, conference proceedings, university publications, reviews, abstracts, tables of contents, maps, music, audiovisual material, microforms, electronic resources (data media), online resources; scientific and popular literature from all subjects and in all languages from the 15th century to the present; scientific literature (according to the DFG special subject fields programme) from theology, ancient orient, art, music, archeology, law and criminology;

Union Catalog of South West German Library Consortium, BSZ

The BSZ develops and maintains the SWB database in cooperation with 1,200 libraries in Baden-Württemberg, Pfalz, Saarland and Sachsen.

The online catalog offers bibliographic data free of charge: Monographs, periodicals, articles, loose-leaf collections, off-prints, conference proceedings, university publications, reviews, abstracts, tables of contents, maps, music, audiovisual material, microforms, electronic resources (data media), online resources; scientific and popular literature from all subjects and in all languages from the 15th century to the present; scientific literature (according to the DFG special subject fields programme) from theology, ancient orient, art, music, archeology, law and criminology;

Title (Alternative):Katalog des Südwestdeutschen Bibliotheksverbundes, BSZ
Provider:Library Service Center Baden-Württemberg
Provider (Alternative):Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg, BSZ
Language: English, German
Subject Category:Social Sci. + Humanities, Multidisciplinary, Technol. + Comp. Sci., Physics, Medicine, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology
Resource Type:External Library Catalog
Library System:Pica
Scope:Max Planck Society
Reference Management: