Book Collection • Journal Collection
Casalini libri's full text platform offers access to over 29,000 ebooks and 840 ejournals from more than 200 Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese publishers. Max Planck users have access to: * EIO Monographs - a collection of 1,500 monographs and proceedings in humanities and social sciences from academic publishers in Italy. * EIO Periodicals Archive - pre-2011 content of 221 academic journals published by various Italian publishers.
Fulltext Database
The Umwelt-Online platform contains all relevant legal regulations on topics such as environmental protection, occupational safety, transport of dangerous goods, hazardous materials and systems engineering. The content is continuously updated. Die Plattform Umwelt-Online enthält alle relevanten rechtlichen Regelungen zu den Themen Umweltschutz, Arbeitssicherheit, Gefahrguttransporte, Gefahrstoffe, Anlagentechnik und Anlagensicherheit. Die Inhalte werden kontinuierlich entsprechend den Veröffentlichungen der Regelungsgeber aktualisiert.
Book Collection • Reference Work
Universitetskaja Biblioteka Online offers ebooks on Russian Literature and Linguistics, History, Law, Economics, Social Sciences and Culture as well as Russian, Eurasian and Slavic Studies. The ebooks are hosted on University Library Online, e-content platform with English language interface. Additionally, for gaining a deeper understanding of Russia and Russian language, it provides access to: encyclopedias, audiobooks and maps.
Ut per litteras apostolicas provides a complete collection of papal letters from the 13th and 14th centuries. The database represents an electronic version of the renowned * Registres et lettres des Papes du XIIIe siècle (32 vols.; Rome, 1883- ) * Registres et lettres des Papes du XIVe siècle (48 vols.; Rome, 1899- ) It is an invaluable source regarding various aspects of medieval history and society.
EVIFA, the portal of Social and Cultural Anthropology, offers anthropological and folkloristic information from one source. It gives a fast, comprehensive access to specific information for anthropological research, regardless of the where about.
Book Collection
This collection contains 35.000 pages of English-speaking national literature from 116 books originally published between 1789 and 1834. Independently from authors' places of birth, their works have been selected for the collection according to their Wales-related content. The collection has been compiled by members of Cardiff University, Wales, from literature holdings of the Fürstliche Bibliothek Corvey. E-books contain digitally enhanced facsimile pages of historical book pages, and even bookmarks to relevant parts of works. Within e-book pages, i.e. within historical texts and layout, fulltext searches can be performed.
Reference Database
A comprehensive, interdisciplinary compendium of original entries focusing on the origins, evolution, and global development of contemporary social theory. Presents a comprehensive, interdisciplinary overview and analysis of all aspects of social theory Features more than 850 in-depth, original entries contributed by international experts Includes all major theories, theorists, schools of thought, disciplines, debates, doctrines, developments, epistemologies, and methodologies relating to the development of modern social theory Brings in concepts from contemporary cultural studies, feminism, post-secularism, and postmodernism Explores controversial contemporary debates relating to the clash of civilization, environmentalism, post-colonialism, post-humanism, cyborgs, and the life-extension project
Book Collection • Journal Collection • Reference Database • Factual Database
wiso is an online database specially tailored to the needs of users from academic and research institutions by GBI-Genios. It aggregates mainly German content from various publishers, covering economics, social sciences, psychology and technology. wiso provides access to major reference databases, to full texts of selected journals, e-books, magazines and newspapers like VDI Nachrichten or Handelsblatt as well as to company information and market data.
Reference Database
German-language literature and research projects in the field of social sciences as well as the database World Affairs Online with literature on international relations. An overview of included resources is available via https://www.wiso-net.de/sourceInformation/categoryNavigation?searchId=%3A3%3ASOZ....
Fulltext Database
SOFIS contains descriptions of planned, on-going and completed (in the last 10 years) research projects from the Federal Republic of Germany, from Austria and Switzerland (more than 50,000 records in January 2014). SOFIS enthält ausführliche Beschreibungen von geplanten, laufenden und in den letzten zehn Jahren abgeschlossenen Forschungsarbeiten aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, aus Österreich und der Schweiz (Bestand Januar 2014: über 50.000 Projekte).
Fulltext Database
About 450,000 social science publications are presented together in SOLIS with a short description of the contents (January 2014). 15,000 new references are added annually. There are web links to full text entries for more than 25,000 references to new publications: included therein are articles in online journals, research reports - predominantly from institutional series -, as well as congress reports and dissertations. Rund 450.000 sozialwissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen werden in SOLIS mit einer kurzen Inhaltsangabe vorgestellt (Stand Januar 2014). Jährlich kommen ungefähr 15.000 neue Nachweise hinzu. Bei rund 25.000 Nachweisen neuerer Veröffentlichungen sind Links zu Volltexten im Web enthalten: Es handelt sich dabei um Artikel in Online-Zeitschriften, um Forschungsberichte - überwiegend aus Institutsreihen - sowie einige Kongressberichte und Dissertationen.
Fulltext Database
The World Bank Group is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries. Its data, knowledge, and research are open to foster innovation and increase transparency in development, aid flows, and finances. A variety of tools, programs, and policies facilitates these goals. The Data Catalog includes data from the World Bank's microdata, finances and energy data platforms, as well as datasets from the open data catalog. The repository contains official documents and reports from 1946 through the present which are made available to the public in accordance with the Bank’s Access to Information Policy.
Fulltext Database
The World Bank is the largest single source of development knowledge. The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is The World Bank’s official open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products. The OKR is constantly updated with new content, as well as legacy reports and research across a wide range of topics and from all regions of the world.
Factual Database
The World Christian Database (WCD) provides comprehensive statistical information on world religions, Christian denominations, and people groups. Extensive data are available on 9,000 Christian denominations, 13,000 ethnolinguistic peoples, as well as data on 5,000 cities, 3,000 provinces and 234 countries.
Factual Database
The World Religion Database (WRD) contains detailed statistics on religious affiliation for every country of the world. It provides source material, including censuses and surveys, as well as best estimates for every religion to offer a definitive picture of international religious demography. It offers best estimates at multiple dates for each of the world’s religions for the period 1900 to 2050.
Reference Database
Zoological Record provides access to publications in animal biology and biodiversity. It covers 5,000 serials, plus many other sources of information, including books, reports, and meetings. It contains, in particular, a significant amount of literature on insects, reptiles, birds, fish and wildlife which is not included elsewhere (e.g. in BIOSIS Previews). It is also a leading taxonomic reference work.