Reference Database
The multidisciplinary database OLC International Relations and Area Studies contains table of contents of journals from several special subject collections, including political science, economics, the Middle East and other regional special subject collections. It offers a multidisciplinary selection from the Online Contents database, with additional input from other special subject collections. The International Relations and Area Studies section currently covers approximately 797 journals.
Reference Database
Open Syllabus is a non-profit research organization that collects and analyzes millions of syllabi to support novel teaching and learning applications. Open Syllabus helps instructors develop classes, libraries manage collections, and presses develop books. It supports students and lifelong learners in their exploration of topics and fields. It creates incentives for faculty to improve teaching materials and to use open licenses. It supports work on aligning higher education with job market needs and on making student mobility easier. It also challenges faculty and universities to work together to steward this important data resource. Open Syllabus currently has a corpus of nine million English-language syllabi from 140 countries. It uses machine learning and other techniques to extract citations, dates, fields, and other metadata from these documents. The resulting data is made freely available via the Syllabus Explorer and for academic research. The project was founded at The American Assembly, a public policy institute associated with Columbia University. It has been independent since 2019. All of the syllabi in the current collection are English language documents – including from universities where English is not the primary teaching language.
Reference Database
Preprint Citation Index is a multidisciplinary collection of preprints from a wide range of leading repositories, including arXiv, bioRxiv, chemRxiv, medRxiv, and Preprints.org. Currently, it provides more than 2 million articles ahead of the formal journal publication in the sciences, social sciences and arts & humanities. Papers from more than 20 repositories will be added in future. Within the Web of Science platform researchers can thus discover preprint records alongside peer-reviewed journal articles and other content sets. This simplifies the process of evaluating preprint quality and trustworthiness by connecting preprints to the versions of record or linking to other scholarly output from preprint authors and the citation network in Web of Science. Furthermore you can link directly to the preprint repositories to view each version of the preprint and download full texts.
Reference Database
The integration between ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global with the Web of Science enables seamless discovery of early career, post-graduate research from all around the world, alongside records for journal articles, conference papers, book chapters, preprints, patents, and more. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index makes more than 5.5 million multidisciplinary dissertations and theses searchable, from over 4,100 institutions and more than 60 countries, dating back to 1637. Researchers have simultaneous access to unpublished and published scholarship that helps them to discover emerging trends, identify new areas of research and find post-graduate programs engaged in cutting-edge research. For joint subscribers of the Web of Science and PQDT Global, direct full text linking from the Web of Science to the ProQuest platform is available, giving access to 3 million full-text works from thousands of universities. Additionally, cited reference indexing and linking helps to further connect dissertations and theses to related works and discover hard-to-find sources of research.
External Library Catalog • Reference Database
The RISM database references mostly historical music manuscripts, the majority of them originated before 1800. - The original sources are available from the libraries, music archives, and private collections as indicated in the RISM database. These institutions can often be approached for reproductions. - About 700,000 entries (June 2010). -- Die RISM-Datenbank weist hin auf vor allem historische handschriftliche Noten, die Mehrzahl davon entstanden vor 1800. - Die Originale können in den angegebenen Bibliotheken, Musikarchiven oder Privatsammlungen eingesehen werden. Dort können oft auch Reproduktionen herstellen gelassen werden. - Ca. 700.000 Einträge (Juni 2010).
Reference Database • Journal Collection
ScienceOpen is a networking platform for scholars to enhance their research in the open, make an impact, and receive credit for it. The site provides advanced search and discovery functions, combined with post-publication peer review, recommendation, social sharing, and collection-building features. The Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges for ScienceOpen Research and ScienceOpen Poster centrally. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Reference Database • Miscellaneous
Sciwheel is an advanced reference management system that provides assisting tools for discovery of research works, reading, annotation, as well as scientific and collaborative writing. It features a web-based application, a browser extension, citation tools for Microsoft Word and Google Docs, and a mobile application.
Reference Database
Scopus is a large abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, including scientific journals, books and conference proceedings, covering research topics across all scientific and technical disciplines, ranging from medicine and social sciences to arts and humanities. Further, with smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research, Scopus empowers you to advance your science beyond the text.
Reference Database
The Web of Science™ Core Collection provides researchers with access to the world's leading bibliographic and citation databases. Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers over 12,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including Open Access journals, as well as over 150,000 conference proceedings and more than 50,000 editorially selected books. You'll find current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage back to 1900. A unique feature of the WoS is that from any bibliographic record in the database links are available to its cited references, to related articles and to citing articles. In some instances additional links (e.g. to the journal impact factor) may also be available.
Reference Database
Web of Science supports more than 15 databases. You can subscribe to all of these product databases, plus perform research within an All Databases function that searches across all product databases in your subscription. You must subscribe to at least two product databases to perform an All Databases search. All Databases helps you quickly find, analyze, and share information in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities across all product databases within your entitlements. Designed for both novice and professional researchers, its streamlined search process makes it easy for you to quickly find and analyze past and present available research in all fields of research.
Reference Database
References within the fields of business, economics, credit management and ergonomics are searchable via a single interface. An overview of included resources is available via https://www.wiso-net.de/sourceInformation/categoryNavigation?searchId=%3A3%3AWIR....
Reference Database
You can search for popular books, music CDs and videos—all of the physical items you're used to getting from libraries. You can also discover many new kinds of digital content, such as downloadable audiobooks. You may also find article citations with links to their full text; authoritative research materials, such as documents and photos of local or historic significance; and digital versions of rare items that aren't available to the public.