Fulltext Database • Miscellaneous
Since 1966, the ERIC Thesaurus has been a critical component of ERIC. It has evolved over the years from a printed publication used in libraries to an online tool that can help everyone find targeted resources in ERIC. This year, ERIC is updating the Thesaurus to add new terms and update existing entries. Find out how the Thesaurus supports ERIC users in their search foreducation resources. You will also hear about the work that takes place behind the scenes to maintain this large controlled vocabulary of more than 11,000 terms in the field of education.
Throughout Europe, national patent offices and the European Patent Office (EPO) offer free patent information on the Internet Patents reveal solutions to technical problems, and they represent an inexhaustable source of information: more than 80 percent of man's technical knowledge is described in patent literature. From the middle of 1998 onwards, esp@cenet users have been able to access the bibliographic data of all patents published in the preceding two years by any member state of the European Patent Organisation, as well as by the European Patent Office and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). In addition, full-page facsimile images of documents are also retrievable to facilitate more detailed analysis of these documents. The data for this particular service is stored at the relevant national office.
A comprehensive online resource for the visual study of human culture and behavior and the largest, most affordable streaming video collection of its kind, Ethnographic Video Online contains more than 500 hours of classic and contemporary documentaries produced by leading video producers in the discipline; previously unpublished footage from working anthropologists and ethnographers in the field; and select feature films. Wherever possible, videos include accompanying field notes, liner notes, filmmaker biographies, related articles, study guides, and other context-enhancing, full-text materials. Publishing partners include Documentary Educational Resources (DER) and other leading video content providers in the discipline. Global in scope, Ethnographic Video Online contains footage from every continent and hundreds of unique cultures, and is particularly rich in its coverage of the developing world.
EUR-Lex provides free access to public EU documents in the 24 official languages. This includes: * the Official Journal of the European Union * EU law (EU treaties, directives, regulations, decisions, consolidated legislation, etc.) * preparatory acts (legislative proposals, reports, green and white papers, etc.) * EU case-law (judgements, orders, etc.) * international agreements * EFTA documents * other public documents EUR-Lex is based on the CELEX database, and is updated daily.
The search engine provides users with the option to search various historically relevant databases and catalogues on general and European history in parallel.
The ExPASy (Expert Protein Analysis System) proteomics server from the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) is dedicated to molecular biology with an emphasis on data relevant to proteins. It allows you to browse through a number of databases produced in Geneva, such as Swiss-Prot, PROSITE, SWISS-2DPAGE, SWISS-3DIMAGE, ENZYME, as well as other cross-referenced databases (such as EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ, OMIM, Medline, FlyBase, ProDom, SGD, SubtiList, etc). It also allows access to many analytical tools for the identification of proteins, the analysis of their sequence and the prediction of their tertiary structure. ExPASy also offers you many documents relevant to these field of research and you will find from the servers, links to most relevant sources of information across the Web. Swiss-2DService is a non-profit 2-D PAGE service to the scientific community. ExPASy was created in August 1993, it was one of the first WWW servers for biological sciences. Since that date it has undergone constant modifications and improvements.
Journal Collection • Miscellaneous
F1000 Research is an open research and open access publishing platform, providing a suite of publishing services directly to researchers, research funders and institutions. The platform supports innovative features such as post-publication peer review, open peer review, and publication of negative results. The Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges for the open access journal F1000Research centrally. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Reference Database
This bibliographic database is the central access to the specialist information on education. In the center of the service are the specialist literature databases as well as comprehensive collections of information at the various aspects of educational science. -- Diese bibliografische Databank ist der zentrale Einstieg in die pädagogische Fachinformation. Im Mittelpunkt des Services stehen die fachlichen Literaturdatenbanken sowie umfassende Informationssammlungen zu den verschiedenen Aspekten der Erziehungswissenschaft.
The information contained in this web site, and its associated web sites, including but not limited to FindLaw, the CyberSpace Law Center, the LawCrawler, LegalMinds and the University Law Review Project, is provided as a service to the Internet community, and does not constitute legal advice. We try to provide quality information, but we make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained in or linked to this web site and its associated sites.
Reference Database
FRANCIS indexes multilingual information and provides in-depth coverage of humanities and social sciences.
Book Collection
Gale Virtual Reference Library provides a powerful platform to search and access encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. The collection of available resources will grow according to the subscriptions selected by the Max Planck Institutes.
Factual Database • Reference Database
GeoReM is a Max Planck Institute database for reference materials of geological and environmental interest, such as rock powders, synthetic and natural glasses as well as mineral, isotopic, biological, river water and seawater reference materials. It contains published analytical data and compilation values (major and trace element concentrations and mass fractions, radiogenic and stable isotope ratios). GeoReM covers all important metadata about the analytical values such as uncertainty, analytical method and laboratory. Sample information and references are also included. GeoReM contains almost 3,400 reference materials, about 46,200 analyses from almost 10,000 papers, and preferred analytical values (State: November 2017).
Factual Database • Reference Database
The database GEOROC is maintained by the Geoscience Centre at Göttingen University. The database is a comprehensive collection of published analyses of volcanic rocks and mantle xenoliths. It contains major and trace element concentrations, radiogenic and nonradiogenic isotope ratios as well as analytical ages for whole rocks, glasses, minerals and inclusions. Samples come from 11 different geological settings. Metadata include, among others, geographic location with latitude and longitude, rock class and rock type, alteration grade, analytical method, laboratory, reference materials and references.
Journal Collection • Reference Database
GeoScienceWorld (GSW) is a nonprofit collaborative and comprehensive resource for research and communications in the earth sciences, which is built on a core database of peer-reviewed journals and is integrated with the GeoRef index. The platforms offers a single point of access to more than 40 full text scholarly journals from leading geoscientific organizations, plus specialized searching capabilities and links to millions of relevant resources hosted elsewhere on the Web. Though access to current volumes is no longer licensed, perpetual access rights have been granted to the content published until August 2018.
Book Collection • Journal Collection
In the late 1800's, Dutch physician and feminist Aletta Jacobs and her husband C.V. Gerritsen began collecting books, pamphlets and periodicals reflecting the revolution of a feminist consciousness and the movement for women's rights. By the time their successors finished their work in 1945, the Gerritsen Collection was the greatest single source for the study of women's history in the world, with materials spanning four centuries and 15 languages. The Gerritsen curators gathered more than 4,700 publications from continental Europe, the U.S., the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand, dating from 1543-1945. The anti-feminist case is presented as well as the pro-feminist; many other titles present a purely objective record of the condition of women at a given time.
Das Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz stellt in einem gemeinsamen Projekt mit der juris GmbH für interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger nahezu das gesamte aktuelle Bundesrecht kostenlos im Internet bereit. Die Gesetze und Rechtsverordnungen können in ihrer jeweils geltenden Fassung abgerufen werden. Sie werden durch die Dokumentationsstelle im Bundesamt für Justiz fortlaufend konsolidiert. Im Aktualitätendienst werden Verlinkungen zu allen neu im Bundesgesetzblatt Teil I verkündeten Vorschriften bis zu sechs Monate nach deren Inkrafttreten vorgehalten. Dort können auch die Texte der Änderungsvorschriften aufgerufen werden, die den konsolidierten Gesetzen und Verordnungen zugrunde liegen.
Reference Database
The GESIS search can be used to find information about social science research data and open access publications. It covers: * Research Data * Variables from questionnaires * Instruments and tools * Literature, incl. publications on research data & surveying instruments, open access publications in the social sciences, as well as literature on the topic "Women in science" * Collections of the GESIS library * GESIS webpages, incl. general information and offers on the GESIS websites
Book Collection
Google Book Search is a service from Google that searches the full text of books that Google scans, converts to text using optical character recognition, and stores in its digital database.
Google Patents is a service from Google to search and read the full text of patents from around the world. Non-patent literature can be included to the search strategy via Google Scholar.
Reference Database
Bei GovData handelt es sich um ein Metadatenportal, über das Bund, Länder und Kommunen ihre Daten zugänglich machen. Zentraler Bestandteil von GovData ist ein Metadatenkatalog. Über die darin enthaltenen standardisierten Metadaten (einheitliche strukturierte Beschreibungen) sind die Daten einfach auffindbar und zugänglich. Die Daten selbst werden weiterhin von den Datenbereitstellern dezentral vorgehalten und gepflegt.