Book Collection • Fulltext Database
Collection of 60 titles by German-speaking citizens who emigrated to the United States in the 19th century. In view of the failed revolution of the years 1848 / 1849, this collection of the so called 'forty-eighters' documents their influences on the development of the USA in the 19th century. The collection includes, for example, titles by / about * Carl Schurz * Karl Heinzen * Gustav Koerner * Friedrich Kapp * Heinrich Rattermann * Mathilde F. Anneke
Fulltext Database
The Afghan Serials Collection is an essential collection of partisan serials from the Wahdat Library, the most comprehensive private collection of rare newspapers and journals from Afghanistan. This collection is a major contribution to the preservation of the history of the region and is comprised of the careful selection of more than 2,500 individual issues of 46 newspapers and journals published in Persian, Pushto, Arabic, Urdu, and English. The collection covers the use of the press by many groups that sought to shape Afghanistan’s social and intellectual landscape including the Communist People’s Democratic Party (PDPA); exiled loyalists to the deposed Afghan monarchy; independent humanitarians and intellectuals seeking to better their country; anti-Soviet mujaheddin groups from a range of political movements; the Taliban; and minority political parties that have emerged following the post-2001 transition towards democracy.
Reference Database
Australian Education Index (AEI) is a comprehensive collection of educational research documents relating to educational trends, policy, and practices. The database is produced by the Cunningham Library at the Australian Council for Educational Research and is Australia's largest source of education information. Coverage includes trends and practices in teaching, learning and educational management.
Reference Database
BIOSIS Previews® is the world's most comprehensive reference database for life science research. It covers original research reports and reviews in biological and biomedical areas. Coverage includes traditional areas of biology, such as botany, zoology and microbiology, as well as related fields such as biomedical, agriculture and ecology. Interdisciplinary fields such as medicine, biochemistry, biophysics, bioengineering and biotechnology are also included. Nearly 5,500 serials are monitored for inclusion. In addition, the database covers content summaries, books and meeting abstracts, papers and posters. Content summaries include notes and letters, technical data reports, reviews, U.S. patents from 1986 to 1989 and from 1999, meeting reports from 1980 to present, bibliographies, nomenclature rules, and taxonomic keys. The BIOSIS Previews database includes the contents of Biological Abstracts (1969 to present), Biological Abstracts/RRM (1980 to present) and BioResearch Index (1969 to 1979). As part of the Web of Science (WoS) BIOSIS Previews permits convenient use of Biosystematic Codes/Names for searching groups of organisms as well as the use of Concept Codes/Headings that represent broad subject areas.
Fulltext Database • Book Collection
Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies (BECS) offers a systematic and comparative look at key education levels and the study of cognitive and psychosocial development through early childhood and youth. The Collection includes eBooks, policy reports, country overviews and helpful research tools, allowing researchers to study and build an understanding of education systems, policies, and the nature of childhood and youth experience in different countries throughout the world.
Fulltext Database
The collection contains reports prepared for and by a variety of Soviet and Ukrainian government agencies, such as the KGB, documenting and detailing the most important developments in the wake of the explosion of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) on April 26, 1986 in the Ukrainian city of Pripyat. It also provides internal reports and investigations on the various causes of the disaster, including the problems with the design of the NPP, and the extent of the Soviet and Ukrainian government knowledge on many of the shortcomings that made the Chernobyl meltdown not only possible but in a sense inevitable.
Fulltext Database
The Chernobyl Newspapers Collection comprises three previously unavailable local newspapers published in the Chernobyl area in the years before and after the nuclear disaster. The collection gives researchers unique access to important lesser-known primary sources from the era. The two newspapers "Prapor peremohy" (1981-1988) and "Trybuna pratsi" (1981-1990), published in Ukrainian within or in the immediate vicinity of the exclusion zone, provide the opportunity to explore the larger socio-cultural and historical context of the regions affected by the Chernobyl disaster. "Tribuna Energetika" (1979-1990), published in Russian under the aegis of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, provides insight into the everyday life of the power plant and the city of Pripyat.
Fulltext Database
The Confidential Print series, issued by the British Government between c. 1820 and 1970, covers the most important papers generated by the Foreign and Colonial Offices. These range from single-page letters or telegrams to comprehensive dispatches, investigative reports and texts of treaties. All items marked ‘Confidential Print’ were printed and circulated immediately to leading officials in the Foreign Office, to the Cabinet and to heads of British missions abroad. This collection consists of the Confidential Print for the countries of the Levant and the Arabian peninsula, Iran, Turkey, Egypt and Sudan. Beginning with the Egyptian reforms of Muhammad Ali Pasha in the 1830s, the documents trace the events of the following 150 years, including the Middle East Conference of 1921, the mandates for Palestine and Mesopotamia, the partition of Palestine, the 1956 Suez Crisis and post-Suez Western foreign policy, and the Arab-Israeli conflict. This collection is available on the platform Archives Direct which features content from Sources from The National Archives, UK
Fulltext Database
This database incorporates 10 rare newspapers from the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk (Lugansk, in local spelling) regions of Ukraine. Both Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic were established as independent state entities after local referendums conducted in May 2014 and organized by the separatists leaders. Although the results of the referenda have not been recognized neither by Ukraine, the EU or the United States, its direct result led to an all out war between the Ukrainian military and pro-Russian separatists resulting in thousands of deaths from both sides.
Fulltext Database
The Education Magazine Archive provides access to the archives of leading magazines and trade publications in the field of education, dating from the early 20th century through to the 21st. It covers multiple aspects of the history of education of this period, with magazines devoted to a range of educational levels, topics, and audiences. The collection comprises 26 publications and approximately 850,000 full color page images, each article individually indexed with fully searchable text. The titles were originally aimed at teachers, policy makers/administrators and other education professionals, but have now become valuable primary sources for scholars. The material enables researchers to explore multiple perspectives on the key events of the age and opens up new opportunities for research in the history of education, as well as on related subjects such as social history, childhood studies, psychology, and politics.
Fulltext Database
The platform provides access to various online products of the publisher Editorial Projects in Education. This includes full text access to: * Education Week - a U.S. national newspaper focusing on K-12 education policy, serving as a bridge between the worlds of policy and practice. * Education Week Teacher - a collection of news and information, along with opinion blogs, and webinars, targeted at teacher-leaders. * Education Week Digital Directions - a magazine published three times a year that covers news, trends, and best practices in educational technology. * Teacher Professional Development Sourcebook - a directory published twice a year, listing products and services for teachers.
Fulltext Database
An archive of 20th Century news from around the world. Global views on United States foreign and domestic policy after World War II. Covers the Cold War, China, the Middle East, Latin America, the Soviet Union, and more. Crucial insights into twentieth-century global history.
Fulltext Database
The First World War portal makes available invaluable primary sources for the study of the Great War, brought together in four thematic modules. From personal collections and rare printed material to military files, artwork and audio-visual files, content highlights the experiences of soldiers, civilians and governments on both sides of a conflict that shook the world. Modules are: Personal Experiences -Propaganda and Recruitment - Visual Perspectives and Narratives - A Global Conflict
Fulltext Database
The collection of Foreign Office (FO) files explores the history of Persia (Iran), Central Asia and Afghanistan from the decline of the Silk Road in the first half of the nineteenth century to the establishment of Soviet rule over parts of the region in the early 1920s. It encompasses the era of “The Great Game” - a political and diplomatic confrontation between the Russian and British Empires for influence, territory and trade across a vast region, from the Black Sea in the west to the Pamir Mountains in the east. The collection comprises correspondence, intelligence reports, agents’ diaries, minutes, maps, newspaper excerpts and other materials from the FO 65, FO 106, FO 371 and FO 539 series. This collection is available on the platform Archives Direct which features content from Sources from The National Archives, UK
Fulltext Database
The collection of "Foreign Office Files for South East Asia" follows the establishment of an independent Malaysia in 1963, following the release of the Cobbold Commission Report. Under President Sukarno, Indonesia strongly opposed this decision and hostilities between the two countries escalated. Alongside tensions with Malaysia, Indonesia would experience growing civil unrest in this period, with anti-Communist sentiments on the rise. Documents featured in this collection cover these fundamental events alongside a number of key themes, including trade, economic development and authoritarian rule in this period. Consisting of correspondence, maps, government dispatches and press releases from the FO 371, DO 169, DO 187, FCO 15 and FCO 24 series, this resource offers insights into the political and economic challenges faced during this period as the region moved towards industrialisation and establishing the foundations for economic growth. This collection is available on the platform Archives Direct which features content from Sources from The National Archives, UK
Fulltext Database
Gender: Identity and Social Change includes primary sources for the study of gender history, women’s suffrage, the feminist movement and the men’s movement. Other key areas represented in the material include: employment and labour, education, government and legislation, the body, domesticity and the family. Explore records from men’s and women’s organisations and pressure groups, detailing twentieth-century lobbying and activism on a wide array of issues to reveal developing gender relations and prevalent challenges. Material has been sourced from across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. The earliest documents are from the nineteenth century and the latest from the early twenty-first century.Document types are pamphlets, speeches, newsletters, newspaper clippings as well as personal diaries and correspondence of key figures and pioneers in gender history. Futhermore, a rich selection of visual material, including photographs, illustrations, posters, scrapbooks and objects is available.
Fulltext Database
Illiustrirovannaia Rossiia was a literary and illustrated weekly magazine published in Paris from 1924 to 1939. The journal was aimed particularly at the growing community of Russian immigrants who had left Russia in the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution. Thus, Illiustrirovannaia Rossiia offers a unique fund of linguistic and visual representations, providing an indispensable insight into Russian cultural life in exile.
Fulltext Database • Journal Collection • Book Collection
ingentaconnect hosts scholarly books and journals from a range of different publishers. Millions of articles, chapters and reports are available for you to search across, and access to full text is available by pay-per-view or by subscription to individual publications.
Fulltext Database
The J. Walter Thompson Company Archive documents the history, operation, policies and accomplishments of one of the world's largest and oldest advertising firms. The papers here reveal many aspects of twentieth-century cultural, social, business, marketing, consumer and economic history while investigating the human psyche. The documents range from the late nineteenth century up until the late 1990s with the bulk representing the post-1945 world. The collections included are the Publications, Account Files for nine key clients, Staff Newsletters, Staff Writings & Speeches, Chicago Office Research, New York Office Research, New Business Records, Information Center Records, Corporation Vertical Files, Review Board Records, Staff Meeting Minutes and a selection of Print Advertisements. A huge number of brands, companies, and industries are covered from automobiles to cosmetics and cruises. It includes complete files on some of J. Walter Thompson’s key accounts.
Fulltext Database
The collection Jewish Life in America, c1654-1954 covers different materials related to the history of Jewish communities in America from their first arrival in New York in 1654 to the integral part that they play today. The material is based on original manuscript collections from the unique holdings of the American Jewish Historical Society in New York. The collection includes six major organisational collections and twenty-four collections of personal papers. The personal collection contain letters, scrapbooks, autobiographies, notebooks and other materials relating to the late 17th through to the mid-20th century.