Reference Database
BASE is a multidisciplinary search engine for scholarly internet resources which have been harvested from several hundred scientific repositories. Some of the indexed resources in BASE are subject to license, while most material is free available ("open access").
External Library Catalog
The Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage) acquires texts from all fields of knowledge in all languages, in every available form, from all epochs and all countries of the world - providing the materials are of interest for academic and research purposes. Current holdings and collections include printed works from many centuries, manuscripts, music autographs, maps, globes, atlases, newspapers and periodicals, various microformed materials, an increasing number of digitally presented texts as well as extensive databases.
External Library Catalog
The union catalog encompasses the holdings of the Bavarian State Library, of libraries of Bavarian Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences, of several regional libraries and of some institutions affiliated with churches or ministeries. Die Verbunddatenbank umfasst den Bestand der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, der Universitäts- und Fachhochschulbibliotheken, diverser staatlicher Regionalbibliotheken und einiger kirchlichen und ministeriellen Einrichtungen.
External Library Catalog
Copac exposes rare and unique research material by bringing together the catalogues of c.90 major UK and Irish libraries. In a single search you can discover the holdings of the UK’s national libraries (including the British Library), many University libraries, and specialist research libraries.
External Library Catalog
The catalog comprises the holdings of the locations Leipzig since 1913, Frankfurt am Main since 1945, the holdings of the Deutsches Musikarchiv since 1976, and archival papers of the Deutsches Exilarchiv 1933-1945 since 2005. The catalog covers monographs, journals, maps and atlases, music and sound storage media, and dissertations published in Germany since 1913 (in print or electronically), in addition, translations from German into other languages and foreign-language works related to Germanic culture (since 1941). -- Der Katalog umfasst die Bestände der Standorte Leipzig seit 1913, Frankfurt am Main seit 1945, die Bestände des Deutschen Musikarchivs seit 1976 und die Archivalien des Deutschen Exilarchivs 1933-1945 seit 2005. Der Katalog beinhaltet in Deutschland seit 1913 erschienene Monografien, Zeitschriften, Karten und Atlanten, Musikalien und Tonträger, Dissertationen und Habilitationsschriften in gedruckter oder elektronischer Form, außerdem Übersetzungen aus dem Deutschen in andere Sprachen und fremdsprachige Germanica (seit 1941).
Reference Database • Fulltext Database
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses, covering materials back to the first U.S. dissertation, accepted in 1861, as well as to European dissertations from the 17th century. The database is the official dissertations repository for the Library of Congress, with 6 million bibliographic citations, over 3,6 million full texts, 4,100 contributing institutions worldwide and 250,000 works added annually. Full-text coverage spans from 1743 to the present, with citation coverage dating back to 1637.
External Library Catalog
GBV is the Common Library Network of the German Federal States Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein and Thüringen. The head office of the GBV (VZG) is situated in Göttingen. The GBV has established a virtual library in form of the GBV Union Catalogue (GVK) combining the resources of all participating libraries and making them easily accessible to the public.
External Library Catalog
The union catalog lists the holdings of all scientific libraries in Hessen and Rheinhessen. Inter-library loan requests may be submitted.
External Library Catalog
The KOBV-Index is a central database that is maintained and regularly updated at KOBV-Zentrale. Der KOBV-Index ist eine zentrale Datenbank, die in der KOBV-Zentrale gepflegt und regelmäßig aktualisiert wird.
Reference Database • External Library Catalog • Miscellaneous
LIVIVO bundles scientifically relevant resources from the subjects fields medicine, health, nutrition, environmental and agricultural sciences. It provides a common search interface over various data sources, such as library catalogs, specialist bibliographic databases, full texts from journals, and quality-controlled web content. LIVIVO combines the former ZB MED search portals MEDPILOT (2003 to 2015) and GREENPILOT (2009 to 2015).
Reference Work
Various dictionaries are available.
Reference Database • Fulltext Database
The research database "Scholarly Journals and Newspapers in the Age of Enlightenment", conducted by the Göttingen Academy of Sciences, provides an extensive systematic index to German-language periodicals of the 18th century. It is based on the long-term research project "Scholarly Journals and Newspapers", which besides indexing and digitizing these scholarly journals aims to visualize their significant role for the emergence and structures of the "Enlightened scientific community". The project focuses on interdisciplinary journals, comprising of original contributions, book reviews, scholarly news as well as all facets of critique. The interactive online database also includes the data of the two previous research projects "Index of German-language Periodicals" (IdZ 18) and "Systematic Index of German-language Review Journals" (IdRZ 18). By the year 2025, it will give access to 323 periodicals (ca. 2,775 volumes and ca. 1,260,000 pages), spanning the time period 1688-1815.
External Library Catalog
The BSZ develops and maintains the SWB database in cooperation with 1,200 libraries in Baden-Württemberg, Pfalz, Saarland and Sachsen. The online catalog offers bibliographic data free of charge: Monographs, periodicals, articles, loose-leaf collections, off-prints, conference proceedings, university publications, reviews, abstracts, tables of contents, maps, music, audiovisual material, microforms, electronic resources (data media), online resources; scientific and popular literature from all subjects and in all languages from the 15th century to the present; scientific literature (according to the DFG special subject fields programme) from theology, ancient orient, art, music, archeology, law and criminology;
Reference Database
In addition to the 75.000 prints belonging to the basic content, VD16 comprises a supplement of more than 25.000 new titles. New titles are added continuously through acquisitions by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek for the Collection of German Prints, as well as through data provided by national and foreign libraries.