Fulltext Database
The Afghan Serials Collection is an essential collection of partisan serials from the Wahdat Library, the most comprehensive private collection of rare newspapers and journals from Afghanistan. This collection is a major contribution to the preservation of the history of the region and is comprised of the careful selection of more than 2,500 individual issues of 46 newspapers and journals published in Persian, Pushto, Arabic, Urdu, and English. The collection covers the use of the press by many groups that sought to shape Afghanistan’s social and intellectual landscape including the Communist People’s Democratic Party (PDPA); exiled loyalists to the deposed Afghan monarchy; independent humanitarians and intellectuals seeking to better their country; anti-Soviet mujaheddin groups from a range of political movements; the Taliban; and minority political parties that have emerged following the post-2001 transition towards democracy.
Fulltext Database • Book Collection
The Islamic Studies Collection of the Arabic provider Al Manhal provides access to more than 2,000 ebooks mainly in Arabic on the topics of Islamic theology, Islamic law and Islamic history.
CrossAsia is an interdisciplinary portal and central access point for online information on East and Southeast Asian studies. The portal provides an integrated search of distributed databases (free and subject to licence), access to selected digital collections and an online guide of electronic resources related to East and Southeast Asian studies (OGEA). Access for Max Planck researchers is subject to a local agreement free of charge.
Reference Database • Fulltext Database
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses, covering materials back to the first U.S. dissertation, accepted in 1861, as well as to European dissertations from the 17th century. The database is the official dissertations repository for the Library of Congress, with 5.5 million bibliographic citations, 3 million full texts, 4,100 contributing institutions worldwide and 250,000 works added annually. Full-text coverage spans from 1743 to the present, with citation coverage dating back to 1637.
Journal Collection • Book Collection
IOPscience is a platform for scientific content published by IOP Publishing and selected publishing partners. Users from the Max Planck Society have access to nearly the entire journal collection. This includes the content provided by the Institute of Physics, The Electrochemical Society, Turpion (English translations of leading Russian journals) and the American Astronomical Society. In addition, the Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges for all IOP fully Open Access and selected hybrid journals centrally. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Reference Work
Various dictionaries are available (incl. Duden).
Reference Database
MathSciNet is a comprehensive database covering the world's mathematical literature since 1940. It provides Web access to reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information from Mathematical Review and Current Mathematical Publications. The database contains information on over 4 million articles and books, with direct links to over 2.7 million articles in over 1,800 journals.
Journal Collection
The Middle Eastern & North African Newspapers collection includes publications from across this dynamic region, providing unique insights into the history of individual countries, as well as broad viewpoints on key historic events from the late nineteenth century through the present. Key topics include the decline of colonialism, the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Suez Crisis, the Cold War, the rise of the petroleum industry, twentieth-century pan-Arab movements, both World Wars, the establishment of the state of Israel, the Iran-Iraq War, and the recent Arab Spring. Researchers will find a wealth of unique content from the Middle East and North Africa, much of which has never been digitized or available as open access material. Content in the Middle Eastern & North African Newspapers collection is predominantly in Arabic, but also includes key titles in English and French. The collection comprises mostly out-of-copyright, orphaned content. Subscribing institutions also receive access to five in-copyright titles from the region: Jumhuriyah (Egypt), Filastin (Palestine), Al Akhbar (Lebanon), Al Riadh (Saudi Arabia), and Ad Dustour (Jordan).
Book Collection
The Miras Maktoob collection of Persian e-books consists of 249 volumes (189 works) originally published by the Written Heritage Research Institute (Miras Maktoob), a non-governmental organization in Tehran. These e-books contain both Persian and Arabic works on Islamic history and culture in the broadest sense.
Reference Work
Various dictionaries are available.
Fulltext Database
The United Nations iLibrary holds more than 3,500 publications in all official languages of the United Nations: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Arabic as well as bi-lingual and tri-lingual publications. These publications have been authored by the United Nations departments such as DESA, OHCHR and DPI, and agencies, funds and programs such as UNDP, ECLAC and UNFPA.
Reference Work
Databases of terminology and dictionaries can be searched parallely under an unique surface. Big dictionaries (Pons), pocket dictionary (Langenscheidt), dictionaries of law (Becher, Dietl/Lorenz, Doucet/Feck, Potonnier) -- Wörterbücher und Terminologie-Datenbanken können parallel unter einer einheitlichen Oberfläche durchsucht werden. Großwörterbücher (Pons), Taschenwörterbuch (Langenscheidt), Rechtswörterbücher (Becher, Dietl/Lorenz, Doucet/Feck, Potonnier)