Reference Database
AIO is an anthropological index to current periodicals in the the Anthropology Library at the British Museum (incorporating the former Royal Anthropological Institute library).
Reference Database
Anthropology Plus brings together into one resource the highly respected Anthropological Literature from Harvard University and Anthropological Index, Royal Anthropological Institute from the UK, and offers worldwide indexing of all core periodicals, in addition to lesser known journals, from the late 19th century to today. The database provides extensive worldwide indexing of journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works and obituaries in the fields of social, cultural, physical, biological and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, material culture and interdisciplinary studies
Reference Database
Book Citation Index--Science (BKCI-S) and Social Sciences & Humanities (BKCI-SSH) The Book Citation Index is a multidisciplinary index to the literature of the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Database Coverage: 2005 (copyright year) to the present
Reference Database
CAB Abstracts is a bibliographic database compiled by the non-profit organization CAB International. It covers the significant research and development literature in the fields of agriculture, forestry, aspects of human health, human nutrition, animal health, and the management and conservation of natural resources.
Reference Database
SciFinder-n is a research solution that provides access to the world's most comprehensive and authoritative collection of chemical reactions, substances and scientific literature curated by expert scientists in chemistry and related fields like physics, material science, biochemistry and genetics. Of key importance is CAS Registry, the CAS substance collection, which includes substances, their names, structures and registry numbers. In addition, proteins and nucleic acid data are indexed providing a unique environment for molecular biologists, e.g. for design of target molecules. Furthermore, two additional CAS solutions are part of the MPG subscription: * CAS Formulus: a comprehensive formulations database that supports formulation scientists to create products * CAS Anlaytical Methods: a tool to search, compare and understand the latest published analytical and synthetic scientific methods
MPG Library Catalog • Reference Database • Miscellaneous
Reference Database
Criminal Justice Abstracts contains of in-depth abstracts of current books, book chapters, journal articles, government reports, and dissertations published worldwide. The database also offers extensive coverage of new books from scholarly and commercial publishers and valuable reports from public and private agencies in many nations. Prepared in co-operation with the Don M. Gottfredson Library of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University Law Library, Criminal Justice Abstracts covers a wide range of topics in criminal justice, including crime trends, crime prevention and deterrence, juvenile delinquency, juvenile justice, police, courts, punishment and sentencing.
Reference Database
The Cross-National Time-Series database provides internationally-comparative economic variables, including government expenditure, population, territorial size, per capita GDP, trade, infrastructure, conflict events, elections, legislative process, political measures and international status indicators. Data for 200 countries is provided from 1815 onwards. Area Data, Computer Usage Data, Domestic Conflict Event Data, Economic Data, Electoral Data, Energy Data, Highway Vehicle Data, Identification Data, Industrial and Labor Force Data, Industrial Production Data, International Status Indicators Data, Legislative Process Data, Mail Data Media Data, Military Data, National Government Revenue and Expenditure Data, Phone Data, Physician Data, Political Data, Population Data, Railroad Data, School Enrollment Data, Telegraph Data, Trade Data, Urbanization Data.
Reference Database
This bibliographic database is the central access to the specialist information on education. In the center of the service are the specialist literature databases as well as comprehensive collections of information at the various aspects of educational science. -- Diese bibliografische Databank ist der zentrale Einstieg in die pädagogische Fachinformation. Im Mittelpunkt des Services stehen die fachlichen Literaturdatenbanken sowie umfassende Informationssammlungen zu den verschiedenen Aspekten der Erziehungswissenschaft.
Reference Database
FRANCIS indexes multilingual information and provides in-depth coverage of humanities and social sciences.
Factual Database • Reference Database
GeoReM is a Max Planck Institute database for reference materials of geological and environmental interest, such as rock powders, synthetic and natural glasses as well as mineral, isotopic, biological, river water and seawater reference materials. It contains published analytical data and compilation values (major and trace element concentrations and mass fractions, radiogenic and stable isotope ratios). GeoReM covers all important metadata about the analytical values such as uncertainty, analytical method and laboratory. Sample information and references are also included. GeoReM contains almost 3,400 reference materials, about 46,200 analyses from almost 10,000 papers, and preferred analytical values (State: November 2017).
Journal Collection • Reference Database
GeoScienceWorld (GSW) is a nonprofit collaborative and comprehensive resource for research and communications in the earth sciences, which is built on a core database of peer-reviewed journals and is integrated with the GeoRef index. The platforms offers a single point of access to more than 40 full text scholarly journals from leading geoscientific organizations, plus specialized searching capabilities and links to millions of relevant resources hosted elsewhere on the Web. Though access to current volumes is no longer licensed, perpetual access rights have been granted to the content published until August 2018.
Reference Database
The GESIS search can be used to find information about social science research data and open access publications. It covers: * Research Data * Variables from questionnaires * Instruments and tools * Literature, incl. publications on research data & surveying instruments, open access publications in the social sciences, as well as literature on the topic "Women in science" * Collections of the GESIS library * GESIS webpages, incl. general information and offers on the GESIS websites
Reference Database
Bei GovData handelt es sich um ein Metadatenportal, über das Bund, Länder und Kommunen ihre Daten zugänglich machen. Zentraler Bestandteil von GovData ist ein Metadatenkatalog. Über die darin enthaltenen standardisierten Metadaten (einheitliche strukturierte Beschreibungen) sind die Daten einfach auffindbar und zugänglich. Die Daten selbst werden weiterhin von den Datenbereitstellern dezentral vorgehalten und gepflegt.
Reference Database • Miscellaneous
H1 Connect is a literature awareness and recommendation tool that comprehensively highlights and reviews the most interesting papers published in biology and medicine. It is based on the recommendations of a faculty of selected leading scientists and enables researchers to set up a personalized literature service.
Reference Database • External Library Catalog • Miscellaneous
LIVIVO bundles scientifically relevant resources from the subjects fields medicine, health, nutrition, environmental and agricultural sciences. It provides a common search interface over various data sources, such as library catalogs, specialist bibliographic databases, full texts from journals, and quality-controlled web content. LIVIVO combines the former ZB MED search portals MEDPILOT (2003 to 2015) and GREENPILOT (2009 to 2015).
Reference Database
MEDLINE® is the United States National Library of Medicine's (NLM®) premier bibliographic database providing information from the following fields: Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Veterinary medicine, Allied health, Pre-clinical sciences. as well as information from international literature on biomedicine, including the following topics as they relate to biomedicine and health care: Biology, Environmental science, Marine biology, Plant and animal science, Biophysics, Chemistry. The database contains bibliographic citations and author abstracts from approx. 5,000 biomedical journals published in the United States and in 70 other countries. MEDLINE contains well over 13 million citations dating back to 1946. NLM uses a controlled vocabulary of biomedical terms to index articles, to catalog books and other holdings. MEDLINE’s controlled-vocabulary thesaurus contains Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) to describe the subject of each journal article in the database. MeSH terms provide a consistent way of retrieving information that uses different terminology for the same concept. Within MEDLINE’s thesaurus, MeSH terms display hierarchically by category, with more specific terms arranged beneath broader terms.
Reference Database
Online Contents Classics provides access to the tables of contents of journals in the field of classical studies, especially Greek and Latin Philology, Prehistory, Early History, Ancient History and Archaeology, Egyptology. It is a subject-oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Database Online Contents. This database is regularly enhanced by table of contents data from additional periodicals out of the special collections of the University Library Heidelberg as German central subject library for Archaeology and Egyptology and of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, as German central subject library for Greek and Latin Philology and Ancient History.
Reference Database
The database OLC Environment is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database that is regularly enhanced by table of contents data from additional periodicals out of the special collections of the TIB Hannover, the central subject library of Germany for technology and their related subjects, especially chemistry, computer science, mathematics and physics. Currently 514 journals are being indexed back to the year of publication in 1993.
Reference Database
The database OLC Physics is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database that is regularly enhanced by table of contents data from additional periodicals out of the special collections of the TIB Hannover, the central subject library of Germany for technology and their related subjects, especially chemistry, computer sciences, mathematics and physics.