Fulltext Database
AllThatStats.com is designed for retrieving statistical time series databases and country tables. -- Contains: World Bank Statistics, IMF Statistics, UNIDO Industrial Statistics, UNECE Statistics, DSI Global Economic Statistics, OECD Statistics, OECD External Trade Statistics, WTO External Trade Statistics, European Central Bank Statistics, European Union Statistics - Tables on EU policy, European Union Statistics - Production statistics, EUROPROMS,EUROSTAT,Intra-Extra-EU Trade Statistics - Time Series, Intra-Extra-EU Trade Statistics - Intra-Extra-EU Trade Carbon Footprint Database, European Commission, DG ECFIN, U.S. Statistics, German Central Bank, Statistics German Statistical Office Statistics GENESIS, DSI Global Environmental Database.
Book Collection • Fulltext Database
Bloomsbury Cultural History is a fully cross-searchable digital resource that engages with culture throughout the ages from antiquity to modernity. Thanks to its interdisciplinary nature and ever-expanding collections, this unique digital reference tool promises to be an essential resource on many courses from cultural studies and sociology to history and anthropology. With exclusive digital access to Bloomsbury’s Cultural Histories series as well as an extensive e-book collection, image partnerships with the Wellcome Collection and supporting features like lesson plans and an interactive timeline, it has never been easier for students and scholars alike to explore the cultural worlds that have shaped our own.
Fulltext Database • Book Collection
Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies (BECS) offers a systematic and comparative look at key education levels and the study of cognitive and psychosocial development through early childhood and youth. The Collection includes eBooks, policy reports, country overviews and helpful research tools, allowing researchers to study and build an understanding of education systems, policies, and the nature of childhood and youth experience in different countries throughout the world.
Fulltext Database
Business Source Premier is a business research database, providing full text for nearly 8,200 serials, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed business publications. The database also includes other sources of full text information such as country economic reports from the EIU, Global Insight, ICON Group and CountryWatch and detailed company profiles for the world's largest companies. Additional full text, non-journal content includes market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles and SWOT analyses.
Fulltext Database
CESSDA provides large scale, integrated and sustainable data services to the social sciences, having evolved from a network of European data service providers into a legal entity and large-scale infrastructure under the auspices of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap.CESSDA provides a seamless interface to datasets from social science data archives across Europe.
Fulltext Database • Factual Database
The resource provides archival access to all country reports published by the Economists Intelligence Unit (EIU) from 1996. The most recent 4 volumes are not available. EIU country reports comprise information about the current and future economic and political development, about international trade as well as an overview over the most important economic indicators. The platform is hosted by the German National Library of Economics (ZBW) - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics.
Fulltext Database
Data Europa EU is a central point of access to European open data from international, European Union, national, regional, local and geodata portals. The official portal for Euopean data consolidates the former EU Open Data Portal and the European Data Portal. Data Europa EU gives access and fosters the reuse of European open data among citizens, business and organisations. The portal promotes and supports the release of more and better-quality metadata and data by the EU’s institutions, agencies and other bodies, and European countries, enhancing the transparency of European administrations. Furthermore, it is intended to educate citizens and organisations about the opportunities that arise from the availability of open data. Currently, Data Europa EU contains more than 1.5 million European public sector datasets grouped by over 180 catalogues and pertaining to different topical categories.
Fulltext Database
Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800 has been hailed as one of the most important collections ever produced on microform. The collection is based on the renowned American Bibliography by Charles Evans and enhanced by Roger Bristol's Supplement to Evans' American Bibliography. It serves as a foundation set for research involving early American history, literature, philosophy, religion, and more. Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800 consists of more than 36,000 books, pamphlets, broadsides and other imprints. A common search interface for EAI I and EAI II is offered at: http://infoweb.newsbank.com/?db=EAIX.
Fulltext Database
Early American Imprints, Series II: Shaw/Shoemaker (1801-1819) is an essential complement to Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans (1639-1800) the definitive resource for researching 17th- and 18th-century America. The collection provides a comprehensive set of American books, pamphlets, broadsides and other imprints published in the early part of the 19th century. It is based on the noted -American Bibliography, 1801-1819- by Ralph R. Shaw and Richard H. Shoemaker and covers more than four million pages from over 36,000 items - including 1,000 catalogued new items unavailable in previous microform editions. A common search interface for EAI I and EAI II is offered at: http://infoweb.newsbank.com/?db=EAIX.
Book Collection • Fulltext Database
The collection licensed by the DFG comprises 1000 e-Books. In addition, access to 3,400 free electronic books from all subject areas is provided.
Fulltext Database
EconLit with Full Text contains all of the indexing available in EconLit, plus fulltext for more than 400 journals, including the American Economic Association journals with no embargo (American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Literature, and Journal of Economic Perspectives). This database also contains many non-English fulltext serials in economics and finance. This comprehensive file covers six types of records: journal articles, books, collective volume articles, dissertations, working papers, and book reviews.
Fulltext Database
The Economist Historical Archive comprises the complete content of all printed editions of the Economist from the years 1843 - 2012. The Economist is the most important international weekly for economic and financial policy. Articles are presented as color images. For the archive full text search with different indexes has been set up. The archive supports export of the "Economic / Financial Indicator" in Excel format, and has a gallery of title images with marked key topics for every week. The DFG subscription covers the years 1843 - 2006 only, but currently full text access has been granted to the complete historical archive.
Fulltext Database
EcoSal Online is a continually updated Web resource based on the classic ASM Press print publication "Escherichia coli and Salmonella: Cellular and Molecular Biology" Author: Neidhardt. This project is intended primarily to serve the needs of the E. coli/Salmonella research community as a comprehensive archive of the entire corpus of knowledge about the enteric bacterial cell. It is expected to be of value also to all cellular and microbial biologists and to be a resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate instruction.
Fulltext Database
The Education Magazine Archive provides access to the archives of leading magazines and trade publications in the field of education, dating from the early 20th century through to the 21st. It covers multiple aspects of the history of education of this period, with magazines devoted to a range of educational levels, topics, and audiences. The collection comprises 26 publications and approximately 850,000 full color page images, each article individually indexed with fully searchable text. The titles were originally aimed at teachers, policy makers/administrators and other education professionals, but have now become valuable primary sources for scholars. The material enables researchers to explore multiple perspectives on the key events of the age and opens up new opportunities for research in the history of education, as well as on related subjects such as social history, childhood studies, psychology, and politics.
Fulltext Database
The platform provides access to various online products of the publisher Editorial Projects in Education. This includes full text access to: * Education Week - a U.S. national newspaper focusing on K-12 education policy, serving as a bridge between the worlds of policy and practice. * Education Week Teacher - a collection of news and information, along with opinion blogs, and webinars, targeted at teacher-leaders. * Education Week Digital Directions - a magazine published three times a year that covers news, trends, and best practices in educational technology. * Teacher Professional Development Sourcebook - a directory published twice a year, listing products and services for teachers.
Fulltext Database
More than 200 peoples and ethnic groups are indexed on the basis of different sources. Underlying data are results of field research published as ethnographic monographies, essays or manuscripts which are used as "primary data" and subject-indexed by applying a highly complex and differentiated system down to the level of single paragraphs. The indexing is done according to the "Outline of Cultural Materials" (OCM) that contains over 700 different classification elements. Additionally, a keyword search at full text level is possible. The database is updated on a regular basis.
Fulltext Database
The collection contains essays, source and data material, thematically grouped around the overall topics of colonialism and imperialism. Introductory scientific contributions and links to relevant sources are available for five thematic sections: * Cultural Contacts 1492-1969 * Empire Writing & the Literature of Empire * The Visible Empire * Religion & Empire * Race, Class, Imperialism and Colonialism 1607-2007
Fulltext Database
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union and its homepage offers a whole range of data that governments, businesses, the education sector, journalists and the public can use for their work and daily life. The data covers following themes: - General and regional statistics - Economy and finance: National accounts (including GDP), ESA Input-Output tables, European sector accounts, Pensions in National Accounts, Government finance and EDP, Exchange rates, Interest rates, Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP), Housing price statistics, Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs), Balance of payments - Population and social conditions - Industry, trade and service: Manufactured goods (Prodcom), Postal services, Structural business statistics, Short-term business statistics, Tourism - Agriculture and fisheries - International trade - Transport - Environment and energy - Science and technology
Fulltext Database
Gender: Identity and Social Change includes primary sources for the study of gender history, women’s suffrage, the feminist movement and the men’s movement. Other key areas represented in the material include: employment and labour, education, government and legislation, the body, domesticity and the family. Explore records from men’s and women’s organisations and pressure groups, detailing twentieth-century lobbying and activism on a wide array of issues to reveal developing gender relations and prevalent challenges. Material has been sourced from across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. The earliest documents are from the nineteenth century and the latest from the early twenty-first century.Document types are pamphlets, speeches, newsletters, newspaper clippings as well as personal diaries and correspondence of key figures and pioneers in gender history. Futhermore, a rich selection of visual material, including photographs, illustrations, posters, scrapbooks and objects is available.
Fulltext Database
The Humanities & Social Sciences Collection is Informit’s core academic research collection. This multidisciplinary collection provides access to fresh perspectives in the arts, communication, education, history, linguistics, politics and more. It is dedicated to content from and about Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific and South East Asia, with articles by scholars worldwide.