Reference Database
AIO is an anthropological index to current periodicals in the the Anthropology Library at the British Museum (incorporating the former Royal Anthropological Institute library).
Reference Database
Anthropology Plus brings together into one resource the highly respected Anthropological Literature from Harvard University and Anthropological Index, Royal Anthropological Institute from the UK, and offers worldwide indexing of all core periodicals, in addition to lesser known journals, from the late 19th century to today. The database provides extensive worldwide indexing of journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works and obituaries in the fields of social, cultural, physical, biological and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, material culture and interdisciplinary studies
Reference Database
ARTbibliographies Modern (ABM) provides full abstracts of journal articles, books, essays, exhibition catalogs, PhD dissertations, and exhibition reviews on all forms of modern and contemporary art, with approximately 12-13,000 new entries being added each year. Entries date back as far as the late 1960s. ABM is the premier source of information on modern and contemporary arts dating from the late 19th century onwards, and including photography since its invention. It includes abstracts of English and foreign-language material on famous and lesser-known artists, movements, and trends. The coverage of ABM is wide-ranging and includes performance art and installation works, video art, computer and electronic art, body art, graffiti, artists' books, theatre arts, conservation, crafts, ceramic and glass art, ethnic arts, graphic and museum design, fashion, and calligraphy, as well as traditional media including illustration, painting, printmaking, sculpture, and drawing.
Reference Database
Inhalt: 622.500 Literaturnachweise aus über 2.800 Zeitschriften (davon ca. 300 aktuell ausgewertet) zur Architektur, Architekturgeschichte, sowie Archäologie, Bauentwurf, Wohnungsbau, Denkmalpflege, Innenarchitektur, Landschaftsarchitektur, Stadtplanung. Neben Zeitschriftenartikeln werden auch Interviews, Buchrezensionen, Ausstellungskataloge u.ä. ausgewertet, wobei 75% der Zeitschriften für keine andere Datenbank ausgewertet werden. Abdeckung international, 80% des Materials stammt von außerhalb der USA, 60% sind Nachweise nicht-englischsprachige Veröffentlichungen. Die Datenbank enthält auch einen mehr als 15.000 Einträge umfassenden Index von Nachrufen auf bedeutende Architekten (Avery's Obituary Index) und den 10-bd. Burnham Index to Architectural Literature des Art Institute of Chicago (1870 - ca. 1965).
Reference Database
Bio-bibliographisches Nachschlagewerk mit über 170.000 Einträgen zu Künstlern, auch weniger bekannten, weltweit von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Die Einträge beinhalten neben einer Darstellung von Leben und Werk des Künstlers weiterführende Literaturhinweise, Abbildungen von Künstlersignaturen, Museumsnachweise und Auktionsergebnisse.
Reference Database
Get a comprehensive view of life sciences research, including the most important discoveries, significant influences and relevant connections. BIOSIS Citation IndexSM combines critical BIOSIS® content with powerful citation indexing and Web of Science search and discovery capabilities. The resource provides seamless searching of nearly 5,000 journal titles and 20 million records in the life sciences field, as well as 165,000 documents from more than 1,500 meetings, with coverage dating back to 1926. Cited References are added for all BIOSIS® records back to 2006. For items added prior to 2006, citation data will only be available if they also are covered in the Web of Science Core Collection.
Reference Database
BIOSIS Previews® is the world's most comprehensive reference database for life science research. It covers original research reports and reviews in biological and biomedical areas. Coverage includes traditional areas of biology, such as botany, zoology and microbiology, as well as related fields such as biomedical, agriculture and ecology. Interdisciplinary fields such as medicine, biochemistry, biophysics, bioengineering and biotechnology are also included. Nearly 5,500 serials are monitored for inclusion. In addition, the database covers content summaries, books and meeting abstracts, papers and posters. Content summaries include notes and letters, technical data reports, reviews, U.S. patents from 1986 to 1989 and from 1999, meeting reports from 1980 to present, bibliographies, nomenclature rules, and taxonomic keys. The BIOSIS Previews database includes the contents of Biological Abstracts (1969 to present), Biological Abstracts/RRM (1980 to present) and BioResearch Index (1969 to 1979). As part of the Web of Science (WoS) BIOSIS Previews permits convenient use of Biosystematic Codes/Names for searching groups of organisms as well as the use of Concept Codes/Headings that represent broad subject areas.
Reference Database
Book Citation Index--Science (BKCI-S) and Social Sciences & Humanities (BKCI-SSH) The Book Citation Index is a multidisciplinary index to the literature of the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Database Coverage: 2005 (copyright year) to the present
Reference Database
SciFinder-n is a research solution that provides access to the world's most comprehensive and authoritative collection of chemical reactions, substances and scientific literature curated by expert scientists in chemistry and related fields like physics, material science, biochemistry and genetics. Of key importance is CAS Registry, the CAS substance collection, which includes substances, their names, structures and registry numbers. In addition, proteins and nucleic acid data are indexed providing a unique environment for molecular biologists, e.g. for design of target molecules. Furthermore, two additional CAS solutions are part of the MPG subscription: * CAS Formulus: a comprehensive formulations database that supports formulation scientists to create products * CAS Anlaytical Methods: a tool to search, compare and understand the latest published analytical and synthetic scientific methods
Reference Database
FRANCIS indexes multilingual information and provides in-depth coverage of humanities and social sciences.
Reference Database
The International Bibliography of Art (IBA) is the successor to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA), and retains the editorial policies which made BHA one of the most trusted and frequently consulted sources in the field. The database includes records created by the Getty Research Institute in 2008-09, with new records created by ProQuest using the same thesaurus and authority files. The database will grow by 18,000 records per year, ensuring unbroken coverage of journals that were indexed in BHA and IBA prior to 2010. The initial data set created by the Getty Research Institute in 2008-2009 covers scholarship up to 2009, including retrospective records for material published in previous years, and in some cases the new ProQuest indexing will also cover retrospective years in order to fill gaps in coverage. Publications covered include at least 500 core journals, with an emphasis on specialist and rare titles that are not covered by other indexes, plus detailed coverage of monographs, essay collections, conference proceedings and exhibition catalogues. We aim for at least 60% of the content to be in languages other than English (primarily German, French, Italian and Spanish), with a proportion of this indexing provided by national art libraries and freelance indexers from around the world.
Reference Database
MEDLINE® is the United States National Library of Medicine's (NLM®) premier bibliographic database providing information from the following fields: Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Veterinary medicine, Allied health, Pre-clinical sciences. as well as information from international literature on biomedicine, including the following topics as they relate to biomedicine and health care: Biology, Environmental science, Marine biology, Plant and animal science, Biophysics, Chemistry. The database contains bibliographic citations and author abstracts from approx. 5,000 biomedical journals published in the United States and in 70 other countries. MEDLINE contains well over 13 million citations dating back to 1946. NLM uses a controlled vocabulary of biomedical terms to index articles, to catalog books and other holdings. MEDLINE’s controlled-vocabulary thesaurus contains Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) to describe the subject of each journal article in the database. MeSH terms provide a consistent way of retrieving information that uses different terminology for the same concept. Within MEDLINE’s thesaurus, MeSH terms display hierarchically by category, with more specific terms arranged beneath broader terms.
Reference Database
Online Contents Anglistics is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database. Currently 424 journals are being indexed back to the year of publication in 1993. -- Die Datenbank OLC Anglistik ist ein fachbezogener Auszug aus der Datenbank Online Contents. Zurzeit werden 424 Zeitschriftentitel retrospektiv bis zum Erscheinungsjahr 1993 ausgewertet. Damit enthält die Datenbank derzeit ca. 323.000 Aufsätze und Rezensionen aus dem Fachgebiet Anglistik und Amerikanistik.
Reference Database
Online Contents Arts and Art Sciences offers access to tables of contents of art and art related journals. It is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database. It is regularly enhanced by table of contents data from additional periodicals out of the special collections of the State and University Library (SLUB) Dresden and the University Library Heidelberg.
Reference Database
OLC German language and literature studies is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database and provides access to the tables of contents of journals in the field of German Studies. Currently 139 journals are being indexed, normally back to the publication year 1993. -- Die Datenbank OLC Germanistik ist ein fachbezogener Auszug aus der Datenbank Online Contents und erschließt Inhaltsverzeichnisse von Zeitschriften aus dem Bereich "Deutsche Sprache und Literatur". Zurzeit werden 139 Zeitschriften ausgewertet, in der Regel ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 1993. Damit enthält die täglich aktualisierte Datenbank gegenwärtig über 197.000 Aufsätze und Rezensionen (Stand: September 2019).
Reference Database
The database OLC Ibero-America, Spain and Portugal is a regional related section from the Online Contents database that is constantly being completed with the addition of selected journals from the competent Libraries, the Library of the Ibero-American Institute Prussian Cultural Heritage (Ibero-America and the Caribbean) and the state and university library SUB Hamburg (Spain and Portugal). Currently more than 1.400 journals are being indexed. Gradually earlier editions of these journals will also be made accessible.
Reference Database
This historic journal index enables the simultaneous search in millions of citations for articles published in the arts, humanities and social sciences, across more than 300 years. It enables researchers quickly and comprehensively to identify articles relevant to their field of study and reduces what could take years of research to a matter of minutes. Journals indexed span 37 key subject areas and multiple languages.
Reference Database
The PsycINFO databases cover the professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines including medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, and other areas. Coverage is worldwide, and includes references and abstracts to over 1300 journals and to dissertations in more than 30 languages, and to book chapters and books in the English language. Over 50,000 references are added annually. Popular literature is excluded.
Reference Database
SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) is a program of the Sao Paulo Research Foundation for the cooperative publishing of open access journals on the internet. Content includes regional journals from Latin American and the Caribbean as well as titles from Spain, Portugal and South Africa. The index covers approximately 650 titles (over 350 adding content to journals already covered in the Web of Science) and contains several million cited references.
Reference Database
Zoological Record provides access to publications in animal biology and biodiversity. It covers 5,000 serials, plus many other sources of information, including books, reports, and meetings. It contains, in particular, a significant amount of literature on insects, reptiles, birds, fish and wildlife which is not included elsewhere (e.g. in BIOSIS Previews). It is also a leading taxonomic reference work.