Reference Work
Various dictionaries are available.
External Library Catalog
The BSZ develops and maintains the SWB database in cooperation with 1,200 libraries in Baden-Württemberg, Pfalz, Saarland and Sachsen. The online catalog offers bibliographic data free of charge: Monographs, periodicals, articles, loose-leaf collections, off-prints, conference proceedings, university publications, reviews, abstracts, tables of contents, maps, music, audiovisual material, microforms, electronic resources (data media), online resources; scientific and popular literature from all subjects and in all languages from the 15th century to the present; scientific literature (according to the DFG special subject fields programme) from theology, ancient orient, art, music, archeology, law and criminology;
The vifabio portal offers rapid access to biological literature and information. It offers a parallel search in various biologically relevant library catalogues, bibliographic databases, and the internet guide (a collection of selected, quality controlled internet sources).
Reference Database
zbMATH Open (formerly known as Zentralblatt MATH) is the world's most complete and longest running abstracting and reviewing service in pure and applied mathematics. The MATH Database contains several million entries drawn from more than 3,500 serials and journals, and more than 1,100 book series and monographs. The entries are classified according to the Mathematics Subject Classification Scheme (MSC 2000).