Lending to households in Europe (1995-2010): ECRI Statistical Package 2011

Lending to Households in Europe (1995-2010) covers the entire retail loan market, including time series on consumer credit, housing loans and other loans to households as well as loans to non-financial corporations and total credit to the non-financial business and household sector. In addition, national accounts data such as gross disposable income or final consumption expenditure are also available.

Lending to households in Europe (1995-2010): ECRI Statistical Package 2011

Lending to Households in Europe (1995-2010) covers the entire retail loan market, including time series on consumer credit, housing loans and other loans to households as well as loans to non-financial corporations and total credit to the non-financial business and household sector. In addition, national accounts data such as gross disposable income or final consumption expenditure are also available.

Title (Alternative):ECRI Statistical Package 2011
Provider:European Credit Research Institute ECRI
Language: English
Subject Category:Social Sci. + Humanities
Resource Type:Fulltext Database
Access Note:Download (Excel-File) for MPIfG (Intranet)
Scope:MPI Study Societies