Max Planck Institute of Multidisciplinary Sciences

The Otto Hahn Library is a special scientific library which provides the institutes on the Max Planck Campus at Göttingen-Nikolausberg with literature and information. Its holdings primarily consist of literature covering the fields of research of the institutes Multidisciplinary Sciences and Dynamics & Self-Organization.

Max Planck Institute of Multidisciplinary Sciences

The Otto Hahn Library is a special scientific library which provides the institutes on the Max Planck Campus at Göttingen-Nikolausberg with literature and information. Its holdings primarily consist of literature covering the fields of research of the institutes Multidisciplinary Sciences and Dynamics & Self-Organization.

Title (Alternative):Otto-Hahn-Bibliothek, OHB
Otto Hahn Library, OHB
Max-Planck-Institut für Multidisziplinäre Naturwissenschaften, Göttingen
formerly: Max Planck Institute Biophysical Chemistry, Max-Planck-Institut biophysikalische Chemie
formerly: Max Planck Institute Experimental Medicine, Max-Planck-Institut experimentelle Medizin
Language: German, English
Subject Category:Medicine, Chemistry, Biology
Subject:Physics, Medicine, Mathematics, Chemistry, Pharmacology
Keyword:Molecular biology, Neuroscience, Physiology
Resource Type:MPG Library Catalog
Library System:Pica (GBV)
Scope:Max Planck Society