Digital Library of the Catholic Reformation (Alexander Street Press)

DFG Nationallizenz

The Digital Library of the Catholic Reformation makes the documentary riches of this era accessible, adding functionalities that maximize the flexibility with which researchers can search, view, organize, and manipulate this historically important source material. With new content uploads occurring on a regular basis, the database offers a constantly growing treasury of documents, including papal and synodal decrees, catechisms and inquisitorial manuals, biblical commentaries, theological treatises and systems, liturgical writings, saints' lives, and devotional works.

Digital Library of the Catholic Reformation (Alexander Street Press)

The Digital Library of the Catholic Reformation makes the documentary riches of this era accessible, adding functionalities that maximize the flexibility with which researchers can search, view, organize, and manipulate this historically important source material. With new content uploads occurring on a regular basis, the database offers a constantly growing treasury of documents, including papal and synodal decrees, catechisms and inquisitorial manuals, biblical commentaries, theological treatises and systems, liturgical writings, saints' lives, and devotional works.

Provider:Alexander Street Press, ASP
Provider (Alternative):AlexanderStreetPress (Alternative)
Ad Fontes (creator)
Language: Latin, French, English
Subject Category:Social Sci. + Humanities
Subject:Religion, History
Keyword:Religious studies, Modern Latin, Medieval Latin and modern Greek studies, Byzantine studies, Classical linguistics and literature
Resource Type:Book Collection
Scope:Max Planck Society
Usage Conditions:
Funding:Advanced by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG): Germany-wide access

The Germany-wide access to this database is enabled by the advancement of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and organized by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München