Book Collection • Journal Collection
Casalini libri's full text platform offers access to over 29,000 ebooks and 840 ejournals from more than 200 Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese publishers. Max Planck users have access to: * EIO Monographs - a collection of 1,500 monographs and proceedings in humanities and social sciences from academic publishers in Italy. * EIO Periodicals Archive - pre-2011 content of 221 academic journals published by various Italian publishers.
Journal Collection
Archive of 15 periodicals and proceedings published online by Trans Tech Publications during the period between 1984 and 2022. The archive - with its broad subject diversity and its renowned journals indexed in well-established databases (e.g. Material Science Forum, Defect and Diffusion Forum, Key Engineering Materials) - is a valuable platform for the bibliographic retrieval of scientists, especially in the field of modern solid state and materials science.
Zenodo is an open data repository, developed and operated by CERN. It is an catch-all repository, that welcomes research from all over the world, and from every discipline. Zenodo does not impose any requirements on format, size, access restrictions or licence. A digital object identifier (DOI) is automatically assigned to all Zenodo files and it is integrated into reporting for research funded by the European Commission.