Fulltext Database
Business Source Premier is a business research database, providing full text for nearly 8,200 serials, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed business publications. The database also includes other sources of full text information such as country economic reports from the EIU, Global Insight, ICON Group and CountryWatch and detailed company profiles for the world's largest companies. Additional full text, non-journal content includes market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles and SWOT analyses.
Reference Database
References within the fields of business, economics, credit management and ergonomics are searchable via a single interface. An overview of included resources is available via https://www.wiso-net.de/sourceInformation/categoryNavigation?searchId=%3A3%3AWIR....
Fulltext Database
Wolters Kluwer Online is an online system for German and European law information. It covers - judgments and court decisions (mainly in full text) - legal norms regarding EU, national and federal law - comments - e-Journals (e.g. Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt) - form books and work materials of German jurisdiction ---- Wolters Kluwer Online ist ein juristischer Online-Service mit folgenden Inhalten: - Urteilen aus allen Instanzen, überwiegend im Volltext - Rechtsnormen zum EU-Recht, Bundesrecht und den Landesrechten - Kommentaren - Fachzeitschriften, z. B. Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt - Formularbüchern und Arbeitshilfen zur deutschen Rechtssprechung