Fulltext Database
"Izvestiia" ("News") is a daily newspaper published countrywide in Russia. Though, within the (by now) wide variety of the Russian media landscape, it counts among the newspapers with the widest circulation even today, its significance for research in the field of Eastern Europe studies is mainly based on the Soviet period. Izvestiia is an important resource for interdisciplinary research of the entire period of communist rule from 1917 to 1991, as well as of the Soviet reception by the West.
Fulltext Database
PressReader delivers a large selection of the world’s most popular newspapers and magazines on a single platform. The current subscription provides full text access to recent issues of more than 7,000 publications in over 60 languages, including 370 German titles. The previous Library PressDisplay product is still available under: https://library.pressdisplay.com/pressdisplay.