MPG Library Catalog
The MPI-MP opened its reference library in 1995. The library houses over 2000 books and 120 prominent molecular biology-related journals.
MPG Library Catalog
The Library of the Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity is a specialized library with a focus on religious studies, anthropology, political science and sociology. The library does not participate in interlibrary loans but serves as a reference library to provide literature and information, mainly to the members of the Institute.
MPG Library Catalog
Gemeinsamer Katalog des Max-Planck-Instituts für Biogeochemie und des Max-Planck-Instituts für Chemische Ökologie, Jena.
MPG Library Catalog
The library of the MPIs Martinsried is a specialized reference library primarily rendering services to research staff and visiting scientists. Its collection of books and ejournals is mainly used on behalf of the Institute's research projects.
MPG Library Catalog
The Campus Library is a shared service unit for following neighboring Max Planck institutes: Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen and the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory
Fulltext Database
Nexis provides access to a collection of global economic data and company information including a broad collection of international, national and local newspapers and magazines, such as Süddeutsche Zeitung, The Guardian, Harvard Business Review, New York Times, Le Monde, Wall Street Journal (Abstracts only), The New York Times, or The Economist - no Financial Times. The database includes legal sources from the UK, the Commonwealth and selected other jurisdictions such as Australia, Canada, France and New Zealand.
Reference Database
OLC Economic Sciences is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database that is regularly enhanced by table of contents data from 3,150 additional periodicals with more than 4,500,000 records of articles out of the special collections of the ZBW – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft and the university library of the Helmut Schmidt university, Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg.
Book Collection • Reference Work
The SpringerLink platform provides MPG staff with access to a huge collection of English and German eBooks from 2005 onwards, as well as the English and the German collection of the Springer Book Archive (1842-2004). In addition, the content of selected book series is available. Includes major reference works and dictionaries. Max Planck researchers who publish a monograph or edited volume with Springer Nature as an Open Access eBook receive a discount on the standard Book Publishing Charge. MPDL covers the costs remaining on a pro rata basis. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Factual Database
The German Statista portal provides access to statistics, studies and reports collected from over 22,500 sources. It covers statistical information on a wide variety of markets and industries, focusing on the German and European market. Benefits of Statista services include * Industry-specific economic macro data with key indicators of market trends * Industry-specific surveys on relevant trends and forecast * Consumer behavior studies
Fulltext Database
The Umwelt-Online platform contains all relevant legal regulations on topics such as environmental protection, occupational safety, transport of dangerous goods, hazardous materials and systems engineering. The content is continuously updated. Die Plattform Umwelt-Online enthält alle relevanten rechtlichen Regelungen zu den Themen Umweltschutz, Arbeitssicherheit, Gefahrguttransporte, Gefahrstoffe, Anlagentechnik und Anlagensicherheit. Die Inhalte werden kontinuierlich entsprechend den Veröffentlichungen der Regelungsgeber aktualisiert.
The vifabio portal offers rapid access to biological literature and information. It offers a parallel search in various biologically relevant library catalogues, bibliographic databases, and the internet guide (a collection of selected, quality controlled internet sources).
EVIFA, the portal of Social and Cultural Anthropology, offers anthropological and folkloristic information from one source. It gives a fast, comprehensive access to specific information for anthropological research, regardless of the where about.
Book Collection • Journal Collection • Reference Database • Factual Database
wiso is an online database specially tailored to the needs of users from academic and research institutions by GBI-Genios. It aggregates mainly German content from various publishers, covering economics, social sciences, psychology and technology. wiso provides access to major reference databases, to full texts of selected journals, e-books, magazines and newspapers like VDI Nachrichten or Handelsblatt as well as to company information and market data.
Factual Database
wiso Companies enables full text access to Company profiles, announcements in the German Companies Registration Office, and annual financial statements . An overview of included resources is available via https://www.wiso-net.de/sourceInformation/categoryNavigation?searchId=%3A3%3AFIR....