Reference Database
Springer Nature publishes the largest available collection of reproducible laboratory protocols and methods for the life sciences. The Experiments platform provides accees to the content from SpringerProtocols, Nature Methods, Nature Protocols and Protocol Exchange through a single easy-to-use platform, designed to save researchers' time.
Book Collection
The e-book platform of the international scientific publisher Taylor & Francis contains selected English-language titles from the publishing house as well as the publishing imprints Routledge and CRC Press .It serves a wide range of disciplines in the field of humanities and social sciences, including history, politics, sociology, psychology and economics. Full-text access depends on the license scope of your institution. The accessible titles are marked with a green symbol. Some of the e-books are open access, the free e-books are marked with an orange symbol. Hit lists can be narrowed down to Show content I have access to by filtering.
Factual Database
The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) maintains a database of genetic and molecular biology data for the model higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Data available from TAIR includes the complete genome sequence along with gene structure, gene product information, gene expression, DNA and seed stocks, genome maps, genetic and physical markers, publications, and information about the Arabidopsis research community. Gene product function data is updated every week from the latest published research literature and community data submissions. TAIR also provides extensive linkouts from our data pages to other Arabidopsis resources. The Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center at The Ohio State University collects, reproduces, preserves and distributes seed and DNA resources of Arabidopsis thaliana and related species. Stock information and ordering for the ABRC are fully integrated into TAIR.