Journal Collection
The LWW Legacy Archive contains 220 journals in nursing, medicine, and healthcare. The DFG-funded backfile originally covered the content from volume 1 to 2004, thus providing access to more than 5.000.000 pages and nearly half a million articles. For most journals included, this coverage has been extended to end of 2014.
Journal Collection
Founded in 1980, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is a leading company in the Scientific, Technical, and Medical knowledge and information industry. The publisher is known for authoritative international publications in cutting-edge basic and translational biomedical research, with expanding scope in engineering, business, environment, and legal publications. The MPG subscription also covers article-processing charges for Max Planck authors in MAL journals. Further details are available on the MPDL website
Reference Database
MEDLINE® is the United States National Library of Medicine's (NLM®) premier bibliographic database providing information from the following fields: Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Veterinary medicine, Allied health, Pre-clinical sciences. as well as information from international literature on biomedicine, including the following topics as they relate to biomedicine and health care: Biology, Environmental science, Marine biology, Plant and animal science, Biophysics, Chemistry. The database contains bibliographic citations and author abstracts from approx. 5,000 biomedical journals published in the United States and in 70 other countries. MEDLINE contains well over 13 million citations dating back to 1946. NLM uses a controlled vocabulary of biomedical terms to index articles, to catalog books and other holdings. MEDLINE’s controlled-vocabulary thesaurus contains Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) to describe the subject of each journal article in the database. MeSH terms provide a consistent way of retrieving information that uses different terminology for the same concept. Within MEDLINE’s thesaurus, MeSH terms display hierarchically by category, with more specific terms arranged beneath broader terms.
Journal Collection
The Microbiology Society publishes 6 journals containing high-quality research papers, topical review articles and other important research outputs. Microbiology, launched in 1947, is the founding and flagship journal from the society. Reflecting the diversity and importance of microbiology in current global challenges it brings together scientists from all microbiological disciplines and from around the world. Max Planck researchers have access to the full journal collection, including archival content dating back to 1947. In addition, the Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges for Max Planck authors publishing in the Microbiology Society's journals centrally. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
MPG Library Catalog
VuFind is our new library resource portal. The goal of VuFind is to enable our users to search and browse through all of your library's resources (available books, ebooks, journals...) by replacing the traditional Library Catalog (OPAC) to include: * Local Library Catalog * eBooks * Journals + eJournals Former URL (OPAC) https://vzopc4.gbv.de/DB=4/LNG=DU/ (only for the Local Library Catalog)
MPG Library Catalog
The MPI EVA Library Catalogue provides information on books and journals available from the Institute's library.
MPG Library Catalog
Gemeinsame Bibliothek des DRFZ und des MPIs für Infektionsbiologie
MPG Library Catalog
Die Bibliothek sammelt Literatur in den Bereichen Mathematik, Physik, Materialwissenschaft, Chemie, Biologie und Kognitionswissenschaft. Der Bestand umfasst überwiegend Monografien, Proceedingsbände werden nur bei besonderer Bedeutung der Konferenz erworben.
MPG Library Catalog
Die Bibliothek ist eine Spezialbibliothek mit Sammelschwerpunkten in den jeweiligen Arbeitsgebieten des Instituts: biomedizinische Optik, Biophysik, molekulare Biomechanismen, molekulare Neurobiologie und Zellphysiologie.
MPG Library Catalog
The Library and Information Service (BIS) is the joint library for the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) and five institutes of the Center for Earth System Science and Sustainability. The cooperation with some university institutes regarding the library exists since the foundation of the MPI-M in 1975.
MPG Library Catalog
The MPI-CBG library provides comprehensive literature and informations services to all MPI-CBG members and guests.
MPG Library Catalog
The special library maintained by the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology contains approximately 15,000 books and series of volumes and 25,900 bound journals covering the fields of biochemistry, organic chemistry, molecular and cell biology, protein chemistry and structural biology.
MPG Library Catalog
The MPI-MP opened its reference library in 1995. The library houses over 2000 books and 120 prominent molecular biology-related journals.