Fulltext Database
The Making of Modern Law (MOML 1) enables the comprehensive exploration of modern law and its development in the 19th and 20th century. More than 10-million pages from works of the American and British history of law, which appeared between 1800 and 1926, can be researched in the fulltext. In doing so, almost all aspects of the American and British law are covered. These aspects are opened up by a searchable representation of 99 areas of law. The approximately 21,000 works comprise casebooks, speeches, courtbooks, but also pamphlets and letters.
Fulltext Database
The product is the last part of the series, and comprises 1,740 titles of source material from the US legal history. Primarily based on holdings of the Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale University, the database offers online access to early state codes, city charters, documents relating to constitutional conventions (protocols, reports, etc.), historical legal reference works as well as the Primary Source microfilm collection Published Records of the American Colonies. This archive which is highly relevant for the legal, cultural and social history of the Anglo-American cultural area is searchable in full text.
Fulltext Database
MOML 5 of "The Making of modern law" contains municipal and state regulations and constitutional conventions from three centuries of American legal history. The database supports far-reaching research in legal and social history, from the eighteenth century to the era following World War II. Consisting of US state and territorial codes, municipal codes, and constitutional conventions and compilations. Included topics are the debate on slavery and the post-reconstruction racial law, women's suffrage, education and the school system.
Fulltext Database
The database continues the existing databases MOML 1 and 2 and supplements their content. The collection is thus complete. The full text database comprises documents, reports and materials about trials in America, the British Empire and France between 1600 and 1926. Special content is spectacular trials against historic persons, artists, etc. (Charles I, Oscar Wilde, Sacco and Vanzetti, Jeanne d'Arc). "Unofficial published accounts of trials, official trial documents, briefs and arguments" are an important source to legal, cultural and social history. Altogether, more than 10,000 items are available from the Law Library holdings of Harvard and Yale, the Library of the Bar of the City of New York and the Law Library of Congress. Approx. 2,000,000 pages are searchable in full text.
Fulltext Database
Containing nearly 11 million pages of records and briefs (more than 350.000 documents, 150.000 cases) brought before the U.S. Supreme Court, this product provides an essential primary source tool for the study of all aspects of American history as well as the U.S. judicial system.
MPG Library Catalog
VuFind is our new library resource portal. The goal of VuFind is to enable our users to search and browse through all of your library's resources (available books, ebooks, journals...) by replacing the traditional Library Catalog (OPAC) to include: * Local Library Catalog * eBooks * Journals + eJournals Former URL (OPAC) https://vzopc4.gbv.de/DB=4/LNG=DU/ (only for the Local Library Catalog)
MPG Library Catalog
The MPI EVA Library Catalogue provides information on books and journals available from the Institute's library.
MPG Library Catalog
The library of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science is an interdisciplinary special library focussing in its collections on the history of science. Its inventory, built up since 1994, is only available to scientists from the institute and is not part of the interlibrary loan system.
MPG Library Catalog
Gemeinsame Bibliothek des DRFZ und des MPIs für Infektionsbiologie
MPG Library Catalog
Die Bibliothek sammelt Literatur in den Bereichen Mathematik, Physik, Materialwissenschaft, Chemie, Biologie und Kognitionswissenschaft. Der Bestand umfasst überwiegend Monografien, Proceedingsbände werden nur bei besonderer Bedeutung der Konferenz erworben.
MPG Library Catalog
Die Bibliothek ist eine Spezialbibliothek mit Sammelschwerpunkten in den jeweiligen Arbeitsgebieten des Instituts: biomedizinische Optik, Biophysik, molekulare Biomechanismen, molekulare Neurobiologie und Zellphysiologie.
MPG Library Catalog
The Library and Information Service (BIS) is the joint library for the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) and five institutes of the Center for Earth System Science and Sustainability. The cooperation with some university institutes regarding the library exists since the foundation of the MPI-M in 1975.
MPG Library Catalog
The MPI-CBG library provides comprehensive literature and informations services to all MPI-CBG members and guests.
MPG Library Catalog
The special library maintained by the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology contains approximately 15,000 books and series of volumes and 25,900 bound journals covering the fields of biochemistry, organic chemistry, molecular and cell biology, protein chemistry and structural biology.