Fulltext Database
East View is the largest provider of authoritative information on Russia and the former Soviet Union. The Universal Databases portal provides access to the archives of various newspapers and journals, as well as to a comprehensive collection of election related material to date. Representing a vast repository of primary source material from both presidential and parliamentary elections the databases are a one of a kind first stop for policy analysts and observers of electoral politics in the countries of the CIS. The Social Movements, Elections, Ephemera series offers the most comprehensive collection of election related material to date from the countries of the former Soviet Union. The databases are representing materials - including unique election ephemera that include party programs as well as propaganda material - for policy analysts and observers of electoral politics in the countries of the CIS.
Ut per litteras apostolicas provides a complete collection of papal letters from the 13th and 14th centuries. The database represents an electronic version of the renowned * Registres et lettres des Papes du XIIIe siècle (32 vols.; Rome, 1883- ) * Registres et lettres des Papes du XIVe siècle (48 vols.; Rome, 1899- ) It is an invaluable source regarding various aspects of medieval history and society.
Reference Database
In addition to the 75.000 prints belonging to the basic content, VD16 comprises a supplement of more than 25.000 new titles. New titles are added continuously through acquisitions by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek for the Collection of German Prints, as well as through data provided by national and foreign libraries.
Reference Database
The bibliographic project, Bibliography of Books Printed in the German Speaking Countries from 1601 to 1700 (VD17), intends to establish a German National Bibliography of the 17th century imprints. All German titles and all titles which have been printed or published in the former German speaking countries will be catalogued. Broadsheets are listed, musica practica (notations) and maps are excluded. VD 17 will be continuously enlarged and made more complete by contributions from associated libraries, the database currently contains more than 300.000 entries.