Reference Work
Beinhaltet das Vokabular von 230 lateinischen Prosaautoren, die zwischen 1300 und 1600 tätig waren, Übersetzungen in englisch und Französisch
Reference Work
Various dictionaries are available (incl. Duden).
Reference Work
Various dictionaries are available.
Reference Work
Designed for the digital world and an expanding universe of metadata users, "RDA: Resource Description and Access" is the new, unified cataloging standard. The online RDA Toolkit is the most effective way to interact with the new standard.
Reference Work
The two databases (which are searchable simultaneously) contain Sigrid Krämer's collections about more than 34.000 writers and more than 16.000 owners of medieval manuscripts. Along with their names, personal data (if known), manuscript references and criticism are included. The database, which has never been published in print, is relevant for all disciplines (especially those with a focus on medieval studies) that deal with written tradition.
Reference Work
Databases of terminology and dictionaries can be searched parallely under an unique surface. Big dictionaries (Pons), pocket dictionary (Langenscheidt), dictionaries of law (Becher, Dietl/Lorenz, Doucet/Feck, Potonnier) -- Wörterbücher und Terminologie-Datenbanken können parallel unter einer einheitlichen Oberfläche durchsucht werden. Großwörterbücher (Pons), Taschenwörterbuch (Langenscheidt), Rechtswörterbücher (Becher, Dietl/Lorenz, Doucet/Feck, Potonnier)
Reference Work
Based on the digitization of K. G. Saur's Biographical Archives, WBIS Online provides biographical information on over 6 Million people from the 8th century B.C. to the present as well as from all countries and regions worldwide. The subscription covers all biographical archives, except the German Biographical Archive, DBA.