Reference Work • Fulltext Database
The database Music Online Reference of Alexander Street Press comprises four parts * Classical Scores Library, Volume I - collection of musical prints, manuscripts and up to now unpublished material from the 15th to the 20th century. Please note that Boosey & Hawkes Scores are not included. * Classical Music Reference Library - collection of relevant reference works of approx. 55,000 pages about the history of western classical music from the Middle Ages to the 21st century. * African American Reference Library - comprehensive reference work and collection of rare and up to now unpublished materials about the history of Afro-American music from the beginnings until the 1970s, with a complete coverage of more than 45,000 pages. * The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online - comprehensive standard reference work with more than 1,200 elaborate articles about subjects or persons, and approx. 9,200 pages about traditional ethno music worldwide, edited by James Porter and Timothy Rice.
Reference Database
Since 1992, NASA has offered their "unclassified, unlimited" technical reports, contractor reports, NASA-authored dissertations and re-prints on the web. The subject areas include all engineering and scientific disciplines, but are heavily focused on aerospace research. NASA also makes available the reports of its predecessor agency, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA, 1917-1958). The NASA sources currently available through Scirus are: • Langley Technical Reports Server (LTRS) • National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Technical Reports Server (NACATRS)
Book Collection • Reference Work
O'Reilly is an electronic reference library by providing access to technical content from leading publishers, including books, videos, proven learning paths, case studies, interactive tutorials and audio books. The learning platform gives access to the latest titles from O'Reilly and from Pearson's collection of imprints which include: Addison-Wesley Professional, Adobe Press, Cisco Press, Macromedia Press, New Riders, Peachpit Press, Prentice Hall PTR, Sun Microsystems Press, Que, and Sams. Microsoft Press titles are also available in O'Reilly.
Reference Database
The goal of OAIster is to create a collection of previously difficult-to-access, academically-oriented digital resources that is easily searchable by anyone.
Reference Database
In OLC you have access more than 25 million articles from over 20,000 scientific periodicals beginning with the year of publication 1993. The Online Contents records are supplied by Swets and are updated daily.
Reference Database
Online Contents Anglistics is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database. Currently 424 journals are being indexed back to the year of publication in 1993. -- Die Datenbank OLC Anglistik ist ein fachbezogener Auszug aus der Datenbank Online Contents. Zurzeit werden 424 Zeitschriftentitel retrospektiv bis zum Erscheinungsjahr 1993 ausgewertet. Damit enthält die Datenbank derzeit ca. 323.000 Aufsätze und Rezensionen aus dem Fachgebiet Anglistik und Amerikanistik.
Reference Database
Online Contents Arts and Art Sciences offers access to tables of contents of art and art related journals. It is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database. It is regularly enhanced by table of contents data from additional periodicals out of the special collections of the State and University Library (SLUB) Dresden and the University Library Heidelberg.
Reference Database
OLC Chemistry is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Database Online Contents. This database is regularly enhanced by table of contents data from additional periodicals out of the special collections of TIB Hannover.
Reference Database
Online Contents Classics provides access to the tables of contents of journals in the field of classical studies, especially Greek and Latin Philology, Prehistory, Early History, Ancient History and Archaeology, Egyptology. It is a subject-oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Database Online Contents. This database is regularly enhanced by table of contents data from additional periodicals out of the special collections of the University Library Heidelberg as German central subject library for Archaeology and Egyptology and of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, as German central subject library for Greek and Latin Philology and Ancient History.
Reference Database
The creation and improvement of the Online Contents Contemporary History database was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within the framework of the Clio-online network and the Internet portal Zeitgeschichte-online until 2008. The further development of the database is co-ordinated by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz (SBB-PK) in cooperation with the Research Centre for Contemporary History in Potsdam, the Lower Saxon State and University Library Göttingen, the German central subject library for Anglo-American history, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB; Bavarian State Library), the German central subject library for General History; History of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Italy, East-European History, the Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte in der Württembergischen Landesbibliothek Stuttgart as special library for the contemporary history and the library of the Stiftung Topographie des Terrors (Foundation Topography of Terror Berlin).
Reference Database
OLC East European Studies is a selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database which is supplemented weekly by additional data provided by a number of German libraries. The OLC Slavistics, which is maintained by the Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage (SBB-PK) is contained in this selection. The creation and improvement of the Online Contents East European Studies database is currently supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within the framework of the Virtual Library Eastern Europe (ViFaOst). The development of the database is coordinated by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB) Munich and the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz (SBB-PK).
Reference Database
OLC Economic Sciences is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database that is regularly enhanced by table of contents data from 3,150 additional periodicals with more than 4,500,000 records of articles out of the special collections of the ZBW – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft and the university library of the Helmut Schmidt university, Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg.
Reference Database
Online Contents Educational Sciences provides access to the tables of contents of journals in the field of educational sciences. It is a subject-oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database. This database is regularly enhanced by table of contents data from additional periodicals out of the special collections of the UB Erlangen-Nürnberg as German central subject library for Educational Sciences. It covers journal articles and reviews about various pedagogical disciplines, including home and foreign educational system, early childhood and preschool education, school and special school types, curriculum, teaching and teacher education, special needs education, vocational education.
Reference Database
The database OLC Environment is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database that is regularly enhanced by table of contents data from additional periodicals out of the special collections of the TIB Hannover, the central subject library of Germany for technology and their related subjects, especially chemistry, computer science, mathematics and physics. Currently 514 journals are being indexed back to the year of publication in 1993.
Reference Database
OLC German language and literature studies is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database and provides access to the tables of contents of journals in the field of German Studies. Currently 139 journals are being indexed, normally back to the publication year 1993. -- Die Datenbank OLC Germanistik ist ein fachbezogener Auszug aus der Datenbank Online Contents und erschließt Inhaltsverzeichnisse von Zeitschriften aus dem Bereich "Deutsche Sprache und Literatur". Zurzeit werden 139 Zeitschriften ausgewertet, in der Regel ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 1993. Damit enthält die täglich aktualisierte Datenbank gegenwärtig über 197.000 Aufsätze und Rezensionen (Stand: September 2019).
Reference Database
The database OLC History is a subject-oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database which is supplemented weekly by additional data provided by a number of German libraries. The creation and improvement of the Online Contents History database is currently supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within the framework of the Clio-online network. The development of the database is coordinated by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz (SBB-PK) in cooperation with the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB; Bavarian State Library) Munich, the German central subject library for General History; Prehistory and Early History; Ancient history; History of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Italy, East-European History. The database, which is updated weekly, contains the contents of about 1,100 journals, usually beginning with articles published in 1993.
Reference Database
The database OLC Ibero-America, Spain and Portugal is a regional related section from the Online Contents database that is constantly being completed with the addition of selected journals from the competent Libraries, the Library of the Ibero-American Institute Prussian Cultural Heritage (Ibero-America and the Caribbean) and the state and university library SUB Hamburg (Spain and Portugal). Currently more than 1.400 journals are being indexed. Gradually earlier editions of these journals will also be made accessible.
Reference Database
The multidisciplinary database OLC International Relations and Area Studies contains table of contents of journals from several special subject collections, including political science, economics, the Middle East and other regional special subject collections. It offers a multidisciplinary selection from the Online Contents database, with additional input from other special subject collections. The International Relations and Area Studies section currently covers approximately 797 journals.
Reference Database
Online Contents Law is a subject-based selection of bibliographic data from the database Online Contents. The improvement of the Online Contents Law database is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) - from 2006 - within Internet portal Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Recht (Virtual Library Law). The further development of the database is coordinated by the Sondersammelgebiet Rechtswissenschaft (Special Collection Law) of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage). 88 journals cover the ibero-american law and are part of the Online Contents - SSG Ibero-America.
Reference Database
The database OLC Mathematics and Informatics is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database that is regularly enhanced by table of contents data from additional periodicals out of the special collections of the TIB Hannover. Currently 1,357 journals are being indexed back to the year of publication in 1993.