Fulltext Database
"Recht für Deutschland" bietet Zugriff auf die Verkündungsblätter des Bundes (darunter u.a. Bundesanzeiger, Bundesgesetzblatt (BGbl.), Gemeinsames Ministerialblatt des Bundes (GMbl)) und der Länder (Gesetz- und Verordnungsblätter, (Justiz-)Ministerialblätter usw.).
Fulltext Database
Rechts-Index-Datenbank zum österreichischen Recht, erweitert um verfügbare Volltexte von Gerichtsentscheidungen und um zahlreiche Aufsatztexte.
Fulltext Database
RiffReporter is a German news magazine based in Berlin and was founded in 2017. RiffReporter delivers in-depth and thoroughly researched journalistic content on topics such as environment, science, technology, society and global affairs. The cooperatively run journalism portal was awarded the renowned Grimme Online Award in 2018. The MPG subscription covers full text access to all content available on the RiffReporter platform.
Fulltext Database
The database Russian Military and Security Periodicals comprises numerous journals and newspapers covering military and security developments in Russia, published since 1992. Issued by the Russian Military as well as independent sources, the publications cover all branches of the armed forces, including the Russian Air Force, Army and Navy. While the majority of titles is published in Russian, the collection also includes several English-language journals.
Fulltext Database
The "Slaviane" was a monthly published magazine by the All-Slavic Committee, a Soviet anti-fascist organization (Slaviane or Slavs). Slaviane Digital Archives contains full text as well as facsimile format. The anti-fascist Soviet propaganda magazine was founded in 1942 and emerged during World War II as a platform for intellectuals and politicians from Slavic countries. After the end of the war, the journal shifted its focus from fighting Nazism to reporting on life and culture in the Soviet Union.
Reference Database • Fulltext Database
SocArXiv, open archive of the social sciences, provides a free, non-profit, open access platform for social scientists to upload working papers, preprints, and published papers, with the option to link data and code. SocArXiv is dedicated to opening up social science, to reach more people more effectively, to improve research, and build the future of scholarly communication.
Fulltext Database
SocINDEX is the world's most comprehensive and highest quality sociology research database. Subject headings from a 15,000 term sociology-specific thesaurus designed by expert lexicographers and extensive indexing for books, monographs, conference papers and other sources is included. Searchable cited references are also provided.
Fulltext Database
The documents in this collection cover the period when state monopoly control over the Soviet cinema industry - production, distribution and exhibition - was being established and this is why they cover a number of different organizations and institutions.
Fulltext Database
The monthly magazine "Soviet Woman" was published between 1945-1991 and dealt with the lifestyle and role of Soviet women. Primarily adressing a Western audience, it simultanously published in Russian, English, German and French. It covered various topics such as economics, politics, life abroad, life in Soviet republics, women’s fashion, culture and the arts. Furthermore, the magazine included translations of Soviet literary works. The archive comprises more than 500 of the English-language issues.
Fulltext Database
Mit etwa 2000 Beiträgen bietet die 8. Auflage des Staatslexikons tiefgehende Information und Orientierung zu den zentralen Aspekten gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens, wirtschaftlichen Wirkens, politischen Entscheidens und staatlichen Handelns.
Fulltext Database
The Stalin Digital Archive is a result of collaboration between the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (RGASPI) and Yale University Press (YUP) to create an electronic database of finding aids, to digitize documents and images, and to publish in different forms and media materials from the recently declassified Stalin archive in the holdings of RGASPI. The database contains a selection of documents from Fond 558, which covers Stalin's personal biography, his work in government, and his conduct of foreign affairs.
Fulltext Database
Swisslex beinhaltet die Urteilssammlungen der eidgenössischen Gerichte und der meisten letztinstanzlichen kantonalen Gerichte (teils zurückgehend bis in die 70er-Jahre) sowie des Bundesgerichts ab 1954. Das Archiv umfasst ca. 75 Fachzeitschriften, eine große Zahl an Gesetzeskommentaren (Reihen wie Zürcher, Berner Kommentar oder Stämpfli Handkommentar) und über 2.650 Werke der Fachliteratur. Rund 510.000 Dokumente sind im Volltext zugänglich. Ein 3-sprachiger Übersetzungsthesaurus ermöglicht eine sprachübergreifende Recherche, sodass Publikationen über eine Suche in nur einer Landessprache in ihrer Originalsprache auffindbar sind. Zudem umfasst Swisslex auch eine EU-Rechtsdatenbank. Swisslex includes the jurisdiction of the Swiss federal courts, of most of the cantonal courts (since the seventies) as well as of the Supreme Court (since 1954). It provides access to approx. 75 journals, numerous legal commentaries and more than 2.650 monographies. About 510.000 documents are accessible in fulltext. By means of a trilingual thesaurus, the user can find publications in its original language. Besides, Swisslex comprises a database with content to the EU.
Fulltext Database
Folgende Publikationen sind im Volltext verfügbar: - Die Systematische Sammlung des Bundesrechtes (SR) in drei Sprachen, - Die Bundesgerichtsentscheide seit 1954 und eine fast vollständige Sammlung der kantonalen Entscheide seit den 60er/70er Jahren, - Rund 35 juristische Zeitschriften und Periodika, weitere werden folgen, - Standardwerke (Zürcher Kommentar, einzelne Monographien) in den meisten Rechtsgebieten. Spezialliteratur in Form von Büchern wird in der Regel nicht aufgenommen.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
The Nation Digital Archive contains indexing, abstracting and full text for the complete archive of The Nation, beginning with its first issue in 1865 and ending in December 2010. The Nation is America's oldest weekly magazine and one of its premier journals of opinion since its inception. The Nation has long been regarded as one of the country's definitive journalistic voices of writing on politics, culture, books, and the arts, and continues to stand as the independent voice in American journalism. Because of its left-wing liberal attitude the archive offers important source material to obtain a broad overview of diverse views on political and social topics, especially compared to other American media. Additionally, reviews of books, plays and films provide interesting material for cultural studies.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
The New Republic Archive comprises all editions of the journal "The New Republic" in full text, from its first edition in 1914 until 2010. It is a political and cultural paper which in its essays, comments, and analyses deals both with internal and foreign political topics concerning the USA, and with cultural and educational policy, art and literature. Among its authors are many excellent journalists and writers. Whereas regarding internal politics its orientation is predominantly left-wing, its attitude towards foreign affairs is more conservative.
Fulltext Database
Translated and English-language radio and television broadcasts, newspapers, periodicals, government documents, and books as well as material on global responses to South Africa oppression, disputes between superpowers, viewpoints on human migration around the world.
Fulltext Database
The U.S. Congressional Serial Set contains 12 million pages from 350,000 publications and 52,000 maps in digitized form. The publications originate from committees and working groups of the U.S. Congress as well as from governmental departments. The database thus offers a rich abundance of materials about all areas of history, politics, economy and culture of the United States, but frequently even more, given that the relationships with other countries are included.
Fulltext Database
U.S. Declassified Documents Online offers access to more than 750,000 pages of government documents, covering major policy issues from the period before the Second World War into the twenty first century. This archive of first secret, but now declassified documents, serves as a convenient source for materials from U.S. government departments including: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Justice Department, National Security Agency, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), State Department, and White House. The materials include: Cabinet meeting minutes, CIA intelligence studies and reports, correspondence, diary entries, Joint Chiefs papers, National Security Council policy statements, political analyses, presidential conferences, and technical studies.
Fulltext Database
This collection of over 4,000 formerly classified U.S. government documents provides a comprehensive survey of the U.S. intelligence community’s activities in Europe, including Eastern Europe, Turkey and Cyprus, covering the time period from the end of World War II to the fall of the Iron Curtain and beyond.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
The world's first database of newspapers and magazines of Ukraine (UDB-UKR) includes publications in Russian, Ukrainian, and English. They cover a broad range of political, economic, and cultural affairs of Ukraine. Topics include Ukraine's progress along the reform path, the view and positions of various political forces, changes in legislation, ethnic relations, and organizational trends in development of the armed forces. The database also includes news wire reports and other products of Ukrainian news agencies. An integral and unique part of this database is the Ukrainian Book Chamber's editions, which list everything published in Ukraine with detailed bibliographic description.