External Library Catalog
BN-OPALE PLUS combines into one catalog the records for the printed, sound, audiovisual, and multimedia materials collected by the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) from its beginnings to the present day. The BN-OPALE PLUS catalog contains records for: * Books and periodicals making up the heritage collections, stored in BnF's François-Mitterrand Library, * Microfiche and microfilm, mostly created from heritage materials, * A selection of books and periodicals from special departments, * Open-Access materials from all the BnF libraries, * Sound recordings, videos, multimedia, and electronic materials comprising the heritage collections * Printed material and periodicals digitized by BnF, mostly in image format, * Electronic periodicals of which BnF also has the printed version, * Still images digitized by BnF, * Special materials regarding performing arts (pamphlets, programs, manuscripts,...) and cinema (movie posters, photographs). In addition, this catalog offers authority records containing extensive information on access rights (intellectual property rights and copyrights, subject matter, certificates, brand names, and others).
External Library Catalog
This catalogue records information in e-journals, e-books, databases, and printed material about themes in the field of the international law. Especially, a large part of the print collection of the Peace Palace Library is searchable through this catalogue. This collection consists of books and materials since 1913.
External Library Catalog
Copac exposes rare and unique research material by bringing together the catalogues of c.90 major UK and Irish libraries. In a single search you can discover the holdings of the UK’s national libraries (including the British Library), many University libraries, and specialist research libraries.
Reference Work
Beinhaltet das Vokabular von 230 lateinischen Prosaautoren, die zwischen 1300 und 1600 tätig waren, Übersetzungen in englisch und Französisch
Reference Work
The trilingual termbase DIN-TERM provides translations for German, French or English standardized terms. The database contains concepts from valid and withdrawn standards, draft standards and specifications.
Reference Work
Online version of the standard lexicon for sixteenth-century French by Edmond Huguet, which restores many obsolete words and connotations for modern readers. The dictionary lists about 100,000 keywords and has been published in 7 volumes between 1925 and 1967.
Reference Work
Online version of the classical Old French dictionary by Frédéric Godefroy, giving the grammatical category, variant forms, and range of meanings for each word listed. The dictionary includes about 160,000 entries and has been published in 10 volumes between 1881 and 1902.
External Library Catalog
Catalog especially for graphic arts and prints.
Reference Work
Various dictionaries are available (incl. Duden).
Reference Work
Various dictionaries are available.
Reference Work
Designed for the digital world and an expanding universe of metadata users, "RDA: Resource Description and Access" is the new, unified cataloging standard. The online RDA Toolkit is the most effective way to interact with the new standard.
External Library Catalog • Reference Database
The RISM database references mostly historical music manuscripts, the majority of them originated before 1800. - The original sources are available from the libraries, music archives, and private collections as indicated in the RISM database. These institutions can often be approached for reproductions. - About 700,000 entries (June 2010). -- Die RISM-Datenbank weist hin auf vor allem historische handschriftliche Noten, die Mehrzahl davon entstanden vor 1800. - Die Originale können in den angegebenen Bibliotheken, Musikarchiven oder Privatsammlungen eingesehen werden. Dort können oft auch Reproduktionen herstellen gelassen werden. - Ca. 700.000 Einträge (Juni 2010).
Reference Work
The two databases (which are searchable simultaneously) contain Sigrid Krämer's collections about more than 34.000 writers and more than 16.000 owners of medieval manuscripts. Along with their names, personal data (if known), manuscript references and criticism are included. The database, which has never been published in print, is relevant for all disciplines (especially those with a focus on medieval studies) that deal with written tradition.
Reference Work
Databases of terminology and dictionaries can be searched parallely under an unique surface. Big dictionaries (Pons), pocket dictionary (Langenscheidt), dictionaries of law (Becher, Dietl/Lorenz, Doucet/Feck, Potonnier) -- Wörterbücher und Terminologie-Datenbanken können parallel unter einer einheitlichen Oberfläche durchsucht werden. Großwörterbücher (Pons), Taschenwörterbuch (Langenscheidt), Rechtswörterbücher (Becher, Dietl/Lorenz, Doucet/Feck, Potonnier)
Reference Work
Based on the digitization of K. G. Saur's Biographical Archives, WBIS Online provides biographical information on over 6 Million people from the 8th century B.C. to the present as well as from all countries and regions worldwide. The subscription covers all biographical archives, except the German Biographical Archive, DBA.