Reference Database
JournalTOCS is the largest, free collection of scholary journal Tables of Contents (TOCs): 29,639 journals including 12,153 selected Open Access journals and 11,312 Hybrid journals from 2930 publishers.
External Library Catalog
The Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue (KVK) is a meta search engine which allows you to simultaneously access selected library and book trade catalogs worldwide. Altogether, these resources contain hundreds of millions of books, magazines and other media.
External Library Catalog
The KOBV-Index is a central database that is maintained and regularly updated at KOBV-Zentrale. Der KOBV-Index ist eine zentrale Datenbank, die in der KOBV-Zentrale gepflegt und regelmäßig aktualisiert wird.
Reference Database
The database KRIMDok online covers criminological literature and literature of sciences related to criminology (e.g. psychology). The literature referred is predominantly German-speaking and consists of independent and dependent writings (books or essays). -- Die Datenbank KRIMDok online weist kriminologische Literatur sowie Literatur der kriminologischen Bezugswissenschaften nach (z.B. Psychologie). Die nachgewiesene Literatur ist vorwiegend deutschsprachig und besteht aus selbständigen und unselbständigen Schriften (Bücher bzw. Aufsätze).
MPG Library Catalog
Traditionell liegt der Schwerpunkt der Sammlung auf Künstlermonographien (auch Ausstellungskatalogen), kunsttopographischer Literatur zu den Regionen und Orten Italiens sowie auf Quellenschriften
External Library Catalog
The Library of Congress Online Catalog is a database of books, serials, computer files, manuscripts, cartographic materials, music, sound recordings, and visual materials in the Library's collections.
Fulltext Database
Im Rahmen der digitalen Monumenta Gremaniae Historica (dMGH) wurden in einem von der DFG geförderten Gemeinschaftsprojekt zwischen den MGH und der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, München, sämtliche Editionsbände der MGH digitalisiert und Open Access zur Verfügung gestellt. Neue Bände werden nach einer Schutzfrist von drei Jahren in die dMGH aufgenommen („moving wall“). Bis Ende 2010 war die Volltexterfassung der älteren Bände abgeschlossen. Eine Volltextsuche ist über die Abteilungen möglich: - Scriptores (Geschichtsschreiber) - Leges (Rechtstexte) - Diplomata (Urkunden) - Epistolae (Briefe) - Antiquitates (Dichtung und Gedenküberlieferung) - Quellen zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters (QQ zur Geistesgesch.) - Deutsches Mittelalter. Kritische Studientexte (Dt. MA)
Book Collection • MPG Library Catalog
The Max Planck e-Book Index provides holdings of electronic books licensed for users in the Max Planck Society.
Journal Collection • MPG Library Catalog
The Max Planck Journal Index provides holdings of a great range of printed journals available within the Max Planck Society. Besides, it contains metadata of electronic journals as loaded from the EZB. The database is updated regularly from the ZDB (twice a year) and the EZB (monthly).
MPG.PuRe is the publication repository of the Max Planck Society. It contains bibliographic data and numerous fulltexts of the publications of its researchers. The repository is based on PubMan, a publication repository software developed by the Max Planck Digital Library. PuRe was introduced in the MPG in May 2009 and replaced the former institutional repository eDoc.
MPG Library Catalog
The library of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science is an interdisciplinary special library focussing in its collections on the history of science. Its inventory, built up since 1994, is only available to scientists from the institute and is not part of the interlibrary loan system.
MPG Library Catalog
The Library of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History is one of the world’s leading legal history libraries which owns up to 440,000 printed items and a multitude of electronic resources.
MPG Library Catalog
The Library of the Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity is a specialized library with a focus on religious studies, anthropology, political science and sociology. The library does not participate in interlibrary loans but serves as a reference library to provide literature and information, mainly to the members of the Institute.
Book Collection • Fulltext Database
A collaborative effort of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), OCLC, VTLS, and Scirus, the NDLTD Union Catalog contains more than one million records of electronic theses and dissertations. For students and researchers, the Union Catalog makes individual collections of NDLTD member institutions and consortia appear as one seamless digital library of electronic theses and dissertations.
Reference Database
The goal of OAIster is to create a collection of previously difficult-to-access, academically-oriented digital resources that is easily searchable by anyone.
Book Collection • Miscellaneous
The OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) is a forum and knowledge hub for data, analysis and best practices in public policy. It also contains some content published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), the OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and the International Transport Forum (ITF). All data, reports and analysis in all formats are now available under an open licence, allowing users to freely access, use, translate, and share the Organisation’s work.
Reference Database
Die Österreichische Historische Bibliographie (ÖHB) ist eine Literaturdokumentation, die am Institut für Geschichte an der Universität Klagenfurt durchgeführt und automationsunterstützt bearbeitet wird. Die ÖHB verzeichnet die Publikationen der österreichischen Geschichtsforschung, soweit sie in Österreich erschienen sind. Beginnend mit dem Berichtsjahr 1945 sind Monographien, Reihenwerke, Artikel aus Festschriften, Sammelwerken, Zeitschriften und Periodika, Kongress- und Tagungsbänden, Aufsatzsammlungen und Katalogen sowie Diplomarbeiten, Dissertationen und Habilitationsschriften, aber auch Sach- und Personalbibliographien zu historischen Themen verzeichnet und sachlich erschlossen.
Reference Database
Open Syllabus is a non-profit research organization that collects and analyzes millions of syllabi to support novel teaching and learning applications. Open Syllabus helps instructors develop classes, libraries manage collections, and presses develop books. It supports students and lifelong learners in their exploration of topics and fields. It creates incentives for faculty to improve teaching materials and to use open licenses. It supports work on aligning higher education with job market needs and on making student mobility easier. It also challenges faculty and universities to work together to steward this important data resource. Open Syllabus currently has a corpus of nine million English-language syllabi from 140 countries. It uses machine learning and other techniques to extract citations, dates, fields, and other metadata from these documents. The resulting data is made freely available via the Syllabus Explorer and for academic research. The project was founded at The American Assembly, a public policy institute associated with Columbia University. It has been independent since 2019. All of the syllabi in the current collection are English language documents – including from universities where English is not the primary teaching language.