Reference Database
The Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) contains abstracts and indexes of current publications in the history of art, including scholarly journals, conferences, book, exhibition reviews, and exhibition catalogues. The records consist of bibliographic citations, abstracts, and indexing. Note that the database search includes BHA, covering 1990-2007, the International Bibliography of Art (IBA), covering the years 2008 and part of 2009, and the Répertoire de la litterature de l'art (RILA), one of the predecessors of BHA, with records that cover 1975–1989.
Fulltext Database • Reference Database
The Digital Library of the Commons (DLC) is a gateway to the international literature on the commons. The DLC provides free and open access to full-text articles, papers, and dissertations. This site contains an author-submission portal; an Image Database; the Comprehensive Bibliography of the Commons; a Keyword Thesaurus, and links to relevant reference sources on the study of the commons.
Factual Database • Reference Database
GeoReM is a Max Planck Institute database for reference materials of geological and environmental interest, such as rock powders, synthetic and natural glasses as well as mineral, isotopic, biological, river water and seawater reference materials. It contains published analytical data and compilation values (major and trace element concentrations and mass fractions, radiogenic and stable isotope ratios). GeoReM covers all important metadata about the analytical values such as uncertainty, analytical method and laboratory. Sample information and references are also included. GeoReM contains almost 3,400 reference materials, about 46,200 analyses from almost 10,000 papers, and preferred analytical values (State: November 2017).
Factual Database • Reference Database
The database GEOROC is maintained by the Geoscience Centre at Göttingen University. The database is a comprehensive collection of published analyses of volcanic rocks and mantle xenoliths. It contains major and trace element concentrations, radiogenic and nonradiogenic isotope ratios as well as analytical ages for whole rocks, glasses, minerals and inclusions. Samples come from 11 different geological settings. Metadata include, among others, geographic location with latitude and longitude, rock class and rock type, alteration grade, analytical method, laboratory, reference materials and references.
Reference Database
This database covers international publications about German history from the early days until the present. Die Datenbank erfaßt und erschließt internationale Veröffentlichungen zur deutschen Geschichte von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart.
Reference Database • Fulltext Database
The OSF Preprints search combines records from various preprint repositories, including arXiv, bioRxiv, Cogprints, PeerJ, PsyArXiv, RePEc and SocArXiv.
Reference Database • Fulltext Database
SocArXiv, open archive of the social sciences, provides a free, non-profit, open access platform for social scientists to upload working papers, preprints, and published papers, with the option to link data and code. SocArXiv is dedicated to opening up social science, to reach more people more effectively, to improve research, and build the future of scholarly communication.