Journal Collection
The journal collection on the SpringerLink platform includes more than 2,500 English-language and close to 200 German-language journals. The current subscription provides Max Planck researchers with full text access to nearly the entire journal collection. In addition, the Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges in line with the SpringerOpen and the Springer Open Choice programmes. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Reference Database • Fulltext Database
The OSF Preprints search combines records from various preprint repositories, including arXiv, bioRxiv, Cogprints, PeerJ, PsyArXiv, RePEc and SocArXiv.
Zenodo is an open data repository, developed and operated by CERN. It is an catch-all repository, that welcomes research from all over the world, and from every discipline. Zenodo does not impose any requirements on format, size, access restrictions or licence. A digital object identifier (DOI) is automatically assigned to all Zenodo files and it is integrated into reporting for research funded by the European Commission.