External Library Catalog
GBV is the Common Library Network of the German Federal States Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein and Thüringen. The head office of the GBV (VZG) is situated in Göttingen. The GBV has established a virtual library in form of the GBV Union Catalogue (GVK) combining the resources of all participating libraries and making them easily accessible to the public.
Book Collection
Google Book Search is a service from Google that searches the full text of books that Google scans, converts to text using optical character recognition, and stores in its digital database.
External Library Catalog
The union catalog lists the holdings of all scientific libraries in Hessen and Rheinhessen. Inter-library loan requests may be submitted.
Reference Database
This database of the European Union (EU) contains the complete EU related terminology in all 24 official languages of the EU. -- Diese Datenbank der Europäischen Union (EU) enthält die gesamte EU-bezogene Terminologie in allen 24 EU-Amtssprachen.
Reference Database
Book reviews are an important element in the academic discussions. They are a tool for quality measurement with respect to the amount of publications published annually and give an indication of the importance of a published work. IBR contains over 1,16 million entries on book reviews from the years 1985ff. The database is international and interdisciplinary, over 560.000 reviews have been published in approx. 6,723 academic journals mainly in the Humanities and Social Sciences. ---- Rezensionen sind ein wichtiges Element der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Sie sind ein Qualitätsfilter in der jährlichen Publikationsflut und sind mitbestimmend für den Stellenwert eines Werkes. Die IBR umfasst über 1,16 Mio. Nachweise von Rezensionen aus den Jahren 1985ff. Sie weist ca. 6.723 interdisziplinäre, internationale, vornehmlich die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften berücksichtigende Rezensionen in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften zu 560.000 rezensierten Werken nach.Verbindung zum Volltext der Rezension via SFX
External Library Catalog
The Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue (KVK) is a meta search engine which allows you to simultaneously access selected library and book trade catalogs worldwide. Altogether, these resources contain hundreds of millions of books, magazines and other media.
External Library Catalog
The KOBV-Index is a central database that is maintained and regularly updated at KOBV-Zentrale. Der KOBV-Index ist eine zentrale Datenbank, die in der KOBV-Zentrale gepflegt und regelmäßig aktualisiert wird.
MPG Library Catalog
Traditionell liegt der Schwerpunkt der Sammlung auf Künstlermonographien (auch Ausstellungskatalogen), kunsttopographischer Literatur zu den Regionen und Orten Italiens sowie auf Quellenschriften
Reference Database
Online-Ausgabe von Kürschners Deutschem Gelehrten-Kalender, die immer auf dem aktuellen Stand gehalten wird und die gezielte Suche nach Kriterien wie z.B. dem Fachgebiet ermöglicht. Zusätzlich zur gedruckten Ausgabe sind Angaben zu ca. 8.800 Personen, die seit 1996 als verstorben ermittelt wurden.
Reference Work
Various dictionaries are available (incl. Duden).
Book Collection
The Mohr Siebeck eBooks collection contains academic books, series and multi-volume works in the subject areas of theology, history, phiosophy, law, economics and sociology. The book selection is continuously extended by single e-book acquisitions and series purchases by MPG libraries.
Book Collection • MPG Library Catalog
The Max Planck e-Book Index provides holdings of electronic books licensed for users in the Max Planck Society.
Journal Collection • MPG Library Catalog
The Max Planck Journal Index provides holdings of a great range of printed journals available within the Max Planck Society. Besides, it contains metadata of electronic journals as loaded from the EZB. The database is updated regularly from the ZDB (twice a year) and the EZB (monthly).
MPG.PuRe is the publication repository of the Max Planck Society. It contains bibliographic data and numerous fulltexts of the publications of its researchers. The repository is based on PubMan, a publication repository software developed by the Max Planck Digital Library. PuRe was introduced in the MPG in May 2009 and replaced the former institutional repository eDoc.
MPG Library Catalog
The Library and Information Service (BIS) is the joint library for the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) and five institutes of the Center for Earth System Science and Sustainability. The cooperation with some university institutes regarding the library exists since the foundation of the MPI-M in 1975.
MPG Library Catalog
The Library of the Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity is a specialized library with a focus on religious studies, anthropology, political science and sociology. The library does not participate in interlibrary loans but serves as a reference library to provide literature and information, mainly to the members of the Institute.