Reference Work
Als historisch-biographische Lexika sind die ADB (55 Bände und ein Register, 1875-1912) und die NDB (23 Bände, seit 1953) erstrangige Informationsmittel zu ca. 90.000 Personen, die im deutschsprachigen Raum in herausragender Weise wirksam waren. Vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart werden alle Bereiche des öffentlichen, wissenschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Lebens berücksichtigt.
External Library Catalog
With more than 700.000 items, the BBF is today Europe's second largest library specialised in education. Like the Herzog-August-Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel, it belongs to the association of German cultural research libraries fulfilling a national role.
Reference Work
Das Biographisch-Bibliographische Kirchenlexikon (BBKL) ist ein biographisches Nachschlagewerk zur Kirchengeschichte, begründet 1975 von Friedrich Wilhelm Bautz. Mit über 20.000 Artikeln, die sowohl von renommierten Wissenschaftlern als auch von interessierten Laien verfasst wurden, gilt das BBKL als sehr aktuelle und umfangreiche biographische Informationsquelle zu Personen der Kirchen-, aber auch der Philosophiegeschichte. Nur der auf knappe Kurzinformationen beschränkte biografische Teil der BBKL ist kostenfrei zugänglich, der Rest ist lizenzpflichtig.
Reference Work
The online edition of Dictionary of German Biography (DBE) provides information about people from all aspects of public life: men and women from the entire German-speaking area, from the time of the very earliest written records right up to the present. The biographies inform the reader about a person's origins, education, influential encounters, professional development, places of influence, significant works and achievements, friendships and relationships, membership of groups and associations, reception and, in special cases, prizes and honours. To be able to evaluate the life and work of a person in its completeness, DBE only contains people who are already dead. Dictionary of German Biography Online contains all articles from the second book edition of DBE.
Reference Work
The trilingual termbase DIN-TERM provides translations for German, French or English standardized terms. The database contains concepts from valid and withdrawn standards, draft standards and specifications.
Book Collection • Reference Work
The SpringerLink platform provides MPG staff with access to a huge collection of English and German eBooks from 2005 onwards, as well as the English and the German collection of the Springer Book Archive (1842-2004). In addition, the content of selected book series is available. Includes major reference works and dictionaries. Max Planck researchers who publish a monograph or edited volume with Springer Nature as an Open Access eBook receive a discount on the standard Book Publishing Charge. MPDL covers the costs remaining on a pro rata basis. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
External Library Catalog
The German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) ‒ Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University Library is a central specialised library, responsible for operating the German National Library for technology, architecture, chemistry, information technology, mathematics and physics as well as the University Library for Leibniz Universität Hannover. As the world's largest specialised library in its fields, the library has excellent collections of technical and scientific specialist and research information.
Reference Work
Databases of terminology and dictionaries can be searched parallely under an unique surface. Big dictionaries (Pons), pocket dictionary (Langenscheidt), dictionaries of law (Becher, Dietl/Lorenz, Doucet/Feck, Potonnier) -- Wörterbücher und Terminologie-Datenbanken können parallel unter einer einheitlichen Oberfläche durchsucht werden. Großwörterbücher (Pons), Taschenwörterbuch (Langenscheidt), Rechtswörterbücher (Becher, Dietl/Lorenz, Doucet/Feck, Potonnier)
Reference Work
Based on the digitization of K. G. Saur's Biographical Archives, WBIS Online provides biographical information on over 6 Million people from the 8th century B.C. to the present. Please select the correct entry URL from the list below: * MPI Bibliotheca Hertziana / Kunstgeschichte: https://wbis.degruyter.com/autologin?user=biblhertz * MPI Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz: https://wbis.degruyter.com/autologin?user=khifi * MPI für Bildungsforschung: https://wbis.degruyter.com/autologin?user=mpib * MPI für europäische Rechtsgeschichte: https://wbis.degruyter.com/autologin?user=mpier * MPI für Wissenschaftsgeschichte: https://wbis.degruyter.com/autologin?user=mpiwg