Book Collection
The Mohr Siebeck eBooks collection contains academic books, series and multi-volume works in the subject areas of theology, history, phiosophy, law, economics and sociology. The book selection is continuously extended by single e-book acquisitions and series purchases by MPG libraries.
Book Collection
Nomos eLibrary provides access to academic books and journals in the subject areas of law, political sciences, economics, media and communication sciences, history, sociology, education and cultural studies, European Union, health sciences. The book selection has been continuously extended through the acquisition of individual eBook packages by MPG libraries. From volume 2022 onwards, access is given to the complete Nomos eBook portfolio. Max Planck researchers can publish their scientific work with Nomos as a print and in parallel as an Open Access eBook in the Nomos eLibrary. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Book Collection
Including Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO), the University Press Scholarship Online (UPSO) publishes new books every month from an ever-growing roster of contributing presses, each adding to the variety of subjects covered on the platform. The MPG purchased the volumes 2003-2013/2014 of 16 OSO subject collections. This selection is continuously extended by single e-book acquisitions by MPG libraries.
Journal Collection • Book Collection
Project MUSE is a leading provider of digital humanities and social science content for the scholarly community. Since 1995 the MUSE journal collections cover full-text versions of scholarly journals from many of the world's leading university presses and scholarly societies, with over 120 publishers currently participating.
Book Collection • Journal Collection
The RSC publishing platform provides access to electronic journals and books from the Royal Society of Chemistry. From this page, you can reach over 1 million chemical science articles and chapters. Users from the MPG have access to the entire journal collection, including the RSC journals archive covering articles published back to 1841. In addition, a collection of about 900 ebooks was purchased within the scope of the German national licenses program. The Max Planck Society also covers article-processing charges in line with the RSC "Read & Publish" agreement. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Book Collection • Reference Work
The SpringerLink platform provides MPG staff with access to a huge collection of English and German eBooks from 2005 onwards, as well as the English and the German collection of the Springer Book Archive (1842-2004). In addition, the content of selected book series is available. Includes major reference works and dictionaries. Max Planck researchers who publish a monograph or edited volume with Springer Nature as an Open Access eBook receive a discount on the standard Book Publishing Charge. MPDL covers the costs remaining on a pro rata basis. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Book Collection
This collection contains 35.000 pages of English-speaking national literature from 116 books originally published between 1789 and 1834. Independently from authors' places of birth, their works have been selected for the collection according to their Wales-related content. The collection has been compiled by members of Cardiff University, Wales, from literature holdings of the Fürstliche Bibliothek Corvey. E-books contain digitally enhanced facsimile pages of historical book pages, and even bookmarks to relevant parts of works. Within e-book pages, i.e. within historical texts and layout, fulltext searches can be performed.