Factual Database
ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database providing fast text and structure search access to over 32 million structures from hundreds of data sources.
Reference Database
CiteSeer is a scientific literature digital library and search engine that focuses primarily on the literature in computer and information science. CiteSeer aims to improve the dissemination and feedback of the scientific literature and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness in the access of scientific and scholarly knowledge.
Journal Collection
HighWire Press is a division of the Stanford University Libraries, which produces the online versions of more than 1000 peer-reviewed journals mainly in the area of life sciences (biology, chemistry, medicine), supplemented by content from the social sciences. HighWire-hosted publishers have collectively made more than 2 million articles available via the internet for free. -- Portal der Stanford University für elektronische Zeitschriften aus den "Life Sciences" (Biologie, Chemie, Medizin) und ergänzend den Sozialwissenschaften. Ausgewertet werden mehr als 1000 Zeitschriften, die durchsucht werden können. Mehr als 2 Millionen Artikel stehen kostenlos im Internet zur Verfügung.
Reference Database
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstract (LISTA) indexes more than 690 periodicals, plus books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Coverage in the database extends back as far as the mid-1960s.
Journal Collection
A digital archive of life sciences journal literature managed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM).
Journal Collection
The Royal Society publishes 9 high quality, peer reviewed journals covering the full breadth of the biological, physical and cross-disciplinary science. The Royal Society’s Philosophical Transactions, launched in 1665, was the world’s first scientific journal. It established the fundamental principles of scientific priority and peer review, used throughout scientific publishing ever since. Max Planck researchers have free access to historical journal archives. In addition, the Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges for Max Planck authors publishing in selected journals centrally. Further details are available on the MPDL website.