MPG Library Catalog
Gemeinsamer Katalog des Max-Planck-Instituts für Biogeochemie und des Max-Planck-Instituts für Chemische Ökologie, Jena.
MPG Library Catalog
The library of the MPIs Martinsried is a specialized reference library primarily rendering services to research staff and visiting scientists. Its collection of books and ejournals is mainly used on behalf of the Institute's research projects.
MPG Library Catalog
The Campus Library is a shared service unit for following neighboring Max Planck institutes: Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen and the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory
Reference Database
The database OLC Ibero-America, Spain and Portugal is a regional related section from the Online Contents database that is constantly being completed with the addition of selected journals from the competent Libraries, the Library of the Ibero-American Institute Prussian Cultural Heritage (Ibero-America and the Caribbean) and the state and university library SUB Hamburg (Spain and Portugal). Currently more than 1.400 journals are being indexed. Gradually earlier editions of these journals will also be made accessible.
Das Projekt "Propylaeum – Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Altertumswissenschaften" ist ein Internetportal, das Fachinformationen für den gesamten Bereich der Altertumswissenschaft anbietet, derzeit für die Fächer Ägyptologie, Alte Geschichte, Klassische Archäologie, Klassische Philologie und Vor- und Frühgeschichte. --
Reference Work
Databases of terminology and dictionaries can be searched parallely under an unique surface. Big dictionaries (Pons), pocket dictionary (Langenscheidt), dictionaries of law (Becher, Dietl/Lorenz, Doucet/Feck, Potonnier) -- Wörterbücher und Terminologie-Datenbanken können parallel unter einer einheitlichen Oberfläche durchsucht werden. Großwörterbücher (Pons), Taschenwörterbuch (Langenscheidt), Rechtswörterbücher (Becher, Dietl/Lorenz, Doucet/Feck, Potonnier)
The vifabio portal offers rapid access to biological literature and information. It offers a parallel search in various biologically relevant library catalogues, bibliographic databases, and the internet guide (a collection of selected, quality controlled internet sources).