Book Collection
Chinese Ancient Books provides access to fulltexts of 10.000 pre-modern Chinese works.
Reference Database
MathSciNet is a comprehensive database covering the world's mathematical literature since 1940. It provides Web access to reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information from Mathematical Review and Current Mathematical Publications. The database contains information on over 4 million articles and books, with direct links to over 2.7 million articles in over 1,800 journals.
Fulltext Database
Full text database containing material from China's republican period (1911 - 1949) and from the Peoples' Republic of China, from single districts and provinces. This material comprises items which are difficult to reference bibliographically, and which have been compiled since 1960, to provide historical and contemporary information from the various regions. Certain items are even related to the Opium Wars or to the conflicts with the West starting in the 1890s.