Fulltext Database
The database contains the text editions of the printed Aristoteles Latinus series and is continuously enriched by additional editions. This electronic edition is particularly valuable, partly because it is an integrated database containing all medieval translations of Aristotle's work. The subscription covers full text access to all content added until January 2015.
Book Collection • Journal Collection • Factual Database
The International Monetary Fund's eLibrary simplifies analysis and research with direct access to the IMF's periodicals, books, working papers and studies. Various statistical and visualization tools to showcase IMF datasets are offered free of charge via the IMF Data platform.
The Library of Latin Texts, originating from the Cetedoc Library of Christian Latin Texts (CLCLT), is the most comprehensive collection of Latin texts. The database contains texts from the beginnings of Latin literature (Livius Andronicus, 240 B.C.) until the 2nd Vatican Council (1962-1965). It covers the classical period as well as works by the Church Fathers, medieval Latin literature, or even works from the reformation and counter-reformation. Additionally, texts from Corpus Christianorum / Series Latina and Continuatio Mediaevalis as well as from a large number of editions of the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, from the Patrologia Latina, from the Sources Chrétiennes, from the Opera Sancti Bernardi, Biblia Sacra Vulgata and the pseudo epigraphical scripts of the Old Testament are available. The subscription covers full text access to all content added until January 2015.
Book Collection
Olms Online is an e-book portal providing access to following collections: * Reprints: About 400 volumes with a focus on German language and literature and on philosophy. Olms Online presents titles with additional information. These are reprints with new introductions, afterwords, notes or indexes added by the editors. * Frankfurt and Leipzig Book Fair Catalogues: Book-trade catalogues, generally referred to as book fair catalogues, offer a unique overview of German and European book production over a period of nearly 300 years (1594-1860).
Book Collection
Facsimile edition of the "Patrologia Graeca", edited by Jacques-Paul Migne from 1857 to 1866 in more than 160 volumes. The database comprises works of the Greek church literature beginning with Pseudo-Clemens (100 AD) up to Kallistos (1478) and thus makes available the important Greek Christian authors and the most influential works of theology, philosophy, history and literature of the late ancient world and the early Middle Ages. Texts are made easily accessible by an index of contents in Latin and Greek language, by an index of authors, a title index and an index of subject. All of these indexes are full text ones.
Fulltext Database • Book Collection
The Patrologia Latina Database is an electronic version of the first edition of Jacques-Paul Migne's Patrologia Latina, published between 1844 and 1855, and the four volumes of indexes published between 1862 and 1865. Patrologia Latina comprises the works of the Church Fathers from Tertullian in 200 AD to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216. The complete Patrologia Latina is included with all prefatory material, original texts, critical apparatus and indexes. Migne's column numbers, essential references for scholars, are included.