Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
EBSCO has partnered with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) to provide digital access to what is by far the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877. In total, more than 6,500 periodicals will be available, eclipsing all other online resources in this area. Series 1 presents 550 titles dating from 1691 through 1820. Representing over two centuries of print culture and ranging from early works imported by the colonists to later titles published on American soil on the eve of the Revolution and during the early republic. The subject matter is broad in scope and covers all aspects of American society during this time period.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
EBSCO has partnered with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) to provide digital access to what is by far the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877. In total, more than 6,500 periodicals will be available, eclipsing all other online resources in this area. Series 3 presents over 1,800 titles dating from 1838 through 1852. The themes presented in Series 3 reveal a rapidly growing young nation, where industrialization, the railroads, regional political differences, and life on the western frontier were daily realities.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
EBSCO has partnered with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) to provide digital access to what is by far the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877. In total, more than 6,500 periodicals will be available, eclipsing all other online resources in this area. Series 5 presents over 2,500 titles dating from 1866 through 1877. The themes presented in Series 5 reflect a nation that persevered through a most difficult set of circumstances: a bloody civil war that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, the incorporation of the recently-freed African Americans into American life, and a population that rapidly expanded into the Western territories.
Book Collection • Fulltext Database
The collection licensed by the DFG comprises 1000 e-Books. In addition, access to 3,400 free electronic books from all subject areas is provided.
Fulltext Database
Humanities International Complete is a comprehensive database of humanities content, providing full text of hundreds of journals, books and other published sources from around the world. This database includes all data from American Humanities Index and Humanities International Index plus unique full text content, much of which is not found in other databases. Humanities International Complete is an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and educators interested in all aspects of the humanities, with worldwide content pertaining to literary, scholarly and creative thought. Humanities International Complete is an essential collection for comprehensive coverage of the humanities with full text content.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
The Nation Digital Archive contains indexing, abstracting and full text for the complete archive of The Nation, beginning with its first issue in 1865 and ending in December 2010. The Nation is America's oldest weekly magazine and one of its premier journals of opinion since its inception. The Nation has long been regarded as one of the country's definitive journalistic voices of writing on politics, culture, books, and the arts, and continues to stand as the independent voice in American journalism. Because of its left-wing liberal attitude the archive offers important source material to obtain a broad overview of diverse views on political and social topics, especially compared to other American media. Additionally, reviews of books, plays and films provide interesting material for cultural studies.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
EBSCO has partnered with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) to provide digital access to what is by far the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877. In total, more than 6,500 periodicals will be available, eclipsing all other online resources in this area.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
EBSCO has partnered with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) to provide digital access to what is by far the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877. In total, more than 6,500 periodicals will be available, eclipsing all other online resources in this area. Series 2 presents over 1000 titles dating from 1821 through 1837. The subject matter covered in Series 2 represents the Jacksonian Democracy era in history and is broad in scope and includes agriculture, entertainment, history, literary criticism, and politics.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
EBSCO has partnered with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) to provide digital access to what is by far the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877. In total, more than 6,500 periodicals will be available, eclipsing all other online resources in this area. Series 4 presents over 1,200 titles dating from 1853 through 1865. While the Civil War is a focal point of the collection there is also a diverse record of the continuance of daily life for many Americans, both leading up to and during the war.