Reference Work
Database offering relevant information on sources of foreign law, including complete bibliographic citations to legislation, the existence of English translations and selected references to secondary sources in one virtual destination. Approximately 190 jurisdictions are systemically covered and updated by a global team of experts.
Journal Collection
HeinOnline is Hein's online product with more than 100 million pages of legal history available in an online, fully-searchable, image-based format. HeinOnline bridges the gap in legal history by providing comprehensive coverage from inception of more than 1,800 law and law-related periodicals. The current MPG subscription comprises HeinOnline's "Core Subscription Package" and the "Foreign & International Law Resources Database". The exact list of collections available to users from participating MPIs is subject to change.
Reference Work
The International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law Online offers full-text searching across all archival content published in this renowned reference work over the last three decades. The Encyclopedia is the first broad, systematic and international compendium of comparative law.
Reference Work
Oxford Constitutions of the World (OCW) contains fully-translated English-language versions of all the world's constitutions (both national and sub-national), accompanied by individual jurisdictional commentaries, and supplementary materials, including foundation documents, historical versions of constitutions, and amendment Acts/Laws. The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (MPECCOL) is a comprehensive online resource containing analytical comparative articles offering a global overview of constitutional law. Subscribers also benefit from access to the Oxford Law Citator, one of the most powerful tools available for legal research, enabling onward research and ease of access to key materials.
Fulltext Database • Reference Database
The Oxford Legal Research Library provides access to leading works relevant to "International Commercial Arbitration" as well as "International Commercial Law" and "Private International Law". A title list can be found at https://olrl.ouplaw.com/page/476/ (the product "Financial and Banking Law" is not licensed).
Journal Collection
The journal collection on the SpringerLink platform includes more than 2,500 English-language and close to 200 German-language journals. The current subscription provides Max Planck researchers with full text access to nearly the entire journal collection. In addition, the Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges in line with the SpringerOpen and the Springer Open Choice programmes. Further details are available on the MPDL website.