Reference Database
BASE is a multidisciplinary search engine for scholarly internet resources which have been harvested from several hundred scientific repositories. Some of the indexed resources in BASE are subject to license, while most material is free available ("open access").
Reference Database • Fulltext Database
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses, covering materials back to the first U.S. dissertation, accepted in 1861, as well as to European dissertations from the 17th century. The database is the official dissertations repository for the Library of Congress, with 6 million bibliographic citations, over 3,6 million full texts, 4,100 contributing institutions worldwide and 250,000 works added annually. Full-text coverage spans from 1743 to the present, with citation coverage dating back to 1637.
Reference Database
Enhanced Electronic Grammars (EEG) features comprehensive descriptions of languages from around the world. Through this unique online resource, full grammars are made available together in an interlinked and semantically-annotated format, allowing granular access to the grammatical data and enabling cross-language research of several grammars at the same time. In addition to cross-linguistic queries, each grammar can also be read and researched individually.
Reference Database
FRANCIS indexes multilingual information and provides in-depth coverage of humanities and social sciences.
Reference Database
This database of the European Union (EU) contains the complete EU related terminology in all 24 official languages of the EU. -- Diese Datenbank der Europäischen Union (EU) enthält die gesamte EU-bezogene Terminologie in allen 24 EU-Amtssprachen.
Reference Database
Book reviews are an important element in the academic discussions. They are a tool for quality measurement with respect to the amount of publications published annually and give an indication of the importance of a published work. IBR contains over 1,16 million entries on book reviews from the years 1985ff. The database is international and interdisciplinary, over 560.000 reviews have been published in approx. 6,723 academic journals mainly in the Humanities and Social Sciences. ---- Rezensionen sind ein wichtiges Element der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Sie sind ein Qualitätsfilter in der jährlichen Publikationsflut und sind mitbestimmend für den Stellenwert eines Werkes. Die IBR umfasst über 1,16 Mio. Nachweise von Rezensionen aus den Jahren 1985ff. Sie weist ca. 6.723 interdisziplinäre, internationale, vornehmlich die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften berücksichtigende Rezensionen in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften zu 560.000 rezensierten Werken nach.Verbindung zum Volltext der Rezension via SFX
Reference Database • External Library Catalog • Miscellaneous
LIVIVO bundles scientifically relevant resources from the subjects fields medicine, health, nutrition, environmental and agricultural sciences. It provides a common search interface over various data sources, such as library catalogs, specialist bibliographic databases, full texts from journals, and quality-controlled web content. LIVIVO combines the former ZB MED search portals MEDPILOT (2003 to 2015) and GREENPILOT (2009 to 2015).
Reference Database
In OLC you have access more than 25 million articles from over 20,000 scientific periodicals beginning with the year of publication 1993. The Online Contents records are supplied by Swets and are updated daily.
Reference Database
The database OLC Ibero-America, Spain and Portugal is a regional related section from the Online Contents database that is constantly being completed with the addition of selected journals from the competent Libraries, the Library of the Ibero-American Institute Prussian Cultural Heritage (Ibero-America and the Caribbean) and the state and university library SUB Hamburg (Spain and Portugal). Currently more than 1.400 journals are being indexed. Gradually earlier editions of these journals will also be made accessible.
External Library Catalog • Reference Database
The RISM database references mostly historical music manuscripts, the majority of them originated before 1800. - The original sources are available from the libraries, music archives, and private collections as indicated in the RISM database. These institutions can often be approached for reproductions. - About 700,000 entries (June 2010). -- Die RISM-Datenbank weist hin auf vor allem historische handschriftliche Noten, die Mehrzahl davon entstanden vor 1800. - Die Originale können in den angegebenen Bibliotheken, Musikarchiven oder Privatsammlungen eingesehen werden. Dort können oft auch Reproduktionen herstellen gelassen werden. - Ca. 700.000 Einträge (Juni 2010).