Miscellaneous • Factual Database
Das Statistik-Portal bündelt statistische Daten verschiedener Institute und Quellen. Es werden Statistiken zu über 80.000 Themenbereichen aus 22 verschiedenen Branchenkategorien aus mehr als 22.500 Quellen verfügbar gemacht. Der Fokus des internationalen Datenbestandes liegt auf den Ländern USA/China/UK/D-A-CH.
Factual Database • Miscellaneous
The department "Survey Data Curation", part of GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, processes and prepares social science research data across a diverse range of data types to support research, especially in comparative perspectives across space and time. The curated data include long-term national (e.g., ALLBUS, GLES, Politbarometer, FReDA) and international (e.g., ISSP, EVS, CSES, Eurobarometer) survey programs with large user communities. The data are prepared for immediate re-use for research and teaching purposes. The department also offers services for linking surveys with geo-data and digital behavioral data.
EVIFA, the portal of Social and Cultural Anthropology, offers anthropological and folkloristic information from one source. It gives a fast, comprehensive access to specific information for anthropological research, regardless of the where about.
Zenodo is an open data repository, developed and operated by CERN. It is an catch-all repository, that welcomes research from all over the world, and from every discipline. Zenodo does not impose any requirements on format, size, access restrictions or licence. A digital object identifier (DOI) is automatically assigned to all Zenodo files and it is integrated into reporting for research funded by the European Commission.