Factual Database • Miscellaneous
"Data Services for the Social Sciences" is a department of GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. Its mission is to foster FAIR data, open science and reproducible research in the quantitative and computational social sciences. To ensure that data holdings remain usable and interpretable over the long term, it offers sustainable infrastructures and services for data management, curation, and long-term preservation. ​These include archiving services with different curation levels for different needs as well as access to archived data including access to sensitive data in the GESIS Secure Data Center. The services also cover the data registration agency da|ra and training on data management for easier retrieval and re-analysis of data.
Miscellaneous • Reference Work
Provides access to the e-resources: * Duden - Die deutsche Rechtschreibung * Duden - Fremdwörterbuch * Duden - Synonymwörterbuch
Reference Work • Miscellaneous
LexiQamus is a reference work and online tool for identifying and analyzing illegible words from Ottoman-Turkish texts. It can even be used to search for the recognisable parts of a word. Based on over 170,000 words and phrases from 19 different dictionaries, LexiQamus comprises the entries of the reference work "A Turkish and English lexicon" (1890) by James Redhouse and all content from the website osmanlicasozlukler.com which collects entries from Ottoman dictionaries.
Miscellaneous • Factual Database
Das Statistik-Portal bündelt statistische Daten verschiedener Institute und Quellen. Es werden Statistiken zu über 80.000 Themenbereichen aus 22 verschiedenen Branchenkategorien aus mehr als 22.500 Quellen verfügbar gemacht. Der Fokus des internationalen Datenbestandes liegt auf den Ländern USA/China/UK/D-A-CH.
Factual Database • Miscellaneous
The department "Survey Data Curation", part of GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, processes and prepares social science research data across a diverse range of data types to support research, especially in comparative perspectives across space and time. The curated data include long-term national (e.g., ALLBUS, GLES, Politbarometer, FReDA) and international (e.g., ISSP, EVS, CSES, Eurobarometer) survey programs with large user communities. The data are prepared for immediate re-use for research and teaching purposes. The department also offers services for linking surveys with geo-data and digital behavioral data.